
aaai 2022 论文列表

Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety 2022 (SafeAI 2022) co-located with the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2022), Virtual, February, 2022.

The wall of safety for AI: approaches in the program.
EnnCore: End-to-End Conceptual Guarding of Neural Architectures.
Comparing Vision Transformers and Convolutional Nets for Safety Critical Systems.
A Practical Overview of Safety Concerns and Mitigation Methods for Visual Deep Learning Algorithms.
Is it all a cluster game? - Exploring Out-of-Distribution Detection based on Clustering in the Embedding Space.
Combining Data-Driven and Knowledge-Based AI Paradigms for Engineering AI-Based Safety-Critical Systems.
Safety Aware Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Comprehensible Constraints in Expert Demonstrations.
Human-in-the-loop Learning for Safe Exploration through Anomaly Prediction and Intervention.
Leveraging Multi-task Learning for Umambiguous and Flexible Deep Neural Network Watermarking.
Oases of Cooperation: An Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.
Interpretable Local Tree Surrogate Policies.
The Dilemma Between Data Transformations and Adversarial Robustness for Time Series Application Systems.
Using Adaptive Stress Testing to Identify Paths to Ethical Dilemmas in Autonomous Systems.
Beyond Test Accuracy: The Effects of Model Compression on CNNs.
A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning.
HiSaRL: A Hierarchical Framework for Safe Reinforcement Learning.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Fences? Safety-Aware Reinforcement Learning with Latent Shielding.
Reinforcement Learning With Imperfect Safety Constraints.
Maximum Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation: Robustness to Outliers.
Quantifying the Importance of Latent Features in Neural Networks.
A Study on Mitigating Hard Boundaries of Decision-Tree-based Uncertainty Estimates for AI Models.
Efficient Adversarial Sequence Generation for RNN with Symbolic Weighted Finite Automata.
Defining and Identifying the Legal Culpability of Side Effects using Causal Graphs.
A Gray Box Model for Characterizing Driver Behavior.
Blackbox Post-Processing for Multiclass Fairness.
IFBiD: Inference-Free Bias Detection.
The Problem of Behaviour and Preference Manipulation in AI Systems.