hicss 2008 论文列表
41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-41 2008), Proceedings, 7-10 January 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA.
Macroprogramming Spatio-temporal Event Detection and Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Implementation and Evaluation Study.
MONSOON: A Coevolutionary Multiobjective Adaptation Framework for Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks.
Performance of a Wireless Unattended Sensor Network in a Freshwater Environment.
A Method for Fast Radio Frequency Direction Finding Using Wireless Sensor Networks.
Fault-Tolerant k-Fold Pivot Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Distributed Medium Access Control with Flow-Based Priority for Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks.
Multi-perspective Assessment of Scalability of IT-Enabled Networked Constellations.
Enterprise Modeling for Information System Development within MDA.
Towards a Belief-Theoretic Model for Collaborative Conceptual Model Development.
Of Paper Trails and Voter Receipts.
E-Crime Investigative Technologies.
Using FPGAs to Parallelize Dictionary Attacks for Password Cracking.
Skype Fingerprint.
Overcoming Impediments to Cell Phone Forensics.
STEALing Lab Support in Digital Forensics Education.
Pedagogy and Overview of a Graduate Program in Digital Investigation Management.
Privacy-Preserving 1-n-p Negotiation Protocol.
Building a Test Suite for Web Application Scanners.
Priority Approximation for Batching.
Knowledge States: A Tool for Randomized Online Algorithms.
Clustering and the Biclique Partition Problem.
Towards Fast Incremental Hashing of Large Bit Vectors.
Elissa J. Chesler, Michael A. Langston: On Finding Bicliques in Bipartite Graphs: a Novel Algorithm with Application to the Integration of Diverse Biological Data Types.
K-Trunk and Efficient Algorithms for Finding a K-Trunk on a Tree Network.
How Many Attackers Can Selfish Defenders Catch?
Finding a Minimum-Sum Dipolar Spanning Tree in R3.
Bounding Prefix Transposition Distance for Strings and Permutations.
Scrum and CMMI Level 5: The Magic Potion for Code Warriors.
Retrofitting Cyber Physical Systems for Survivability through External Coordination.
A Case Study: Introducing eXtreme Programming in a US Government System Development Project.
Effects of Agile Methods on Website Quality for Electronic Commerce.
Great Scrums Need Great Product Owners: Unbounded Collaboration and Collective Product Ownership.
Rolling Out Agile in a Large Enterprise.
Bridge Methods: Complementary Steps Integrating Agile Development Tools and Methods with Formal Process Methodologies.
Simplified Use Case Driven Approach (SUCADA) for Conversion of Legacy System to COTS Package.
IT-Benefits-Management in the Swiss Financial Sector.
Information Technology Skill Management: A Systems Dynamics Approach.
Information Security Cultures of Four Professions: A Comparative Study.
Information System Development: A Categorical Analysis of User Participation Approaches.
Beyond Cognitions: A Call for Greater Consideration of Emotion in Information Systems Decision Theories.
A Meta-theory for Understanding IS in Socio-technical Systems.
The Influence of Instant Messaging Usage Behavior on Organizational Communication Satisfaction.
Personality and Technology Acceptance: Personal Innovativeness in IT, Openness and Resistance to Change.
Information Technology Adoption by Small Businesses in Minority and Ethnic Communities.
Understanding the Relationship between Justice and Team Goal Commitment in Virtual Project Teams: An Empirical Investigation.
The Impact of Conflict and Conflict Management Style on Deadbeats and Deserters in Virtual Teams.
"Too Many Cooks Spoiling a Soup"? Making Sense of a Distributed, Multi-party IS Project.
Conducting Qualitative Research in an International and Distributed Research Team: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
Examining the "Urban Legend" of Common Method Bias: Nine Common Errors and Their Impact.
Exploring the Semantic Validity of Questionnaire Scales.
Relational Risk Mitigation: The Relationship Approach to Mitigating Risks in Business Process Outsourcing.
Building Inter-organizational Cooperative Network for IT Collaboration.
IT Offshoring Risks and Governance Capabilities.
Making the Most of IT Governance Software: Understanding Implementation Processes.
Business and IT Governance Alignment Simulation Essay on a Business Process and IT Service Model.
A Study of the Causal Relationship between IT Governance Inhibitors and Its Success in Korea Enterprises.
Decision Support Framework for the Implementation of IT-Governance.
The IT Organization Modeling and Assessment Tool: Correlating IT Governance Maturity with the Effect of IT.
Evasive Maneuvers and Guerilla Tactics: A Scandinavian Institutional Perspective on Chief Information Officer's Strategies for Legitimization.
IT Business Alignment as Governance Tool for Firm-Internal Relationship Quality: A Longitudinal Case Study.
Analysing the Relationship between IT Governance and Business/IT Alignment Maturity.
Determinants of CIO Compensation Structure and Its Impact on Firm Performance.
Deal or No Deal? Vendor Issues in Two Multi-organization Pilot Test Projects.
360-Degree Strategic Leadership Team Alignment: Profile of an Intervention Program.
Building Trust and Cooperation through Technology Adaptation in Virtual Teams: Empirical Field Evidence.
Corporate User Representatives and the Dialectics of Enterprise Systems: A Quest for Social Actors with Political Skill.
The Factors that Affect the Implementation Success of IS.
Enterprise Adoption of ICT Innovations: Multi-disciplinary Literature Analysis and Future Research Opportunities.
Communicative Incentives in Consumer Innovation Brokering.
Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds: Designing an IT-Supported Ideas Competition for an ERP Software Company.
Protecting Service Innovations against Imitation - The Case of Mobile TV.
Innovation Position: A Quantitative Analysis to Evaluate the Efficiency of Research and Development on the Basis of Patent Data.
Exploring E-Commerce Readiness in China: The Case of the Grocery Industry.
On the Company We Keep: Combined Scale-and-Scope Externalities in the Growth of IT Industry Co-agglomerations.
E-Government Challenges and the Role of Political Leadership in Indonesia: The Case of Sragen.
A Growth-Theoretic Empirical Analysis of Simultaneity in Cross-National E-Commerce Development.
Sustainability of Information Technology Therapy on Micro-enterprise Development.
Strategic and Institutional Perspectives in the Evaluation, Adoption and Early Integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): An Empirical Investigation of Current and Potential Adopters.
Hybrid RFID-GPS Real-Time Location System for Human Resources: Development, Impacts and Perspectives.
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Perceived Strategic Importance of RFID for CIOs in Germany and Italy.
Stock Price Reactions to Investments in EAI and ERP: A Comparative Event Study.
Enterprise Information Systems and Strategic Flexibility.
A Methodological Proposal to Assess the Feasibility of ERP Systems Implementation Strategies.
Geographically Distributed Enterprise Architecting: Towards a Theoretical Framework.
Enterprise Information System Engineering: A Model-Based Approach Based on the Zachman Framework.
Strategic Business and IT Alignment Assessment: A Case Study Applying an Enterprise Architecture-Based Metamodel.
A Consolidated Strategic Business and IT Alignment Representation: A Framework Aggregated From Literature.
Processes for Enterprise Application Architecture Management.
From Federated Databases to a Federated Data Warehouse System.
Measuring Data Believability: A Provenance Approach.
Process Orientation of Information Logistics - An Empirical Analysis to Assess Benefits, Design Factors, and Realization Approaches.
Information Technology and the Number of Suppliers in a Supply Chain: Is There a Relationship?
The Emerging Role of Vertical Search Engines in Travel Distribution: A Newly-Vulnerable Electronic Markets Perspective.
The Deterrent and Displacement Effects of Information Security Enforcement: International Evidence.
Guidelines for Setting Organizational Policies for Data Quality.
Partnerships between Software Firms: Is There Value from Complementarities?
Development and Validation of Scales to Measure the Strategic Potential of IT-Enabled Resources: A Resource-Based Approach.
Resonance Marketing in the Age of the Truly Informed Consumer: Changes in Corporate Strategy Resulting from Changes in Customer Behavior.
The Evolution of the Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Industry and the Security Risks for Users.
A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1 Grid Engine.
Should Online Auctions Employ Dynamic Buyout Pricing Models?
Enabling On-the-Fly Business Process Composition through an Event-Based Approach.
A Survey on the Flexibility Requirements Related to Business Processes and Modeling Artifacts.
Integration of an Ontological Information Security Concept in Risk Aware Business Process Management.
Exploring Process-Modelling Practice: Towards a Conceptual Model.
Modes of Governance in Business Process Outsourcing: Executive versus Market's Perspective.
Organizational Readiness for Business Process Outsourcing: A Model of Determinants and Impact on Outsourcing Success.
Understanding Knowledge-Intensive, Practice-Oriented Business Processes.
Service Process Innovation: A Case Study of BPMN in Practice.
Knowledge Analysis with Tree Patterns.
Designing Multifunctional Knowledge Management Systems.
Social Network Behavior, Thought-Leaders and Knowledge Building in an Online Learning Community.
A Conceptual Framework of Transactive Networks System.
A Collaborative Dimensions Framework: Understanding the Mediating Role of Conceptual Visualizations in Collaborative Knowledge Work.
An Information Ecology Structured by a Nexus between Accreditation and Practice: Boundary Objects, Brokers and Translation across the Boundaries of Standards Compliance and Practice-Oriented Work.
A Value Network Model for Strategic Analysis.
Towards Measuring Knowledge Management Success.
Elaboration Likelihood in Knowledge Management: A Model and Experimental Test.
Does Knowledge Management Pay Off?
Exploring the Relationships among Individual Knowledge Management Outcomes.
KMS Quality - Impact on Competitive Advantage.
How Knowledge Map and Personalization Affect Effectiveness of KMS in High-Tech Firms.
Eliciting and Validating Knowledge in Knowledge Management Systems.
The Impact of Virtual Technologies on Organizational Knowledge Creation: An Empirical Study.
Supporting Strategic Innovativeness: Scenario Planning for Driving Organizational Knowledge Sharing.
N2 Heads Are Better than One: Collaborative Learning, Utilizing an Integrated Knowledge Repository, Facilitated through a Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMOG) Paradigm.
How IT Supports Knowledge Discovery and Learning Processes on the Web.
A Framework for the Co-design of Business and IT Systems.
ICT Perceptions and Meanings: Implications for Knowledge Transfer.
The Value of Weak vs. Strong Ties between Individuals and Projects for New Product Review.
Knowledge Conversion in GSS-Aided Virtual Teams: An Empirical Study.
Adaption-Innovation Theory and Cognitive Diversity: The Impact on Knowledge Use within Organizations.
An Exploratory Examination of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors: Voluntary vs. Solicited.
Work Design in Knowledge-Based Network Organizations: Facilitating Supply Chain Knowledge Flows via Network Entrepreneurship.
An Empirical Investigation of Knowledge Creation in Electronic Networks of Practice: Social Capital and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
Viewing Boundary "Objects" as Boundary Constructions.
Individual Learning and Performance in Communities of Practice.
Formal Boundary Spanning and Informal Boundary Spanning in Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing: A Case Study.
Systems Theory and Knowledge Management Systems: The Case of Pratt-Whitney Rocketdyne.
Using Agent Based Simulation and Game Theory Analysis to Study Information Sharing in Organizations - The InfoScape.
Gathering Experience Knowledge from Iterative Software Development Processes.
Knowledge Management in Renewing Software Development Processes.
Relative Importance of Knowledge Portal Functionalities: A Contingent Approach on Knowledge Portal Design for R&D Teams.
Managing Mathematical Texts with OWL and Their Graphical Representation.
Knowledge Management for Healthcare Organizations: Comparing Strategies with Technical Support.
A Proposal for Examining Factors Leading to Knowledge Equity.
Influence of Sense of Presence on Intention to Participate in a Virtual Community.
Virtual Teams and Development: A Language Games Perspective.
Social Network Structure as a Critical Success Condition for Virtual Communities.
Leveraging a Wiki to EnhanceVirtual Collaboration in the Emergency Domain.
The Role and Emerging Landscape of Data Pools in the Retail and Consumer Goods Industries.
The 8C Framework as a Reference Model for Collaborative Value Webs in the Context of Web 2.0.
e3service: An Ontological Approach for Deriving Multi-supplier IT-Service Bundles from Consumer Needs.
Software Architectural Reuse Issues in Service-Oriented Architectures.
Service Oriented Architecture: Challenges for Business and Academia.
Where to Start with SOA: Criteria for Selecting SOA Projects.
Semantic Web Services Monitoring: An OWL-S Based Approach.
An Operational Framework for Service Oriented Architecture Network Security.
Do Firm R&D Investments Drive Decisions to Join? On the Value of Standard-Setting Organizations in the Consumer Electronics Industry.
The Impact of Direct and Indirect Network Effects on the Diffusion of Communication Standards.
Exploring the Suitability of IS Security Management Standards for SMEs.
Shared Mental Models among Open Source Software Developers.
An Exploratory Study on the Evolution of OSS Developer Communities.
On the Inequality of Contributions to Wikipedia.
Critical Assumptions in Superdistribution Based Business Models - Empirical Evidence from the User Perspective.
E-Business Tools for Active Credit Risk Management - A Market Analysis.
Pricing Product Lines of Digital Content: A Model Using Online Choice Experiment.
Free-Riding and Competition in Network Markets for Digital Goods.
Can a P2P File-Sharing Network Become an e-Marketplace?
Mobile Device Profiling and Intrusion Detection Using Smart Batteries.
Location Privacy for Users of Wireless Devices through Cloaking.
Integrated OTP-Based User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards in Home Networks.
Frameworks for Securing Limited-Device Applications.
Understanding Development and Usage of Social Networking Sites: The Social Software Performance Model.
Social Network Analysis of Video Bloggers' Community.
Morality in Cyberspace: A Comparison of Chinese and U.S. Youth's Beliefs about Acceptable Online Behavior.
Chaos Theory as a Model for Interpreting Weblog Traffic.
Integrating Conflicting Reviews: Attributional Hypotheses of Consumer Response to Information Uncertainty depending on Prior Brand Attitude.
Examining the Perceived Credibility of Online Opinions: Information Adoption in the Online Environment.
A Taxonomy of Service Failures in Electronic Retailing.
Web Accessibility for the Blind: Corporate Social Responsibility or Litigation Avoidance?
What, Who and Where: Insights into Personalization.
Simulation of Online Selling with Posted-Price and Auctions: Comparison of Dual Channel's Performance under Different Auction Mechanisms.
Marketing Using Web 2.0.
An Exploration of the Hygiene and Motivator Aspects of WebQual Constructs in Predicting Website Reuse.
Beyond CRM: A System to Bridge the Gap between the Customer and the Global Manufacturing Supply Chain.
The Business Value of CRM Systems: A Resource-Based Perspective.
CRM and Customer Portfolio Management for E-Tailers.
Internet Users' Beliefs about Government Surveillance - The Role of Social Awareness and Internet Literacy.
A Cognitive Map of People's Online Risk Perceptions and Attitudes: An Empirical Study.
An Investigation into the Determinants of Repurchase Loyalty in the E-Marketplace.
Virtual Experiential Marketing on Online Customer Intentions and Loyalty.
Trust in Online Shopping: The Korean Student Experience.
Understanding the Blog Service Switching in Hong Kong: An Empirical Investigation.
Toward a Generic Model of Security in an Organizational Context: Exploring Insider Threats to Information Infrastructure.
Software Piracy: Original Insights from a Criminological Perspective.
Systems Theory Model for Information Security.
Towards a Methodology for Profiling Cyber Criminals.
A Flexible, High Performance Service-Oriented Architecture for Detecting Cyber Attacks.
Improvements in Security Alert Analysis with a Truth Maintenance System.
Analysis of the Development of Kutztown Community Network.
Discursive Deployments: Mobilizing Support for Municipal and Community Wireless Networks in the U.S.
Value Propositions for Information Systems in Healthcare.
A Proposed Solution for Managing Doctor's Smart Cards in Hospitals Using a Single Sign-On Central Architecture.
Pseudonymization for improving the Privacy in E-Health Applications.
Integrated Solutions for Information Sharing In Health Care Applications.
Implementation of Ontology for Intelligent Hospital Wards.
Building a Customizable Knowledge Management Environment to Support Public Health Practice: Design Strategies.
A Light-Weight Component for Adding Decision Support to Electronic Medical Records.
Electronic Medical Records Use - An Examination of Resident Physician Intentions.
Electronic Medical Records: A Review Comparing the Challenges in Developed and Developing Countries.
Taking Charge of Your Health: The Drivers of Enrollment and Continued Participation in Online Health Intervention Programs.
Soft Innovation as Data-Driven Process Improvement Exploited via Integrated Hospital Information Systems.
From Adoption to Diffusion of a Telehealth Innovation.
A TeleMedicine Transfer Model for Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Internal Value of Mobile Computing in Emergency Medical Services: An Australian Case Study.
Prioritizing Clinical Information System Project Risk Factors: A Delphi Study.
Interoperability of Medical Applications and Devices.
A Qualitative Study of Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses, Clinicians, and Administrators Perception of Training to Learn Mandated Healthcare Informatics Tool Conducted at DC Veterans Affair Hospital.
Evaluating Ontologies Based on the Naturalness of Their Preferred Terms.
Human-Centered Design of Persuasive Appointment Reminders.
An Investigation on the Use of Computerized Patient Care Documentation: Preliminary Results.
Consumer-Centric and Privacy-Preserving Identity Management for Distributed E-Health Systems.
Prospective Personal Health Record Use Among Different User Groups: Results of a Multi-wave Study.
Stratified Modelling and Analysis of Confidentiality Requirements.
Tree Mining in Mental Health Domain.
RFLP-WAVE Analysis for Rapid Identification of Medically Important Fungi.
The Impact of Directionality in Predications on Text Mining.
An Analysis of Korean National Information Strategy of IT839.
Citizens' Concerns about the Privacy of Personal Information Held by Government: A Comparative Study, Japan and New Zealand.
Future e-Government Research: 13 Research Themes Identified in the eGovRTD2020 Project.
The Futures of EU-Based eGovernment: A Scenario-Based Exploration.
Needs Driven Design for eGovernment Value Webs.
The Use of the UTAUT Model in the Adoption of E-Government Services in Kuwait.
Measuring Factors that Influence the Success of E-Government Initiatives.
Building Citizen Trust towards E-Government Services: Do High Quality Websites Matter?
Antecedents to E-File Adoption: The U.S. Perspective.
An Activity-Based Approach towards Development and Use of E-Government Service Ontologies.
Research on Constraints in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Business Process in China Based on Theory of Constraints.
An Empirical Examination of Open Standards Development.
Governance Structures in Cross-Boundary Information Sharing: Lessons from State and Local Criminal Justice Initiatives.
An Exploratory Approach for Benefits Management in e-Government: Insights from 48 Norwegian Government Funded Projects.
Management of Technochange in an Interorganizational E-government Project.
Performance Monitoring and Accountability through Technology: E-government in Greece.
Pandemic Influenza, Worker Absenteeism and Impacts on Freight Transportation.
Cyber Security and Government Fusion Centers.
Internet Privacy in E-Commerce: Framework, Review, and Opportunities for Future Research.
A Comprehensive Fuzzy Logic Model for Feature Performance Assessment against Network Attacks.
An Exploratory Framework for Future E-Government Research Investments.
Tools for Rules: Technology Transfer and Electronic Rulemaking.
High-Level Factors Affecting Global Availability of Online Government Services.
Learning Object Development and Repository Design for Digital Government Instruction.
Current Practices in Field Force Automation: Decision Support and Information Management for the Field Force.
Causal Structure, Endogeneity, and the Missing Data Problem in Modeling the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (E-Government) Use: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges.
Interoperability Registries in eGovernment: Developing a Semantically Rich Repository for Electronic Services and Documents of the New Public Administration.
Conceiving Interoperability between Public Authorities - A Methodical Framework.
InterDataNet: Interoperability Framework to Support Collaborative Creation and Management of Official Documents in e-Government Processes.
Drop-Down Democracy: Internet Portal Design Influences Voters' Search Strategies.
Engaging and Informing Citizens with Household Indicators.
A Kalman-Based Coordination for Hierarchical State Estimation: Agorithm and Analysis.
Monitoring of Power System Dynamic Behavior Using Characteristic Ellipsoid Method.
A Centrality Measure for Electrical Networks.
Power System Extreme Event Detection: The Vulnerability Frontier.
Generating Random Topology Power Grids.
Evaluating the Effect of Upgrade, Control and Development Strategies on Robustness and Failure Risk of the Power Transmission Grid.
Valuation of Reserve Services.
Electricity Load and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Effects of a Carbon Price in the Short Term.
Reducing the Variability of Wind Power Generation for Participation in Day Ahead Electricity Markets.
Spatial Arbitrage to Reduce "Seams" across Electricity System Control Areas: An Experimental Analysis.
A Leader-Follower Computational Learning Approach to the Study of Restructured Electricity Markets: Investigating Price Caps.
Testing the Performance of a Forward Capacity Market with Barriers to Entry.
An Integrated Architecture for Demand Response Communications and Control.
Agent-Based Electricity Balancing with Distributed Energy Resources, A Multiperspective Case Study.
A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids.
Reference Values for Dynamic Calibration of PMUs.
Fast Algorithms for Detecting Circular VAR Flows in Large Power-Flow Models.
Temporal and Spatial Requirements for Optimized Fault Location.
Contouring for Power Systems Using Graphical Processing Units.
Smart Action: A Tool to Help Power System Restoration.
Advanced Sensitivity Analysis for Long-Range Transmission Expansion Planning.
North American SynchroPhasor Initiative.
Issues Related to the Implementation of Synchrophasor Measurements.
Distributed State Estimator - Advances and Demonstration.
Tag Clouds: Data Analysis Tool or Social Signaller?
Harry Potter and the Meat-Filled Freezer: A Case Study of Spontaneous Usage of Visualization Tools.
Information Sharing and Patterns of Social Interaction in an Enterprise Social Bookmarking Service.
Scaling Consensus: Increasing Decentralization in Wikipedia Governance.
Structure and Network in the YouTube Core.
Smarter Blogroll: An Exploration of Social Topic Extraction for Manageable Blogrolls.
Prototyping a Community-Generated, Mobile Device-Enabled Database of Environmental Impact Reviews of Consumer Products.
Mobile Social Networking: An Information Grounds Perspective.
Venice, California and World of Warcraft: Persistence and Ephemerality in Playful Spaces.
Online Gestures: Icon Use by Fan Communities on LiveJournal.
Exploring the Corporate Blogosphere: A Taxonomy for Research and Practice.
Social Exchange Online: Public Conversations in the Blogosphere.
Communicators' Perceptions of Social Presence as a Function of Avatar Realism in Small Display Mobile Communication Devices.
Cues to Deception in Online Chinese Groups.
Television-Mediated Conversation: Coherence in Italian iTV SMS Chat.
On Structural Analysis of Large Networks.
A Context-Aware Approach Enhancing XML Semantics Integration.
Automatic New Topic Identification in Search Engine Transaction Logs Using Multiple Linear Regression.
Video Content Description Using Fuzzy Spatio-temporal Relations.
Relationship between Uncertainty and Patterns of Pre-purchase Consumer Search in Electronic Markets.
Document Retrieval Using Proximity-Based Phrase Searching.
An Evaluation of How Search Engines Respond to Greek Language Queries.
Cross-Language Information Retrieval by Domain Restriction Using Web Directory Structure.
An Examination of Genre Attributes for Web Page Classification.
Examining Variations of Prominent Features in Genre Classification.
Using Visual Features for Fine-Grained Genre Classification of Web Pages.
Rethinking the Digital Divide: Towards a Path of Digital Effectiveness.
Connecting Communities of Need with Public Health: Can SMS Text-Messaging Improve Outreach Communication?
Understanding the Factors Influencing the Attitude Toward and the Use of Mobile Technology in Developing Countries: A Model of Cellular Phone Use in Guinea.
Factors Influencing Users' Intentions to Make the Web Accessible to People with Disabilities.
Digital Usage Behavior: A Sense Making Perspective.
Transcending the Digital Divide: A Framing Analysis of Information and Communication Technologies News in Native American Tribal Newspapers.
Web-Based Service Exchange System for Agents and Humans Alike.
Formalizing the Role of Goals in the Development of Domain-Specific Ontological Frameworks.
Evolution and Maintenance of SOA-Based Systems at SAS.
Service Systems as Customer-Intensive Systems and Its Implications for Service Science and Engineering.
Design of Service Systems under Variability: Research Issues.
Service-Oriented Resource Management.
Towards Service Engineering: Service Orientation and Business-IT Alignment.
A Lifecycle Approach towards Business Rules Management.
Collaborative Continuous Service Engineering: A Case Study in a Financial Service Environment.
The Critical Issues about Deploying RFID in Healthcare Industry by Service Perspective.
Towards a Framework for Evaluating Immersive Business Models: Evaluating Service Innovations in Second Life.
Using Process Models for the Design of Service-Oriented Architectures: Methodology and E-Commerce Case Study.
The Design of an Accountability Framework for Service Engineering.
Toward a Ubiquitous Personalized Daily-Life Activity Recommendation Service with Contextual Information: A Services Science Perspective.
Bridging the "Front Stage" and "Back Stage" in Service System Design.
Reference Models and Modeling Languages for Product-Service Systems - Status-Quo and Perspectives for Further Research.
The Service System Is the Basic Abstraction of Service Science.
Formal Foundation of Workflow Hyperpaths and a Graph Search Algorithm for Workflow Hyperpath Generation.
Exploring the Service-Oriented Enterprise: Drawing Lessons from a Case Study.
Exploring Barriers to Innovation Diffusion in Health Care Service Organizations: An Issue for Effective Integration of Service Architecture and Information Technologies.
Business-Oriented Development Methodology for IT Service Management.
Business Process Modeling: A Service-Oriented Approach.
Using k-Pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market.
Integration Testing of Composite Applications.
A Semantic Web Services-Based Architecture for Model Management Systems.
A Real-Options Approach to Modeling Investments in Competitive, Dynamic Retail Markets.
Risk-Constrained Generation Asset Scheduling for Price-Takers in the Electricity Markets.