
coling 2018 论文列表

COLING 2018, The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 20-26, 2018.

A Flexible and Easy-to-use Semantic Role Labeling Framework for Different Languages.
Towards Automated Extraction of Business Constraints from Unstructured Regulatory Text.
A Cross-lingual Messenger with Keyword Searchable Phrases for the Travel Domain.
Interpretable Rationale Augmented Charge Prediction System.
LTV: Labeled Topic Vector.
A Chinese Writing Correction System for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language.
WARP-Text: a Web-Based Tool for Annotating Relationships between Pairs of Texts.
On-Device Neural Language Model Based Word Prediction.
Sensala: a Dynamic Semantics System for Natural Language Processing.
NLATool: an Application for Enhanced Deep Text Understanding.
Writing Mentor: Self-Regulated Writing Feedback for Struggling Writers.
Lingke: a Fine-grained Multi-turn Chatbot for Customer Service.
Automatic Curation and Visualization of Crime Related Information from Incrementally Crawled Multi-source News Reports.
LanguageNet: Learning to Find Sense Relevant Example Sentences.
Graphene: a Context-Preserving Open Information Extraction System.
KIT Lecture Translator: Multilingual Speech Translation with One-Shot Learning.
Appraise Evaluation Framework for Machine Translation.
Cool English: a Grammatical Error Correction System Based on Large Learner Corpora.
A Web-based Framework for Collecting and Assessing Highlighted Sentences in a Document.
A Unified RvNN Framework for End-to-End Chinese Discourse Parsing.
Simulating Language Evolution: a Tool for Historical Linguistics.
Detecting Heavy Rain Disaster from Social and Physical Sensor.
SetExpander: End-to-end Term Set Expansion Based on Multi-Context Term Embeddings.
Transparent, Efficient, and Robust Word Embedding Access with WOMBAT.
Utilizing Graph Measure to Deduce Omitted Entities in Paragraphs.
CRST: a Claim Retrieval System in Twitter.
Active DOP: an Active Learning Constituency Treebank Annotation Tool.
HiDE: a Tool for Unrestricted Literature Based Discovery.
Document Representation Learning for Patient History Visualization.
Real-time Scholarly Retweeting Prediction System.
A Korean Knowledge Extraction System for Enriching a KBox.
T-Know: a Knowledge Graph-based Question Answering and Infor-mation Retrieval System for Traditional Chinese Medicine.
JeSemE: Interleaving Semantics and Emotions in a Web Service for the Exploration of Language Change Phenomena.
The INCEpTION Platform: Machine-Assisted and Knowledge-Oriented Interactive Annotation.
Abbreviation Expander - a Web-based System for Easy Reading of Technical Documents.