
coling 2016 论文列表

COLING 2016, 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference: Technical Papers, December 11-16, 2016, Osaka, Japan.

Structured Generative Models of Continuous Features for Word Sense Induction.
Dictionaries as Networks: Identifying the graph structure of Ogden's Basic English.
Reddit Temporal N-gram Corpus and its Applications on Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Social Media using a Topic-based Latent Semantic Analysis.
A Supervised Approach for Enriching the Relational Structure of Frame Semantics in FrameNet.
Semantic Tagging with Deep Residual Networks.
Word Embeddings, Analogies, and Machine Learning: Beyond king - man + woman = queen.
Language classification from bilingual word embedding graphs.
More is not always better: balancing sense distributions for all-words Word Sense Disambiguation.
Text Classification Improved by Integrating Bidirectional LSTM with Two-dimensional Max Pooling.
PanPhon: A Resource for Mapping IPA Segments to Articulatory Feature Vectors.
Multilingual Aliasing for Auto-Generating Proposition Banks.
Creating Resources for Dialectal Arabic from a Single Annotation: A Case Study on Egyptian and Levantine.
Universal Dependencies for Turkish.
A News Editorial Corpus for Mining Argumentation Strategies.
Extending WordNet with Fine-Grained Collocational Information via Supervised Distributional Learning.
TweetGeo - A Tool for Collecting, Processing and Analysing Geo-encoded Linguistic Data.
Efficient Data Selection for Bilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora.
OCR++: A Robust Framework For Information Extraction from Scholarly Articles.
PersoNER: Persian Named-Entity Recognition.
A Neural Network Approach for Knowledge-Driven Response Generation.
Disfluent but effective? A quantitative study of disfluencies and conversational moves in team discourse.
Sequence to Backward and Forward Sequences: A Content-Introducing Approach to Generative Short-Text Conversation.
A Novel Fast Framework for Topic Labeling Based on Similarity-preserved Hashing.
Predicting Restaurant Consumption Level through Social Media Footprints.
Video Event Detection by Exploiting Word Dependencies from Image Captions.
Towards assessing depth of argumentation.
Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification.
Corpus Fusion for Emotion Classification.
Event Detection with Burst Information Networks.
Joint Inference for Event Coreference Resolution.
The Construction of a Chinese Collocational Knowledge Resource and Its Application for Second Language Acquisition.
Textual complexity as a predictor of difficulty of listening items in language proficiency tests.
First Story Detection using Entities and Relations.
Automatic Generation and Classification of Minimal Meaningful Propositions in Educational Systems.
Measuring the Information Content of Financial News.
Improving Word Alignment of Rare Words with Word Embeddings.
What Makes Word-level Neural Machine Translation Hard: A Case Study on English-German Translation.
Inducing Bilingual Lexica From Non-Parallel Data With Earth Mover's Distance Regularization.
A Deep Fusion Model for Domain Adaptation in Phrase-based MT.
Universal Reordering via Linguistic Typology.
Learning to translate from graded and negative relevance information.
Fast Collocation-Based Bayesian HMM Word Alignment.
Connecting Phrase based Statistical Machine Translation Adaptation.
Is all that Glitters in Machine Translation Quality Estimation really Gold?
Improving Translation Selection with Supersenses.
Lightly Supervised Quality Estimation.
Neural Machine Translation with Supervised Attention.
Improving Attention Modeling with Implicit Distortion and Fertility for Machine Translation.
Convolution-Enhanced Bilingual Recursive Neural Network for Bilingual Semantic Modeling.
A Character-Aware Encoder for Neural Machine Translation.
Borrow a Little from your Rich Cousin: Using Embeddings and Polarities of English Words for Multilingual Sentiment Classification.
Crowdsourcing Complex Language Resources: Playing to Annotate Dependency Syntax.
Better call Saul: Flexible Programming for Learning and Inference in NLP.
Hashtag Recommendation with Topical Attention-Based LSTM.
Combining Heterogeneous User Generated Data to Sense Well-being.
Fast Inference for Interactive Models of Text.
Political News Sentiment Analysis for Under-resourced Languages.
Leveraging Multiple Domains for Sentiment Classification.
"All I know about politics is what I read in Twitter": Weakly Supervised Models for Extracting Politicians' Stances From Twitter.
What's in an Explanation? Characterizing Knowledge and Inference Requirements for Elementary Science Exams.
Keyphrase Annotation with Graph Co-Ranking.
English-Chinese Knowledge Base Translation with Neural Network.
Neural Paraphrase Generation with Stacked Residual LSTM Networks.
Modelling Sentence Pairs with Tree-structured Attentive Encoder.
Context-Sensitive Inference Rule Discovery: A Graph-Based Method.
Modeling Extractive Sentence Intersection via Subtree Entailment.
A Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity Detection System for User Generated Short-Text Content on Microblogs.
Reading and Thinking: Re-read LSTM Unit for Textual Entailment Recognition.
Parameter estimation of Japanese predicate argument structure analysis model using eye gaze information.
Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis for Tensor-based Composition.
Exploring the value space of attributes: Unsupervised bidirectional clustering of adjectives in German.
Modeling Context-sensitive Selectional Preference with Distributed Representations.
On the contribution of word embeddings to temporal relation classification.
Is an Image Worth More than a Thousand Words? On the Fine-Grain Semantic Differences between Visual and Linguistic Representations.
Implementing a Reverse Dictionary, based on word definitions, using a Node-Graph Architecture.
Bad Company - Neighborhoods in Neural Embedding Spaces Considered Harmful.
Learning Succinct Models: Pipelined Compression with L1-Regularization, Hashing, Elias-Fano Indices, and Quantization.
An Empirical Evaluation of various Deep Learning Architectures for Bi-Sequence Classification Tasks.
Experiments in Idiom Recognition.
CNN- and LSTM-based Claim Classification in Online User Comments.
Monday mornings are my fave : ) #not Exploring the Automatic Recognition of Irony in English tweets.
Semi Supervised Preposition-Sense Disambiguation using Multilingual Data.
Integrating Distributional and Lexical Information for Semantic Classification of Words using MRMF.
Neural-based Noise Filtering from Word Embeddings.
Latent Topic Embedding.
Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Categories and Entities for Concept Categorization and Dataless Classification.
SenticNet 4: A Semantic Resource for Sentiment Analysis Based on Conceptual Primitives.
A Joint Sentiment-Target-Stance Model for Stance Classification in Tweets.
Two-View Label Propagation to Semi-supervised Reader Emotion Classification.
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Sentiment Flow with Local and Non-local Neighbor Information.
Capturing Pragmatic Knowledge in Article Usage Prediction using LSTMs.
Inferring Discourse Relations from PDTB-style Discourse Labels for Argumentative Revision Classification.
Training Data Enrichment for Infrequent Discourse Relations.
Anecdote Recognition and Recommendation.
Enriching Phrase Tables for Statistical Machine Translation Using Mixed Embeddings.
Measuring the Effect of Conversational Aspects on Machine Translation Quality.
Multi-Engine and Multi-Alignment Based Automatic Post-Editing and its Impact on Translation Productivity.
Bilingual Autoencoders with Global Descriptors for Modeling Parallel Sentences.
Table Filling Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction.
Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Relation Extraction.
Selecting Sentences versus Selecting Tree Constituents for Automatic Question Ranking.
Constraint-Based Question Answering with Knowledge Graph.
Distance Metric Learning for Aspect Phrase Grouping.
Towards Sub-Word Level Compositions for Sentiment Analysis of Hindi-English Code Mixed Text.
Targeted Sentiment to Understand Student Comments.
Agreement and Disagreement: Comparison of Points of View in the Political Domain.
Tweet Sarcasm Detection Using Deep Neural Network.
Stance Classification in Rumours as a Sequential Task Exploiting the Tree Structure of Social Media Conversations.
Combination of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts.
Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Network for Arabic Sentiment Classification.
Improved Word Embeddings with Implicit Structure Information.
Hybrid Question Answering over Knowledge Base and Free Text.
Extracting Spatial Entities and Relations in Korean Text.
FastHybrid: A Hybrid Model for Efficient Answer Selection.
Pairwise Relation Classification with Mirror Instances and a Combined Convolutional Neural Network.
Text Retrieval by Term Co-occurrences in a Query-based Vector Space.
Mathematical Information Retrieval based on Type Embeddings and Query Expansion.
Robust Text Classification for Sparsely Labelled Data Using Multi-level Embeddings.
Structured Aspect Extraction.
Joint Learning of Local and Global Features for Entity Linking via Neural Networks.
Revisiting Taxonomy Induction over Wikipedia.
Hierarchical Memory Networks for Answer Selection on Unknown Words.
Incremental Global Event Extraction.
Time-Independent and Language-Independent Extraction of Multiword Expressions From Twitter.
plWordNet 3.0 - a Comprehensive Lexical-Semantic Resource.
Textual Entailment with Structured Attentions and Composition.
Exploring Topic Discriminating Power of Words in Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
Chinese Tense Labelling and Causal Analysis.
Data-driven learning of symbolic constraints for a log-linear model in a phonological setting.
Content-based Influence Modeling for Opinion Behavior Prediction.
Automatically Processing Tweets from Gang-Involved Youth: Towards Detecting Loss and Aggression.
Get Semantic With Me! The Usefulness of Different Feature Types for Short-Answer Grading.
Interactive Attention for Neural Machine Translation.
Hierarchical Permutation Complexity for Word Order Evaluation.
Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Selectional Preferences.
Distributed Representations for Building Profiles of Users and Items from Text Reviews.
Knowledge-Driven Event Embedding for Stock Prediction.
Says Who...? Identification of Expert versus Layman Critics' Reviews of Documentary Films.
User Classification with Multiple Textual Perspectives.
Predicting proficiency levels in learner writings by transferring a linguistic complexity model from expert-written coursebooks.
Semi-supervised Gender Classification with Joint Textual and Social Modeling.
Ambient Search: A Document Retrieval System for Speech Streams.
Semi-automatic Detection of Cross-lingual Marketing Blunders based on Pragmatic Label Propagation in Wiktionary.
Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling.
Domainless Adaptation by Constrained Decoding on a Schema Lattice.
Weakly-supervised text-to-speech alignment confidence measure.
Context-aware Natural Language Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems.
Non-sentential Question Resolution using Sequence to Sequence Learning.
Dialogue Act Classification in Domain-Independent Conversations Using a Deep Recurrent Neural Network.
Joint Inference for Mode Identification in Tutorial Dialogues.
Detecting Context Dependent Messages in a Conversational Environment.
Multimodal Mood Classification - A Case Study of Differences in Hindi and Western Songs.
Multi-level Gated Recurrent Neural Network for dialog act classification.
Modeling Discourse Segments in Lyrics Using Repeated Patterns.
Revisiting the Evaluation for Cross Document Event Coreference.
Representation and Learning of Temporal Relations.
Measuring Non-cooperation in Dialogue.
Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition with Context-aware Character-enhanced Embeddings.
Multi-view and multi-task training of RST discourse parsers.
Detection, Disambiguation and Argument Identification of Discourse Connectives in Chinese Discourse Parsing.
Incremental Fine-grained Information Status Classification Using Attention-based LSTMs.
Distributional Hypernym Generation by Jointly Learning Clusters and Projections.
Predicting human similarity judgments with distributional models: The value of word associations.
D-GloVe: A Feasible Least Squares Model for Estimating Word Embedding Densities.
Direct vs. indirect evaluation of distributional thesauri.
Pre-Translation for Neural Machine Translation.
A Distribution-based Model to Learn Bilingual Word Embeddings.
Topic-Informed Neural Machine Translation.
Interactive-Predictive Machine Translation based on Syntactic Constraints of Prefix.
Semantic Annotation Aggregation with Conditional Crowdsourcing Models and Word Embeddings.
Consensus Attention-based Neural Networks for Chinese Reading Comprehension.
Modeling topic dependencies in semantically coherent text spans with copulas.
Recurrent Dropout without Memory Loss.
Simple Question Answering by Attentive Convolutional Neural Network.
Neural Attention for Learning to Rank Questions in Community Question Answering.
Learning to Weight Translations using Ordinal Linear Regression and Query-generated Training Data for Ad-hoc Retrieval with Long Queries.
Towards Time-Aware Knowledge Graph Completion.
Still not there? Comparing Traditional Sequence-to-Sequence Models to Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks on Monotone String Translation Tasks.
Grammatical Templates: Improving Text Difficulty Evaluation for Language Learners.
Using Argument Mining to Assess the Argumentation Quality of Essays.
Collecting and Exploring Everyday Language for Predicting Psycholinguistic Properties of Words.
Predicting the Evocation Relation between Lexicalized Concepts.
The Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Artificial Language Emergence: a Case Study on Colour.
UTCNN: a Deep Learning Model of Stance Classification on Social Media Text.
A Bilingual Attention Network for Code-switched Emotion Prediction.
Exploring Distributional Representations and Machine Translation for Aspect-based Cross-lingual Sentiment Classification.
A Deeper Look into Sarcastic Tweets Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
Weighted Neural Bag-of-n-grams Model: New Baselines for Text Classification.
Selective Co-occurrences for Word-Emotion Association.
Evaluating Argumentative and Narrative Essays using Graphs.
On the Impact of Seed Words on Sentiment Polarity Lexicon Induction.
SentiHood: Targeted Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Urban Neighbourhoods.
The Next Step for Multi-Document Summarization: A Heterogeneous Multi-Genre Corpus Built with a Novel Construction Approach.
From OpenCCG to AI Planning: Detecting Infeasible Edges in Sentence Generation.
An Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization Framework Based on Neural Document Model.
Parallel Sentence Compression.
Building RDF Content for Data-to-Text Generation.
Named Entity Disambiguation for little known referents: a topic-based approach.
Relation Extraction with Multi-instance Multi-label Convolutional Neural Networks.
Improved relation classification by deep recurrent neural networks with data augmentation.
Global Inference to Chinese Temporal Relation Extraction.
Learning Event Expressions via Bilingual Structure Projection.
Hand in Glove: Deep Feature Fusion Network Architectures for Answer Quality Prediction in Community Question Answering.
Phrase-based Machine Translation using Multiple Preordering Candidates.
Ensemble Learning for Multi-Source Neural Machine Translation.
Machine Translation Evaluation for Arabic using Morphologically-enriched Embeddings.
Fast Gated Neural Domain Adaptation: Language Model as a Case Study.
Semi-supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with Neural Models.
Dynamic Generative model for Diachronic Sense Emergence Detection.
Chinese Hypernym-Hyponym Extraction from User Generated Categories.
Sentence Similarity Learning by Lexical Decomposition and Composition.
Cross-lingual Transfer of Correlations between Parts of Speech and Gaze Features.
Linguistic features for Hindi light verb construction identification.
From phonemes to images: levels of representation in a recurrent neural model of visually-grounded language learning.
Survey on the Use of Typological Information in Natural Language Processing.
Predictability of Distributional Semantics in Derivational Word Formation.
Facing the most difficult case of Semantic Role Labeling: A collaboration of word embeddings and co-training.
A Unified Architecture for Semantic Role Labeling and Relation Classification.
Semantic Relation Classification via Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network with Attention.
Semantically Motivated Hebrew Verb-Noun Multi-Word Expressions Identification.
Incorporating Label Dependency for Answer Quality Tagging in Community Question Answering via CNN-LSTM-CRF.
High Accuracy Rule-based Question Classification using Question Syntax and Semantics.
LILI: A Simple Language Independent Approach for Language Identification.
Leveraging Multilingual Training for Limited Resource Event Extraction.
Extraction of Keywords of Novelties From Patent Claims.
Semantic overfitting: what 'world' do we consider when evaluating disambiguation of text?
Broad Twitter Corpus: A Diverse Named Entity Recognition Resource.
Word2Vec vs DBnary: Augmenting METEOR using Vector Representations or Lexical Resources?
Building a Monolingual Parallel Corpus for Text Simplification Using Sentence Similarity Based on Alignment between Word Embeddings.
Evaluation Strategies for Computational Construction Grammars.
Generating Questions and Multiple-Choice Answers using Semantic Analysis of Texts.
Product Review Summarization by Exploiting Phrase Properties.
Imitation learning for language generation from unaligned data.
A Hybrid Approach to Generation of Missing Abstracts in Biomedical Literature.
Natural Language Generation through Character-based RNNs with Finite-state Prior Knowledge.
Sequential Clustering and Contextual Importance Measures for Incremental Update Summarization.
Predicting sentential semantic compatibility for aggregation in text-to-text generation.
Chinese Poetry Generation with Planning based Neural Network.
Bridging the gap between extractive and abstractive summaries: Creation and evaluation of coherent extracts from heterogeneous sources.
Exploring Differential Topic Models for Comparative Summarization of Scientific Papers.
Siamese Convolutional Networks for Cognate Identification.
Multilingual Supervision of Semantic Annotation.
Named Entity Recognition for Linguistic Rapid Response in Low-Resource Languages: Sorani Kurdish and Tajik.
Are Cohesive Features Relevant for Text Readability Evaluation?
'Calling on the classical phone': a distributional model of adjective-noun errors in learners' English.
Memory-Bounded Left-Corner Unsupervised Grammar Induction on Child-Directed Input.
Automatic Labelling of Topics with Neural Embeddings.
Hashtag Recommendation Using End-To-End Memory Networks with Hierarchical Attention.
Extracting Discriminative Keyphrases with Learned Semantic Hierarchies.
A Neural Model for Part-of-Speech Tagging in Historical Texts.
CharNER: Character-Level Named Entity Recognition.
Extending the Use of Adaptor Grammars for Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation of Unseen Languages.
Chinese Preposition Selection for Grammatical Error Diagnosis.
Adverse Drug Reaction Classification With Deep Neural Networks.
Analyzing Gender Bias in Student Evaluations.
Using Linguistic Data for English and Spanish Verb-Noun Combination Identification.
How Regular is Japanese Loanword Adaptation? A Computational Study.
Contrasting Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Typological Features.
Automatic Extraction of Learner Errors in ESL Sentences Using Linguistically Enhanced Alignments.
Retrieving Occurrences of Grammatical Constructions.
Evaluating anaphora and coreference resolution to improve automatic keyphrase extraction.
Learning to Identify Sentence Parallelism in Student Essays.
Automated speech-unit delimitation in spoken learner English.
Machine Learning for Metrical Analysis of English Poetry.
Different Contexts Lead to Different Word Embeddings.
Modeling Diachronic Change in Scientific Writing with Information Density.
Advancing Linguistic Features and Insights by Label-informed Feature Grouping: An Exploration in the Context of Native Language Identification.
How Interlocutors Coordinate with each other within Emotional Segments?
Understanding the Lexical Simplification Needs of Non-Native Speakers of English.
Learning grammatical categories using paradigmatic representations: Substitute words for language acquisition.
"How Bullying is this Message?": A Psychometric Thermometer for Bullying.
Reading-Time Annotations for "Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese".
Identifying Cross-Cultural Differences in Word Usage.
Probabilistic Prototype Model for Serendipitous Property Mining.
Ranking Responses Oriented to Conversational Relevance in Chat-bots.
GAKE: Graph Aware Knowledge Embedding.
Splitting compounds with ngrams.
A Bayesian model for joint word alignment and part-of-speech transfer.
Keystroke dynamics as signal for shallow syntactic parsing.
K-SRL: Instance-based Learning for Semantic Role Labeling.
A subtree-based factorization of dependency parsing.
Cross-lingual Learning of an Open-domain Semantic Parser.
A Proposition-Based Abstractive Summariser.
Using Relevant Public Posts to Enhance News Article Summarization.
AttSum: Joint Learning of Focusing and Summarization with Neural Attention.
Product Classification in E-Commerce using Distributional Semantics.
Large-scale Multi-class and Hierarchical Product Categorization for an E-commerce Giant.
Appraising UMLS Coverage for Summarizing Medical Evidence.
Mongolian Named Entity Recognition System with Rich Features.
Word Segmentation in Sanskrit Using Path Constrained Random Walks.
A Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture for Sentiment Analysis.
Determining the Multiword Expression Inventory of a Surprise Language.
Bitext Name Tagging for Cross-lingual Entity Annotation Projection.
Inducing Multilingual Text Analysis Tools Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks.
Incrementally Learning a Dependency Parser to Support Language Documentation in Field Linguistics.
Promoting multiword expressions in A* TAG parsing.
Language Independent Dependency to Constituent Tree Conversion.
Deeper syntax for better semantic parsing.
A House United: Bridging the Script and Lexical Barrier between Hindi and Urdu.
Frustratingly Easy Neural Domain Adaptation.
An Automatic Prosody Tagger for Spontaneous Speech.
Continuous Expressive Speaking Styles Synthesis based on CVSM and MR-HMM.
Learning to Distill: The Essence Vector Modeling Framework.
Automatic Syllabification for Manipuri language.
Data-Driven Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Morphologically Rich Languages and Universal Dependencies.
Assigning Fine-grained PoS Tags based on High-precision Coarse-grained Tagging.
A Word Labeling Approach to Thai Sentence Boundary Detection and POS Tagging.
Attending to Characters in Neural Sequence Labeling Models.
Consistent Word Segmentation, Part-of-Speech Tagging and Dependency Labelling Annotation for Chinese Language.
Detecting Sentence Boundaries in Sanskrit Texts.
A Neural Attention Model for Disfluency Detection.
Predictive Incremental Parsing Helps Language Modeling.
Exploiting Sentence and Context Representations in Deep Neural Models for Spoken Language Understanding.
A General Optimization Framework for Multi-Document Summarization Using Genetic Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence.
Abstractive News Summarization based on Event Semantic Link Network.
Syntactic realization with data-driven neural tree grammars.
Exploring Text Links for Coherent Multi-Document Summarization.
An Empirical Exploration of Skip Connections for Sequential Tagging.
Asynchronous Parallel Learning for Neural Networks and Structured Models with Dense Features.
The Role of Context in Neural Morphological Disambiguation.