Improvement of retinal OCT angiograms by Sampling Kantorovich algorithm in the assessment of retinal and choroidal perfusion



• Multiple Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scanned sequences.

• The procedure consists in a registration, an average and a filtering of the above OCT images (for this last step the Sampling Kantorovich (SK) algorithm has been used).

• The retinal network has been detected by the application of an hybrid segmentation procedure (introduced in the present paper) based on classical Otsu and Phansalkar methods.


•Multiple Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scanned sequences.•The procedure consists in a registration, an average and a filtering of the above OCT images (for this last step the Sampling Kantorovich (SK) algorithm has been used).•The retinal network has been detected by the application of an hybrid segmentation procedure (introduced in the present paper) based on classical Otsu and Phansalkar methods.


论文评审过程:Received 28 July 2021, Revised 27 January 2022, Accepted 2 April 2022, Available online 26 April 2022, Version of Record 26 April 2022.
