
aaai 1990 论文列表

Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 29 - August 3, 1990, 2 Volumes.

What's in a User?
User Models and User Interfaces.
User Modeling and User Interfaces: A Case for Domain Models, Task Models, and Tailorability.
Panel: User Modeling and User Interfaces.
The Techies vs. the Non-techies: Today's Two Cultures.
Developing Software is like Talking to Eskimos about Snow.
Looking for the AI in Software Engineering: An Applications Perspective.
AI and Software Engineering - Managing Exploratory Programming.
AI and Software Engineering: Will the Twain Ever Meet?
Massivley Parallel AI.
Truth Maintenance.
Probably Approximately Correct Learning.
Rationality and its Roles in Reasoning (Extended Abstract).
The Future of Knowledge Representation.
Computing Exact Aspect Graphs of Curved Objects: Parametric Surfaces.
Generalized Shape Autocorrelation.
Constraints for the Early Detection of Discontinuity from Motion.
Becoming Increasingly Reactive.
LOGnets: A Hybrid Graph Spatial Representation for Robot Navigation.
Symmetiy Constraint Inference in Assembly Planning: Automatic Assembly Configuration Specification.
Indexical Knowledge in Robot Plans.
Integrating, Execution, Planning, and Learning in Soar for External Environments.
Learning General Completable Reactive Plans.
Coping with Uncertainty in a Control System for Navigation and Exploration.
A Hierarchical Planner that Generates Its Own Hierarchies.
Truly Parallel Understanding of Text.
Towards Incremental Disambiguation with a Generalized Discrimination Network.
Parsing a Natural Language Using Mutual Information Statistics.
Integrating Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Based Processing.
Logical Task Modelling for Man-Machine Dialogue.
PRAGMA - A Flexible Bidirectional Dialogue System.
Structure of Perspectivity: A Case of Japanese Reflexive Pronoun "zibun".
Accent and Discourse Context: Assigning Pitch Accent in Synthetic Speech.
The Utility of EBL in Recursive Domain Theories.
Operationality Criteria for Recursive Predicates.
Extending EBG to Term-Rewriting Systems.
Learning Abstraction Hierarchies for Problem Solving.
Learning Search Control for Constraint-Based Scheduling.
Empirical Comparisons of Some Design Replay Algorithms.
Adaptive Search by Explanation-Based Learning of Heuristic Censors.
Automated Discovery in a Chemistry Laboratory.
Explaining Temporal Differences to Create Useful Concepts for Evaluating States.
Effective Generalization of Relational Descriptions.
On Analytical and Similarity-Based Classification.
Refinement ofApproximate Domain Theories by Knowledge-Based Neural Networks.
Two Case Studies in Cost-Sensitive Concept Acquisition.
Incremental Non-Backtracking Focusing: A Polynomially Bounded Generalization Algorithm for Version Spaces.
Inductive Learning in a Mixed Paradigm Setting.
Complementary Discrimination Learning: A Duality Between Generalization and Discrimination.
A Proven Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Algorithm.
Knowledge Level and Inductive Uses of Chunking (EBL).
Changing the Rules: A Comprehensive Approach to Theory Refinement.
Inductive Learning in Probabilistic Domain.
Adding Domain Knowledge to SBL Through Feature Construction.
Learning to Coordinate Behaviors.
Empirical Studies on the Speed of Convergence of Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms.
A Hybrid Connectionist, Symbolic Learning System.
Theory Reduction, Theory Revision, and Retranslation.
Learning Causal Trees from Dependence Information.
Constructor: A System for the Induction of Probabilistic Models.
Generalization with Taxonomic Information.
What Should Be Minimized in a Decision Tree?
Learning from Textbook Knowledge: A Case Study.
Myths and Legends in Learning Classification Rules.
Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal Information.
A Qualitative Model for Space.
Weak Representations of Interval Algebras.
Solving Geometric Constraint Systems.
A Principled Approach to Reasoning About the Specificity ofRules.
A Frameworkfor Investigating Production System Formulations with Polynomially Bounded Match.
On the Performance of Lazy Matching in Production Systems.
The Intelligent Database Interface: Integrating AI and Database Systems.
Very Fast Decision Table Execution of Propositional Expert Systems.
Probabilities that Imply Certainties.
A Probabilistic Interpretation for Lazy Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
A Hybrid Framework for Representing Uncertain Knowledge.
A Maximum Entropy Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Temporal Terminological Logic.
Boolean Extensions of Inheritance Networks.
On the Complexity of Monotonic Inheritance with Roles.
Terminological Cycles in KL-ONE-based Knowledge Representation Languages.
The Generalized Theory of Model Preference.
The Representation of Defaults in Cyc.
Nonmonotonicity and the Scope of Reasoning: Preliminary Report.
Conditional Logics of Normality as Modal Systems.
A Structured Connectionist Unification Algorithm.
Connectionism, Rule Following, and Symbolic Manipulation.
It's Not My Default: The Complexity of Membership Problems in Restricted Propositional Default Logics.
An Optimally Efficient Limited Inference System.
On the Expressiveness of Networks with Hidden Variables.
The Complexity of Closed World Reasoning and Circumscription.
A Circumscriptive Theory for Causal and Evidential Support.
A Formal Theory of Multiple Agent Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Decidable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Bases with Perfect Introspection.
Causal Theories for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
A Design Based Approach to Constructing Computational Solutions to Diagnostic Problems.
Establishing the Coherence of an Evplanation to Improve Refinement of an Incomplete Knowledge Base.
Parametric Engineering Design Using Constraint-Based Reasoning.
An Experiment in Direct Knowledge Acquisition.
A Collaborative Interface for Editing Large Knowledge Bases.
Models of Plans to Support Communication: An Initial Report.
A Cooperative Problem Solving System for User Interface Design.
Incorporating Default Inferences Into Plan Recognition.
Understanding Natural Language with Diagrams.
Pointing: A Way Toward Explanation Dialogue.
Avoiding Unwanted Conversational Implicatures in Text and Graphics.
Coordinating Text and Graphics in Explanation Generation.
A Blackboard-based Dynamic Instructional Planner.
Backward Model Tracing: An Explanation-Based Approach for Reconstructing Student Reasoning.
Towards a System Architecture Supporting Contextualized Learning.
Finding the Average Rates of Change in Repetitive Behavior.
Approximation Reformulations.
Qualitative Reasoning with Microscopic Theories.
Shifting Ontological Perspectives in Reasoning About Physical Systems.
Obtaining Quantitative Predictions from Monotone Relationships.
Self-Explanatory Simulations: An Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge.
Dynamic Acioss-Time Measurement Interpretation.
QPC: A Compiler from Physical Models into Qualitative Differential Equations.
Efficient Diagnosis of Multiple Disorders Based on a Symptom Clustering Approach.
Interaction-Based Invention: Designing Novel Devices from First Principles.
Abductive and Default Reasoning: A Computational Core.
On the Role of Coherence in Abductive Explanation.
Physical Impossibility Instead of Fault Models.
Characterizing Diagnoses.
Model-Based Diagnosis of Planning Failures.
Validated Retrieval in Case-Based Reasoning.
Distributed Cases for Case-Based Reasoning: Facilitating Use of Multiple Cases.
A Method of Calculating the Measure of Salience in Understanding Metaphors.
Integrating Planning and Acting in a Case-Based Framework.
Maintaining Consistency in a Stratified Production System Program.
Computing the Extensions of Autoepistemic and Default Logics with a Truth Maintenance System.
Computing Stable Models by Using the ATMS.
Exploiting Locality in a TMS.
Solving Term Inequalities.
Automatically Generating Universal Attachments Through Compilation.
Skolem Functions and Equality in Automated Deduction.
Mechanizing Inductive Reasoning.
Inductive Synthesis of Equational Programs.
Consistent Linear Speedups to a First Solution in Parallel State-Space Search.
Path-Focused Duplication: A Search Procedure for General Matings.
Iterative Broadening.
Search Lessons Learned from Crossword Puzzles.
ABTWEAK: Abstracting a Nonlinear, Least Commitment Planner.
The STRIPS Assumption for Planning Under Uncertainty.
Getting Serious About Parsing Plans: A Grammatical Analysis of Plan Recognition.
Introducing the Tileworld: Experimentally Evaluating Agent Architectures.
A Theory of Plan Modification.
Mapping and Retrieval During Plan Reuse: A Validation Structure Based Approach.
Synthesis of Reactive Plans for Multi-Path Environments.
Practical Temporal Projection.
Admissible Criteria for Loop Control in Planning.
Incremental, Approximate Planning.
Anytime Synthetic Projection: Maximizing the Probability of Goal Satisfaction.
An Approach to Reasoning About Continuous Change for Applications in Planning.
Symbolic Probabilistic Inference in Belief Networks.
The Belief Calculus and Uncertain Reasoning.
Two Views of Belief: Belief as Generalized Probability and Belief as Evidence.
Probabilistic Semantics for Cost Based Abduction.
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Non-Cooperative Domains.
On Acting Together.
A Hierarchical Protocol for Coordinating Mulitagent Behaviors.
DARES: A Distributed Automated REasoning System.
Distributed Truth Maintenance.
A Parallel Asynchronous Distributed Production System.
The Design of a Marker Passing Architecture for Knowledge Processing.
An Organizational Approach to Adaptive Production Systems.
Some Applications of Graph Bandwidth to Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
An Algebraic Approach to Conflict Resolution in Planning.
The Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction in Prolog.
Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Solving Large-Scale Constraint-Satisfaction and Scheduling Problems Using a Heuristic Repair Method.
Tree Decomposition with Applications to Constraint Processing.
Complexity of K-Tree Structured Constraint Satisfaction Problems.