Understanding ad avoidance on Facebook: Antecedents and outcomes of psychological reactance



• Using psychological reactance theory, we examine why Facebook users avoid ads.

• We test a model that integrates antecedents and outcomes of reactance against ads.

• Users' perception of autonomy to control ad exposure decreases ad intrusiveness.

• Ad intrusiveness and freedom threat to use Facebook affect reactance positively.

• Psychological reactance influences cognitive and behavioral ad avoidance on Facebook.


•Using psychological reactance theory, we examine why Facebook users avoid ads.•We test a model that integrates antecedents and outcomes of reactance against ads.•Users' perception of autonomy to control ad exposure decreases ad intrusiveness.•Ad intrusiveness and freedom threat to use Facebook affect reactance positively.•Psychological reactance influences cognitive and behavioral ad avoidance on Facebook.

论文关键词:Facebook newsfeed advertising,Psychological reactance,Autonomy,Ad intrusiveness,Freedom threat,Ad avoidance

论文评审过程:Received 23 April 2018, Revised 3 September 2018, Accepted 29 April 2019, Available online 4 May 2019, Version of Record 11 May 2019.
