
aaai 1994 论文列表

Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, USA, July 31 - August 4, 1994, Volume 2.

Machine Rhythm.
A Reading Coach that Listens: (Edited) Video Transcript.
ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment.
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces.
Dynamic Generation of Complex Behavior.
Guardian: A Prototype Intelligent Agent for Intensive-Care Monitoring.
Computer Simulation of Statistics and Educational Measurement StatSim: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Statistics.
Synthetic Robot Language Development.
Fuzzy Irrigation Decision Support System.
Utility-Directed Planning.
A Modular Visual Tracking System.
Learning by Observation and Practice: A Framework for Automatic Acquisition of Planning Operators.
Agent Modeling Methods Using Limited Rationality.
Case-Based Reasoning for Weather Prediction.
Reflective Reasoning and Learning.
Towards Situated Explanation.
Integrating Specialized Procedures in Proof Systems.
Coalition Formation Methods in Multi-Agent Environments.
Multi-Agent Learning in Non-Cooperative Domains.
On the Computation of Point of View.
Building Emotional Characters for Interactive Drama.
Diagnosing Multiple Interacting Defects with Combination Descriptions.
Database Learning for Software Agents.
Learning Quality-Enhancing Control Knowledge.
Making the Most of What You've Got: Using Models and Data to Improve Learning Rate and Prediction Accuracy.
A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Methods for Automatic Guided Vehicle Scheduling.
Integrating Induction & Instruction: Connectionist Advice Taking.
Time-Situated Reasoning within Tight Deadlines and Realistic Space and Computation Bounds.
A Hybrid Parallel IDA Search.
A Theory of Reading.
Theoreticai and Experimental Studies of Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
Model-Based Sensor Diagnosis: When Monitoring Should Be Monitored.
Development of an Intelligent Forensic System for Hair Analysis and Comparison.
Using Errors to Create Piecewise Learnable Partitions.
Building a Parser That can Afford to Interact with Semantics.
Determination of Machine Condition Using Neural Networks.
Everyday Reasoning Meets Geometry Theorem-Proving.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Exploration Strategies of a Mobile Robot.
Exploiting the Environment: Urban Navigation as a Case Study.
Learning From Ambiguous Examples.
The Formation of Coalitions Among Self-Interested Agents.
Learning Sorting Networks By Grammars.
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces.
When the Best Move Isn't Optimal: Q-learning with Exploration.
Finding Multivariate Splits in Decision Trees Using Function Optimization.
Dempster-Shafer and Bayesian Network for CAD-Based Feature Extraction: A Comparative Investigation and Analysis.
Preliminary Studies in Agent Design in Simulated Environments.
The Automated Mapping of Plans for Plan Recognition.
Generating Rhythms with Genetic Algorithms.
Processing Pragmatics for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction.
Tractable Anytime Temporal Constraint Propagation.
A Dynamic Organization in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction.
Testing a KBS Using a Conceptual Model.
The Epistemology of Physical System Modeling.
Planning for Component-Based Configurations.
Time-Critical Scheduling in Stochastic Domains.
The Crystallographer's Assistant.
Reasoning about What to Plan.
Learning About Software Errors Via Systematic Experimentation.
Low Computation Vision-Based Navigation for a Martian Rover.
A Statistical Method for Handling Unknown Words.
Introspective Reasoning in a Case-Based Planner.
Situated Agents Can Have Plans.
The KM / KnEd System: An Integrated Approach to Building Large-Scale Multifunctional Knowledge Bases.
Exploiting the Ordering of Observed Problem-Solving Steps for Knowledge Base Refinement: An Apprenticeship Approach.
Substructure Discovery Using Minimum Description Length Principle and Background Knowledge.
Dynamically Adjusting Categories to Accommodate Changing Contexts.
Goal-Clobbering Avoidance in Non-Linear Planners.
Experiments Towards Robotic Learning by Imitation.
GKR: A Generic Model of Knowledge Representation.
Local Search in the Coordination of Intelligent Agents.
Time Units and Calendars.
Case-Based Introspection.
Empirical Knowledge Representation Generation Using N-Gram Clustering.
SodaBot: A Software Agent Environment and Construction System.
Abstract of the Forest Management Advisory Systems.
Simplifying Bayesian Belief Nets while Preserving MPE or MPGE Ordering.
Decidability of Contextual Reasoning.
Decision-Theoretic Plan Failure Debugging and Repair.
DANIEL: Integrating Case-Based and Rule-Based Reasoning in Law.
Probabilistic Knowledge of External Events in Planning.
Regression Based Causal Induction with Latent Variable Models.
Classification of Noun Phrases into Concepts or Individuals.
A Theory for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Based on Order Relations.
A Model for Integrated Qualitative Spatial and Dynamic Reasoning about Physical Systems.
Automatic Depiction of Spatial Descriptions.
Spatial Reasoning in Indeterminate Worlds.
Basic Meanings of Spatial Relations: Computation and Evaluation in 3D Space.
An Analysis of Forward Pruning.
A Strategic Metagame Player for General Chesslike Games.
Evolving Neural Networks to Focus Minimax Search.
Best-First Minimax Search: Othello Results.
Memory-Bounded Bidirectional Search.
ITS: An Efficient Limited-Memory Heuristic Tree Search Algorithm.
The Trailblazer Search: A New Method for Searching and Capturing Moving Targets.
Exploiting Algebraic Structure in Parallel State Space Search.
Hierarchical Chunking in Classifier Systems.
Genetic Programming and AI Planning Systems.
Improving Search through Diversity.
Increasing The Efficiency of Simulated Annealing Search by Learning to Recognize (Un)Promising Runs.
Exploiting Problem Structure in Genetic Algorithms.
Reactive Deliberation: An Architecture for Real-Time Intelligent Control in Dynamic Environments.
Automatically Tuning Control Systems for Simulated Legged Robots.
Teleassistance: Contextual Guidance for Autonomous Manipulation.
Merging Path Planners and Controllers through Local Context.
Robot Behavior Conflicts: Can Intelligence Be Modularized?
High Dimension Action Spaces in Robot Skill Learning.
Learning to Explore and Build Maps.
Agents that Learn to Explain Themselves.
Learning to Select Useful Landmarks.
Results on Controlling Action with Projective Visualization.
Estimating Reaction Plan Size.
Structured Circuit Semantics for Reactive Plan Execution Systems.
Intelligent Automated Grid Generation for Numerical Simulations.
Activity Analysis: The Qualitative Analysis of Stationary Points for Optimal Reasoning.
Qualitative Reasoning for Automated Exploration for Chaos.
Comparative Simulation.
Decompositional Modeling through Caricatural Reasoning.
Automated Modeling for Answering Prediction Questions: Selecting the Time Scale and System Boundary.
Automated Model Selection for Simulation.
Using Qualitative Physics to Build Articulate Software for Thermodynamics Education.
A Qualitative Physics Compiler.
How Things Appear to Work: Predicting Behaviors from Device Diagrams.
Representing Multiple Theories.
Reasoning with Models.
An Operational Semantics for Knowledge Bases.
Prediction Sharing Across Time and Contexts.
The Use of Condition Types to Restrict Search in an AI Planner.
HTN Planning: Complexity and Expressivity.
Task-Decomposition via Plan Parsing.
A Constraint-Based Approach to High-School Timetabling Problems: A Case Study.
On the Utility of Bottleneck Reasoning for Scheduling.
Just-In-Case Scheduling.
Experimental Results on the Application of Satisfiability Algorithms to Scheduling Problems.
Generating Feasible Schedules under Complex Metric Constraints.
Control Strategies for a Stochastic Planner.
An Algorithm for Probabilistic Least-Commitment Planning.
Temporal Reasoning with Constraints on Fluents and Events.
Causal Pathways of Rational Action.
On the Nature of Modal Truth Criteria in Planning.
Omnipotence Without Omniscience: Efficient Sensor Management for Planning.
The First Law of Robotics (A Call to Arms).
Using Abstraction and Nondeterminism to Plan Reaction Loops.
Cost-Effective Sensing during Plan Execution.
Acting Optimally in Partially Observable Stochastic Domains.
Using Abstractions for Decision-Theoretic Planning with Time Constraints.
Temporal Planning with Continuous Change.
Least-Cost Flaw Repair: A Plan Refinement Strategy for Partial-Order Planning.
Tractable Planning with State Variables by Exploiting Structural Restrictions.
Derivation Replay for Partial-Order Planning.
Applying VC-Dimension Analysis To 3D Object Recognition from Perspective Projections.
Topological Mapping for Mobile Robots Using a Combination of Sonar and Vision Sensing.
Sensible Decisions: Toward a Theory of Decision-Theoretic Information Invariants.
Automatic Symbolic Traffic Scene Analysis Using Belief Networks.
A New Approach to Tracking 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences.
A Knowledge Representation Framework Based on Autoepistemic Logic of Minimal Beliefs.
Is Intractability of Non-Monotonic Reasoning a Real Drawback?
Reasoning about Priorities in Default Logic.
Soundness and Completeness of a Logic Programming Approach to Default Logic.
Qualitative Decision Theory.
Incremental Recompilation of Knowledge.
Conditional Logics of Belief Change.
On the Relation between the Coherence and Foundations Theories of Belief Revision.
A Preference-Based Approach to Default Reasoning: Preliminary Report.
Epsilon-Transformation: Exploiting Phase Transitions to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems Initial Results.
Knowledge Matrix - An Explanation & Knowledge Refinement Facility for a Rule Induced Neural Network.
Multi-Recurrent Networks for Traffic Forecasting.
Neural Programming Language.
Learning to Learn: Automatic Adaptation of Learning Bias.
Spurious Symptom Reduction in Fault Monitoring Using a Neural Network and Knowledge Base Hybrid System.
Parsing Embedded Clauses with Distributed Neural Networks.
Associative Memory in an Immune-Based System.
Unclear Distinctions Lead to Unnecessary Shortcomings: Examining the Rule versus Fact, Role versus Filler, and Type versus Predicate Distinctions from a Connectionist Representation and Reasoning Perspective.