
coling 1969 论文列表

Third International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 1969, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-4, 1969.

Diverse corrigenda and addenda to the pre-prints.

Statistical Methods in Lexicological Research in the Baltic States.
Metaprint 3 (Metaprint 1) Responses to "Computerized Linguistics: Half A Commentary".
A Note on Morpheme Structure in Generative Phonology.
Some Remarks On J. L. Mey's Paper (Preprint No. 20).
Half Computerized Linguistics: a half Commentary.
Project DOC: its Methodological Basis.
Discourse Referents.
Project DOC.
Adout the Vectorial Calculus of the Relation between the Semantic and Sytactic Markers of the Lexical entry.
Discourse Referents.
The Book of Isaiah: Morphological Clustering and Disputed Authorship.
Multi-Index Syntactical Calculus.
Die semantische Syntax der Kommunikativen Grammatik auf EDV-Anlagen.
An Intuitve Representation of Context-Free Languages.
Diskontinuierliche Konstituenten.
A Progress Report on the Use of Slant Grammar Calculus for Automatic Analysis.
Computational Linguistic Techniques in an on-Line System for Textual Analysis.
Computational Studies in Terminology.
An Application of Computer Techniques to Analysis of the Verb Phrase in Hindi and English: a Preliminary Report.
Ein Programm zur automatischen Synthese englischer Satze.
Analyse structurelle automatique de grouses nominaux anglais.
Machine Transcoding.
The structure, and semantics of the verbal government.
Towards an automatic morphological segmentation.
Sur quelques preprietes communes des catagories semantiques et des procedures generatrices de trois modeles de synthese dans le processus de la TA (resume).
On Semantics of Some Verbal Categories in English.
A New Approach to Syntax.
The machine realization of the periphrasing system and the results of the experiment.
Stylistic Analysis of Poetry.
Problems of German-English Automatic Translation.
CN saturated Partitions.
Constructional Potentiality: Priscianic grammar as a disambiguation technique in the automatic recognition of Latin syntax.
Problem of Improving the Efficiency of Parsing Systems.
The 'Time Category' in Natural Languages and its Semantic Interpretation.
Some Problems of Word-Formation within the Framework of a Generative Grammar.
Computer Aided Research on Synonymy and Antonymy.
The Measurement of phonetic Similarity.
Mathematical Models for Balkan phonological convergence.
Le projet de traduction automatique a L'universite de Montreal.
Network of Binary Relations in Natural Language.
An Interactive phonological Rule Testing System.
Computer-produced Representation of dialectal variation: Initlal fricatives in Southern British English.
A Search Algorithm and Data Structure for an Efficient Information System.
On the Problems of Co-Textual Analysis of Texts.
Simulation of Word-Meaning Stochastic Processes.
Contextual Grammars.
Properties of Formal Grammars with mixed Type of Rules and their Linguistic Relevance.
Structure, Effectiveness, and Uses of the citation Identifier.
The Use of Context-Sensitive Rules in Immediate Constituent Analysis.
Syntactic Patterns in a Sample of Technical English.
Grammaire I Description transformationnelle d' un sous-Ensemble du Francais.
A Universal Graphic Character Writer.
Linguistics and Automated Language Processing.
A Progress Report on the Use of English in Information Retrieval.
Hobbes' Calculus of Words.
A Pragmatic Approach to Machine Translation from Chinese to English.
Automatic Text Generation.
The Lexicon: a System of Matrices of Lexical Units and their Properties.
A Rapidly Extensible Language System (Rel English).
A Rapidly Extensible Language System (The Rel Language Processor).
Automatic Recognition of speech Sounds by a Digital Computer.
Semantics of Prepositional Constructs in Russian: Tentative Approach.
Disambiguating Verbs with Multiple Meaning in the MT-System of IBM Germany.
Empirical Investigation of German Word Derivation with the Aid of a Computer.
Towards a Computational Formalization of Natural Language Semantics.
On the Use of Linguistic Quantifying Operators in the Logico-Semantic Structure Representation of Utterances.
Quelques Applications de la logique a la Semantique des langues naturelles.
Computers in the Yugoslav Serbo-Croat/English Contrastive Analysis Project.
Organization and Programming of the Multistore Parser.
Total or Selected Content Analysis.
Uber Zeitkeferenz und Tempus.
Semantics and the Syntactic Classification of Words.
Monte Carlo Simulation of Language Change in Tikopia & Maori.
On the Preservation of Context-Free Languages in a Level-Based System.
Dialectology by Computer.
An Application of an Extended Generative Semantic Model of Language to Man-machine Interaction.
Une Notation des textes hors des contraintes morphologiques et syntaxiques de L'expression.
Computational Analysis of Interference Phenomena on the Lexical Level.
Syntactic Analysis by Alternating Computation and Inspection.
Applications of a Computer System for Transformational Grammar.
A Directed Random Paragraph Generator.
Quantitative Approximations to the Word.
Automated Processing of Medical English.
Structural Patterns of Chinese Characters.
Automatic Simulation of Historical Change.
Interactive Semantic Analysis of English Paragraphs.
Automatic error-correction in natural languages.
Some formal properties of phonological redundancy rules.
An Application of Computer Programming to the Reconstruction of a Proto-Language.
Automatic Processing of Foreign Language Documents.
Nexus a Linguistic Technique for Precoordination.
A Conceptual Dependency Parser for Natural Language.
Tree Grammars (Grammars).