
aaai 1997 论文列表

Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, AAAI 97, IAAI 97, July 27-31, 1997, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

IDS: Improving Aircraft Fleet Maintenance.
Rationale-Supported Mixed-Initiative Case-Based Planning.
MultiADD: A Multiagent Active Design Document Model to Support Group Design.
Smokey: Automatic Recognition of Hostile Messages.
Multiple Fault Diagnosis from FMEA.
A Generic Knowledge-Base Browser and Editor.
Intelligent Command Control for VLSI CAD Systems.
A Hybrid Architecture for Real-Time Mixed-Initiative Planning and Control.
Attitude and Position Control Using Real-Time Color Tracking.
An Intelligent Control Architecture for Accelerator Beamline Tuning.
Information Extraction based Multiple-Category Document Classification for the Global Legal Information Network.
Intelligent Agents for the Synthetic Battlefield: A Company of Rotary Wing Aircraft.
Blackboard Agents for Mixed-Initiative Management of Integrated Process-Planning/Production-Scheduling Solutions Across the Supply Chain.
MITA: An Information Extraction Approach to Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life Insurance Applications.
ADDVAC: Applying Active Design Documents for the Capture, Retrieval and Use of Rationale During Offshore Platform VAC Design.
Mulitmodal Interaction for Distributed Interactive Simulation.
Building Brains for Rooms: Designing Distributed Software Agents.
Automated Generation of Tracking Plans for a Network of Communications Antennas.
Animation with CATHI.
Using a Robot Control Architecture to Automate Space Shuttle Operations.
The Role of WordNet in The Creation of a Trainable Message Understanding System.
ChemReg: Using Case-Based Reasoning to Support Health and Safety Compliance in the Chemical Industry.
STHANA: Profitability Forecast and Situation Analysis for Automated Teller Machines.
DISXPERT: A Social Security Disability Screening Expert System.
SunRay V - An Intelligent Container Trucking Operations Management and Control System.
The Scheduling of Rail at Union Pacific Railroad.
CREWS_NS: Scheduling Train Crew in The Netherlands.
Design of High Performance Help Desk Application and Its Implementation Results.
Desktop Underwriter: Fannie Mae's Automated Mortgage Underwriting Expert System.
PST: The Provider Selection Tool.
Case and Constraint-Based Apartment Construction Project Planning System: FASTrak-APT.
Pimtool, an Expert System to Troubleshoot Computer Hardware Failures.
Matching Requests for Agent Services with Differentiated Vocabulary.
Analyzing Agents that Learn about Agents.
Noise Sensitivity Analysis for Shape from Focus Methods.
Modifying Knowledge Bases Using Scripts.
A Model of Invention.
Real-Time Full-Text Clustering of Networked Documents.
Quantification and Commonsense Reasoning.
Learning Goal-Decomposition Rules Using Exercises.
On the Discovery of Patterns in Medical Data.
Naive Mixes for Word Sense Disambiguation.
A Stochastic Strategy for Multiagent Contracts and the Impact of Deliberation Overhead.
Development of Iterative Scheduler to Planner Feedback.
Active Learning with Committees.
Predicting Resource Use with Case-Based Plan Recognition.
Learning to Play Hearts.
Smart System Design Using Hybrid Models.
Social Comparison for Failure Detection and Recovery in Multi-Agent Settings.
Althea: Minimalist Representation for Robot Assembly Tasks.
Information Routing Using a Corpus Distribution.
Speeding Safely: Multi-Criteria Optimization in Probabilistic Planning.
Stratification for Variants of Default Logic.
Learning Multiple Models without Sacrificing Comprehensibility.
A Comparison of Model Averaging Methods in Foreign Exchange Prediction.
Experiments in UNIX Command Prediction.
Applying Clustering to the Classification Problem.
Efficient Production Match Algorithm and Its Implication for Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Summarizing Time-Varying Data.
An Efficient Heuristic Search in a Large Multi-Agent System.
Dynamic Prioritization of Complex Agents in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Avoiding Failure via Pre-Planned Responses and Time-Bounded Planning.
Layered Learning in Multiagent Systems.
An Information-Based Approach to Punctuation.
Computing Discourse Information with Statistical Methods.
Applications of Machine Learning to Information Access.
Dynamic Organization of Search Results Using a Taxonomic Domain Model.
Knowledge Lean Word Sense Disambiguation.
Belief Network Inference in Dynamic Environments.
Evaluating the Role of Background Knowledge in Enhancing Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
Unified Hardware and Software Models for Smart System Design.
Probabilistic Learning in Bayesian and Stochastic Neural Networks.
Iterative Refinement of Knowledge Bases with Consistency Guarantees.
Adaptive Hybrid System Architecture for Forecasting.
Pragmatic Question Answering: Generic versus Specific Responses.
ARIEL: Autonomous Robot for Integrated Exploration and Localization.
Multiple Agents from the Bottom Up: The Interaction Lab's Robot Competition Effort.
Lobokhod: The University of New Mexico's Robotic Mars Rover.
A Cooperative Multi-Robot Approach to the Mapping and Exploration of Mars.
Kansas State Robotics.
Intelligent Sensor Fusion for the 1997 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition.
Are You Being Served?
Finding Life on Mars, and Other Tasks for NCSU's Mobile Robots.
LOBOtomous: An Autonomous Platform for Indoor Environments.
The Dartmouth Mobile Robot: SK.
Teaming Up: Georgia Tech's Multi-Robot Competition Teams.
A Situated Vacuuming Robot.
ServerDroid: A MultiMedia Service Robot.
Autonomous Exploration: An Integrated Systems Approach.
Learning in a Fuzzy Logic Robot Controller.
Hack and Kluge.
Market-Oriented Programming (Abstract).
James Bond and Michael Ovitz: The Secret Life of Agents.
Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems.
What Does Knowledge Representation Have to Say to Artificial Intelligence?
The Emergence of Spacecraft Autonomy.
The AAAI-97 Mobile Robot Competion: Martians, Remotes, Hors d'oeuvres and Cleaning up the Mess Afterwards (Abstract).
Probabilistic Propositional Planning: Representations and Complexity.
Effective Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Programs.
Incremental Methods for Computing Bounds in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
A Heuristic Variable Grid Solution Method for POMDPs.
Planning with Concurrent Interacting Actions.
A Robust and Fast Action Selection Mechanism for Planning.
Planning by Rewriting: Efficiently Generating High-Quality Plans.
Finding Optimal Solutions to Rubik's Cube Using Pattern Databases.
A Linear Programming Heuristic for Optimal Planning.
Abductive Completion of Plan Sketches.
Dynamic Abstraction Planning.
Case-Based Similarity Assessment: Estimating Adaptability from Experience.
Analogical Replay for Efficient Conditional Planning.
Combining Approximate Front End Signal Processing with Selective Reprocessing in Auditory Perception.
A Color Interest Operator for Landmark-Based Navigation.
Spatial Navigation with Uncertain Deviations.
Using Communication to Reduce Locality in Multi-Robot Learning.
Interference as a Tool for Designing and Evaluating Multi-Robot Controllers.
From Local to Global Coherence: A Bottom-Up Approach to Text Planning.
Multi-Document Summarization by Graph Search and Matching.
Comparatives in Context.
A Pragmatic Treatment of Quantification in Natural Language.
A New Supervised Learning Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation.
Statistical Parsing with a Context-Free Grammar and Word Statistics.
Active Learning with Committees for Text Categorization.
Transferring and Retraining Learned Information Filters.
Reinforcement Learning with Time.
Detecting and Reacting to Unplanned-for World States.
Generating C4.5 Production Rules in Parallel.
Maximizing the Benefits of Parallel Search Using Machine Learning.
A New Metric-Based Approach to Model Selection.
An Empirical Evaluation of Bagging and Boosting.
Lessons in Neural Network Training: Overfitting May be Harder than Expected.
Learning Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data.
Intelligent Methods for File System Optimization.
Sparse Representations for Fast, One-Shot Learning.
Maximally Parsimonious Discrimination: A Generic Task from Linguistic Discovery.
More Efficient Windowing.
Pattern Discovery in Distributed Databases.
Representation, Search and Genetic Algorithms.
Version Spaces without Boundary Sets.
Worst-Case Absolute Loss Bounds for Linear Learning Algorithms.
Extending the Regular Restriction of Resolution to Non-Linear Subdeductions.
Ordered Semantic Hyper Linking.
Qualified Ramifications.
Causal Theories of Action and Change.
Adding Knowledge to the Action Description Language A.
Beyond Minimizing Change.
Efficient Management of Very Large Ontologies.
Tools for Assembling Modular Ontologies in Ontolingua.
Reasoning with Minimal Belief and Negation as Failure: Algorithms and Complexity.
A Comparison of Two Approaches to Splitting Default Theories.
Detecting Redundant Production Rules.
Applications of Rule-Base Coverage Measures to Expert System Evaluation.
Obvious Properties of Computer Programs.
A Reflective Proof System for Reasoning in Contexts.
P-CLASSIC: A Tractable Probablistic Description Logic.
Representing Sequences in Description Logics.
A Script-Based Approach to Modifying Knowledge Bases.
Building Concept Representations from Reusable Components.
Presenting and Analyzing the Results of AI Experiments: Data Averaging and Data Snooping.
The Sounds of Silence: Towards Automated Evaluation of Student Learning in a Reading Tutor that Listens.
Realtime Generation of Customized 3D Animated Explanations for Knowledge-Based Learning Environments.
Clustering at the Phase Transition.
Exploiting the Deep Structure of Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Quantum Computers.
Summarizing CSP Hardness with Continuous Probability Distributions.
Evidence for Invariants in Local Search.
The Scaling of Search Cost.
Stochastic Procedures for Generating Feasible Schedules.
Effective Redundant Constraints for Online Scheduling.
Complex Goal Criteria and Its Application in Design-to-Criteria Scheduling.
Models of Continual Computation.
Tabu Search for SAT.
Variable-Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT.
Solving Linear Pseudo-Boolean Constraint Problems with Local Search.
Local Search Algorithms for Partial MAXSAT.
Template-Based Information Mining from HTML Documents.
Query Optimization Using Local Completeness.
Texture-Based Heuristics for Scheduling Revisited.
Beyond Contention: Extending Texture-Based Scheduling Heuristics.
Model-Theoretic Semantics and Tractable Algorithm for CNF-BCP.
Problem Structure in the Presence of Perturbations.
Detecting Unsatisfiable CSPs by Coloring the Micro-Structure.
Using Branch-and-Bound with Constraint Satisfaction in Optimization Problems.
Using CSP Look-Back Techniques to Solve Real-World SAT Instances.
Exploiting Symmetry in Lifted CSPs.
Interchangeability Supports Abstraction and Reformulation for Multi-Dimensional Constraint Satisfaction.
A Practical Algorithm for Finding Optimal Triangulations.
Bayes Networks for Estimating the Number of Solutions to a CSP.
Connection Based Strategies for Deciding Propositional Temporal Logic.
A New Unification Method for Temporal Reasoning with Constraints.
Projective Relations for 3D Space: Computational Model, Application, and Psychological Evaluation.
Noise, Non-Determinism and Spatial Uncertainty.
Integrating a Spatial Reasoner with a Resolution Theorem-Prover.
Qualitative Rigid Body Mechanics.
The "Inverse Hollywood Problem": From Video to Scripts and Storyboards via Causal Analysis.
Static and Dynamic Abstraction Solves the Problem of Chatter in Qualitative Simulation.
Model Decomposition and Simulation: A Component Based Qualitative Simulation Algorithm.
Structured Solution Methods for Non-Markovian Decision Processes.
Model Minimization in Markov Decision Processes.
Monitoring, Prediction, and Fault Isolation in Dynamic Physical Systems.
The Effect of Observations on the Complexity of Model-Based Diagnosis.
Classification and Reductio-ad-Absurdum Optimality Proofs.
Symbolic Nearest Mean Classifiers.
On the Axiomatization of Qualitative Decision Criteria.
Possibilistic and Standard Probabilistic Semantics of Conditional Knowledge.
Navigation and Planning in a Mixed-Initiative User Interface.
Visual Prompts and Graphical Design: A Framework for Exploring the Design Space of 2-D Charts and Graphs.
Fast Context Switching in Real-Time Propositional Reasoning.
Representing Actions and State Constraints in Model-Based Diagnosis.
Benefits of Learning in Negotiation.
Negotiation on Data Allocation in Multi-Agent Environments.
Agent Architectures for Flexible, Practical Teamwork.
Coordinating Agents by Role Based Social Constraints and Conversation Plans.
Modeling Emotions and Other Motivations in Synthetic Agents.
If at First You Don't Succeed...