
ecir 2015 论文列表

Multimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain - First International Workshop, MRMD 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29, 2015, Revised Selected Papers.

RadLex Terms and Local Texture Features for Multimodal Medical Case Retrieval.
USYD/HES-SO in the VISCERAL Retrieval Benchmark.
Medical Case-Based Retrieval of Patient Records Using the RadLex Hierarchical Lexicon.
Multimodal Medical Case-Based Retrieval on the Radiology Image and Report: SNUMedinfo at VISCERAL Retrieval Benchmark.
Overview of the VISCERAL Retrieval Benchmark 2015.
Annotation of Chest Radiology Reports for Indexing and Retrieval.
Semi-supervised Learning for Image Modality Classification.
Multi-modal Indexing and Retrieval Using an LSA-Based Kernel.
The Application of KAZE Features to the Classification Echocardiogram Videos.
Content-Based Retrieval of Brain Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Image.
Rewriting Natural Language Queries Using Patterns.
BioASQ: A Challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering.
Semantic Retrieval of Radiological Images with Relevance Feedback.
Overview of the First Workshop of Muldimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain (MRMD 2015).