hicss 2013 论文列表
46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2013, Wailea, HI, USA, January 7-10, 2013.
Tower Pair Selection for Geolocation in 4G Wireless Networks.
Security Threats in ZigBee-Enabled Systems: Vulnerability Evaluation, Practical Experiments, Countermeasures, and Lessons Learned.
Optimal Preamble Sampling for Low Power Wireless Networks.
Network Resource Usage of the German Toll System: Lessons from a Realistic Simulation Model.
Extending UAV Video Dissemination via Seamless Handover: A Proof of Concept Evaluation of the IEEE 802.21 Standard.
Availability of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks of Unmanned Ground Vehicles with Group Mobility.
Introduction to Wireless Networks Minitrack.
Identifying Weaknesses in VM/Hypervisor Interfaces.
Cloud-Based Virtual Computing Laboratories.
Building a Hypervisor on a Formally Verifiable Protection Layer.
Introduction to Virtualization: Environments, Research, and Education Minitrack.
The Specification, Verification, and Implementation of a High-Assurance Data Structure: An ACL2 Approach.
Security Tagging for a Zero-Kernel Operating System.
Exploring Hidden Markov Models for Virus Analysis: A Semantic Approach.
Effort Estimates on Web Application Vulnerability Discovery.
DART3: DHS Assistant for R&D Tracking and Technology Transfer.
Classifying Information Systems Risks: What Have We Learned So Far?
Introduction to Software Cybersecurity, Assurance, and Testing Minitrack.
Standardized Software for Wind Load Forecast Error Analyses and Predictions Based on Wavelet-ARIMA Models - Applications at Multiple Geographically Distributed Wind Farms.
Supporting Variability Management in Architecture Design and Implementation.
A Pattern-Based Modeling Approach for Software Product Line Engineering.
Introduction to Software Product Lines: Engineering, Services, and Management Minitrack.
Preliminary Requirements on Trusted Third Parties for Service Transactions in Cloud Environments.
On the Security of Encrypted Secret Sharing.
Improved Identity Management Protocol for Secure Mobile Cloud Computing.
Introduction to Secure Cloud Computing Minitrack.
Visualization of Software Assurance Information.
Tool Use within NASA Software Quality Assurance.
Optimized Rollback and Re-computation.
Assuring Software Cost Estimates: Is It an Oxymoron?
Introduction to New Directions in Software Assurance Minitrack.
Using Smartphones as a Proxy for Forensic Evidence Contained in Cloud Storage Services.
Investigating the Increase in Mobile Phone Evidence in Criminal Activities.
De-obfuscation and Detection of Malicious PDF Files with High Accuracy.
Automated Honeynet Deployment for Dynamic Network Environment.
Introduction to Digital Forensics - Education, Research, and Practice Minitrack.
Scrum Metrics for Hyperproductive Teams: How They Fly like Fighter Aircraft.
Using Agile to Create Economic Value for Society.
The Influence of Practices Adopted by Agile Coaching and Training to Foster Interaction and Knowledge Sharing in Organizational Practices.
Software Development: Why the Traditional Contract Model Is Not Fit for Purpose.
Release Duration and Enterprise Agility.
Introduction to Agile/Lean Startup Organizations Minitrack.
From Traditional, to Lean, to Agile Development: Finding the Optimal Software Engineering Cycle.
Evaluating Gender Significance within a Pair Programming Context.
Engineering Quality while Embracing Change: Lessons Learned.
Developer Perceptions of Process Desirability: Test Driven Development and Cleanroom Compared.
Designing and Managing Agile Informative Workspaces: Discovering and Exploring Patterns.
Change-Impact Driven Agile Architecting.
Agile Practices to Accelerate the Delivery of Software: A Quantitative Study with Software Professionals.
Agile and Wellbeing - Stress, Empowerment, and Performance in Scrum and Kanban Teams.
A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Software Engineering and Agile Software Development.
Introduction to Agile and Lean Software Engineering Minitrack.
Introduction to Software Technology Track.
Why You Shouldn't Use PLS: Four Reasons to Be Uneasy about Using PLS in Analyzing Path Models.
How Management Actions Affect Social Exchanges in Outsourcing Relationships.
Establishing an Organization's Master Data Management Function: A Stepwise Approach.
A Two-Sided Perspective on Supplier Dependence in IS Outsourcing Dyads.
Antecedents to Stigma: Factors That Diminish IT Value.
Achieving Flexible and Compliant Processes in Disaster Management.
Introduction to Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology Minitrack.
The Story of Memes: On the Origin of Interorganizational Information Systems (IOISs).
Factors Affecting Internet Banking Pre-usage Expectation Formation.
A Meta-theoretic Approach to Theory Integration in Information Systems.
Introduction to Theoretical Approaches to IS Research Minitrack.
Walking a Tightrope: Managing Paradoxes and Tensions between Care Taking and Efficiency during IT-Enabled Organizational Transformation in a Hospital Group.
The Role of Absorptive Capacity in Information Technology Outsourcing and Innovation Performance: A Moderated Mediation Analysis.
Platform Complexity: Lessons from the Music Industry.
Perceived Proximity and Paradoxical Tensions in an Innovative Industry-Academia Consortium.
Introduction to Paradoxes and Tensions in Innovation and Implementation of Complex Systems Minitrack.
Why SPI Initiative Failed: Contextual Factors and Changing Software Development Environment.
Too Much or Not Enough: Information Systems Integration in Post-merger Context - A Sociomaterial Practice Perspective.
Technology Trust: From Antecedents to Perceived Performance Effects.
Social Network Perception Alignment of E-Recruiters and Potential Applicants.
Social Aspects Influencing Relationships in Digital Innovation Networks - The Smart Lock Case.
Relationship among Information Department' Technicians' Performance Influencing Factors in Taiwan Public and Private Colleges.
Management of Technical Security Measures: An Empirical Examination of Personality Traits and Behavioral Intentions.
Interpreting Information Security Policy Outcomes: A Frames of Reference Perspective.
Distrust in Information Systems Research: A Need for Stronger Theoretical Contributions to Our Discipline.
Corporate and Artificial Moral Agency.
Beyond Demographics - Explaining Diversity in Organizational Social Media Usage.
Introduction to Organizational and Social Dynamics in Information Technology Minitrack.
When IT Risk Management Produces More Harm than Good: The Phenomenon of 'Mock Bureaucracy'.
The Relationship between the Process of Strategic Information Systems Planning and Its Success: An Explorative Study.
The Influence of Organizational Culture on IT Governance: Perception of a Group of IT Managers from Latin American Companies.
Social Factors in Policy Compliance - Evidence Found in Literature to Assist the Development of Policies in Information Security Management.
IT Governance in Multi-business Organizations: Performance Impacts and Levers from Processes, Structures, and Relational Mechanisms.
IT Application Outsourcing in Europe: Long-Term Outcomes, Success Factors and Implications for ITO Maturity.
Information Technology Governance Practices Adoption through an Institutional Perspective: The Perception of Brazilian and American CIOs.
Information Governance in the Banking Industry.
Cloudrise: Exploring Cloud Computing Adoption and Governance with the TOE Framework.
Barriers to Formal IT Governance Practice - Insights from a Qualitative Study.
Assimilation of Compliance Software in Highly Regulated Industries: An Empirical Multitheoretical Investigation.
A Method for Diagnosing Information Technology Governance Processes.
Introduction to IT Governance and Its Mechanisms Minitrack.
Understanding the Nature of Use Regarding System Development and Management Methodologies - Using Psychoanalysis to Understand the Influences of Methodology Attributes.
Strategic Alignment and Project Management Offices: Case Studies from Succesful Implementations in Turkey.
Setting a Research Agenda for IT Project Management Offices.
Power and Status Theory as a Lens to View Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Building Issues in an IOIS Project.
Exploring the Impact of Leadership Competencies on Team Social Capital and Performance in IT Service Team.
Best Practices for Enterprise Systems Deployment Projects in Global Corporations: An Exploratory Study from an Emerging Economy.
Barriers to Project Performance.
Introduction to IT/Project Management Minitrack.
Virtual World Entrepreneurship.
Social Entrepreneurship and Academic Research: Seeking Sustained IT in Non-profits.
Opportunity Discovery and Creation in Cloud Computing.
Entrepreneurial Agency in Information Technology Creation.
Blended Startups: Combining IT with Social, Mobile, Instant Communities.
Antecedents of Community Source Network Formation: The Case of Kuali.
Introduction to IT and Entrepreneurship Minitrack.
Theory Building for ICT4D: The Use of Theory Triangulation in Case Study Research.
The Impact of ICT on Intermediation in the Microfinance Industry.
Outsourcing Decisions of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Multiple-Case Study Approach in the German Software Industry.
Information and Communications Technology in the Tourism Sector of the Maldives: An Institutional Perspective.
A Post-development Perspective on mHealth - An Implementation Initiative in Malawi.
A Path to Socio-economic Development Using Cloud Computing.
A Model of ICTs Adoption for Sustainable Development: An Investigation of Small Business in the United States and China.
Introduction to Information Technology for Development Minitrack.
Transportation Performances Measures and Metrics: Overall Transportation Effectiveness (OTE): A Framework, Prototype and Case Study.
The Impact of Technology on the Labor Procurement Process.
Technology Investment Decision-Making under Uncertainty: The Case of Mobile Payment Systems.
Optimizing Physician Processing Rates with Priority Queues.
Manufacturer's Pricing Strategy for Mixed Retail and E-tail Channels.
Information Systems and Coordination in Supply Chains.
Design of Consumer Review Systems and Product Pricing.
A Theoretical Exploration for Supply Chain Leagility Capability.
Introduction to Information Issues in Supply Chain and in Service System Design Minitrack.
Understanding Customer-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Information System Support: An Exploratory Study.
Computer Personnel: A Brief Historical View of the People Who Make Digital Things Work.
Introduction to Human Capital and Computing: Exploring the Resources in Front of the Black Box Minitrack.
The Influence of User Social Network on User Participation in ERP System Implementation.
Reducing Requirements Heterogeneity in Enterprise System Projects - A Case Study of Harmonizing and Optimizing Business Processes.
Evaluating the Performance on ERP Systems in King Saud University (KSU): A Stakeholders' Perspective.
Efficiency and Innovation Oriented Business Value of Enterprise Systems Interoperability - An Empirical Investigation.
Approaching Strategic Misalignment from an Organizational View of Business Processes.
A Contribution to Theory Building for the Successful Implementation of ERP and BPR - An Application of the Method of Stylized Facts.
A Classification of Ecosystems of Enterprise System Providers - An Empirical Analysis.
Introduction to Enterprise System Integration: Issues and Answers Minitrack.
What Kind of Interventions Can Help Users from Falling for Phishing Attempts: A Research Proposal for Examining Stage-Appropriate Interventions.
The Cognitive Science of Spreadsheet Errors: Why Thinking is Bad.
Introduction to Understanding the Familiar Unknown Minitrack.
The Role of Trust in Successful Ecommerce Websites in China: Field Observations and Experimental Studies.
Quality Competition in the Security Software Market.
Information Exchange in Prediction Markets: Do Social Networks Promote Forecast Efficiency?
Healthcare Security Strategies for Regulatory Compliance and Data Security.
Does It Pay Off to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study.
Introduction to Competitive Strategy, Economics, and IS Minitrack.
Writing on the Wall: An Online "Community" of YouTube Patrons as Communication Network or Cyber-Graffiti?
Strategic Management of Other-Provided Information Online: Personality and Network Variables.
Topological Analysis of Longitudinal Networks.
Introduction to Communication and Social Networks Minitrack.
Transformative Influence of Business Processes on the Business Model: Classifying the State of the Practice in the Software Industry.
Team Knowledge in Enterprise Architecting.
Reach and Range of Business Process Management - Findings in the Telecommunication and Chemical Industry.
Evaluate the E-Business Maturity of the Port of Alexandria.
Enterprise Architecture Quality Attributes: A Case Study.
Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Empirical Analysis of Information Sources for Automation.
Enterprise Architecture Cybernetics and the Edge of Chaos: Sustaining Enterprises as Complex Systems in Complex Business Environments.
Alignment of Business and IT Architectures in the German Federal Government: A Systematic Method to Identify Services from Business Processes.
A Framework for Exploring Digital Business Ecosystems.
Introduction to Business and Enterprise Architecture: Processes, Approaches, and Challenges Minitrack.
Using Incentive Systems to Increase Information Quality in Business Intelligence: A Quasi-Experiment in the Financial Services Industry.
Understanding Information System Agility - The Example of Business Intelligence.
Towards a Business Intelligence Maturity Model for Healthcare.
Situational Business Intelligence Maturity Models: An Exploratory Analysis.
Leveraging Business Intelligence to Build Meta-knowledge.
Factors that Influence Transportation Security Funding: A Data Mining Analysis on U.S. Airport Improvement Grants.
A Study on the Effects of Empowerment and Habit on Continuance Usage of Pervasive Business Intelligence Systems.
Introduction to Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Big Data Minitrack.
Thriving Systems Theory: An Emergent Information Systems Design Theory.
On the Veridicality of Claims in Design Science Research.
IT Support for Business Process Innovation - Architectural Choices and Design Challenges.
Design Research Guidelines for Mindful IT Innovations: The Case of RFID Innovation in Supply Chain Management.
An Information System Design Product Theory for Integrated Order, Transportation and Warehouse Management Systems.
Introduction to Advances in Design Research for Information Systems Minitrack.
Introduction to Organizational Systems and Technology Track.
Trajectory Mining on Capability Space: Its Concept and Potential Application.
Patterns of Knowledge Management Leadership and Delegation: Supporting an Agile Organization.
Knowledge Management to Support Systematic Innovation Capability.
Introduction to Strategic Knowledge Management for Innovation and for Organizational Agility Minitrack.
Understanding Knowledge Transfer Dynamics in Information System Support: An Exploratory Study of Procurement System Support.
The Impacts of the Cognitive Nature of the Task and Psychological Empowerment on an Individual's Knowledge Creation, Sharing, and Application.
Success Factors in Process Performance Management for Services - Insights from a Multiple-Case Study.
Measuring Boundary Objects in an Attempt to Explain Innovativeness.
Determining the Factors Influencing Enterprise Social Software Usage: Development of a Measurement Instrument for Empirical Assessment.
Defining Leadership as an Influence on KM Success.
Introduction to Knowledge Management Value, Success, and Performance Measurements Minitrack.
Just for the Fun of It? Towards a Model for Assessing the Individual Benefits of Employees' Enterprise Social Software Usage.
Customer Knowledge Contribution Behavior in Social Shopping Communities.
Introduction to Knowledge Management in an Era of New Social Media: Risks and Opportunities Minitrack.
Vision Development as a Knowledge Creating Process.
Towards a Theory of Community Technology Centers: A Knowledge-Based Study.
Role of Inter-organizational Knowledge Networks in Innovation-driven Collaborations of Biotechnology Industry.
Proximity, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation in Technology-Based M&As.
Knowledge Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Online Communities: The Effects of Recommendation Agents and Community Characteristics.
Governing Individual Learning in the Transition Phase of Software Maintenance Offshoring: A Dynamic Perspective.
Differential and Depreciation Effects of Shared Experience: Evidence from Software Projects.
Introduction to Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in Organizations Minitrack.
To Share or Not to Share? Risks and Benefits of the External Knowledge Transfer.
Shared Domain Knowledge in Strategic Green IS Alignment: An Analysis from the Knowledge-Based View.
The Theory of Crowd Capital.
Enhancing the Quality of Information in Inter-organizational Environmental Reporting Information Systems.
Introduction to Knowledge Economics Minitrack.
NASF in Twitter: An Entrepreneur's Community of Practice Using Electronic Networks of Practice.
Assessing Knowledge Loss Risk.
A Formal Analysis of Fraud in Banking Sector.
Introduction to KM and Security: Protecting Intellectual Property Minitrack.
Model of a Personalization-Based Agent System for Early Product Adoption Phases.
Data Mining and Support Vector Regression Machine Learning in Semiconductor Manufacturing to Improve Virtual Metrology.
Introduction to Integrating Knowledge and Learning Processes Minitrack.
Toward an Agile Knowledge Connection of Employees with Regard to Business Processes.
The Role of Performance Measurement Systems between Assessment Tool and Knowledge Repository.
Knowledge-Intensive Healthcare Processes: Rethinking Business Process Ownership.
An Ontology-Based Approach for Bank Stress Testing.
A Methodology for Creating Ontology-Based Multi-agent Systems with an Experiment in Financial Application Development.
Introduction to Designing and Deploying Next Generation Knowledge Systems and Knowledge Intensive Business Processes Minitrack.
Using Social Media to Capture and Convey Cultural Knowledge: A Case of Chamorro People.
Indigenous Techniques of Knowledge Creation in Qinea Schools of Ethiopia.
Introduction to Cultural/Indigenous Knowledge Impacts on Knowledge Systems, an Intersection of Beliefs Minitrack.
Introduction to Knowledge Systems Track.
Virtualizing the Past: Re-connecting on Facebook and Emerging Social Relationships.
To Love, Honor, and Inform from This Site Forward: A Model of Dyadic Information Behavior in Online-Initiated Relationships.
Tech-Tied or Tongue-Tied? Technological versus Social Trouble in Relational Video Calling.
Introduction to Technologically Mediated Relationship Creation and Maintenance Minitrack.
Wired Academia: Why Social Science Scholars Are Using Social Media.
Why They Become Addicted: Relationship between Microblogging Usage and Addiction.
The Supportive Role of Social Media Networks for those Out of Work.
Inspiration, Socialization, and Skill Acquisition in an Amateur Multimedia Community.
Information Diffusion with Content Crossover in Online Social Media: An Empirical Analysis of the Social Transmission Process in Twitter.
Factors Affecting Individual Flaming in Virtual Communities.
Facebook Fallout: Future Contact Avoidance After Being Unfriended on Facebook.
Discovery of Community Structures in a Heterogeneous Professional Online Network.
Continued Social Virtual World Use among Teens: Examining the Moderating Role of Perceived Network Exposure.
Introduction to Social Networking and Communities Minitrack.
Xbox 360 Hoaxes, Social Engineering, and Gamertag Exploits.
The Effects of Notice versus Awareness: An Empirical Examination of an Online Consumer's Privacy Risk Treatment.
Privacy Settings in Online Social Networks - Preferences, Perception, and Reality.
Introduction to Personalization, Privacy and Identity Disclosure in Virtual Society Minitrack.
What Determines an Agreeable and Adoptable Idea? A Study of User Ideas on MyStarbucksIdea.com.
Is Wikipedia Inefficient? Modelling Effort and Participation in Wikipedia.
Online Technical Support: How It Works and Why It Fails?
How Microblogging Networks Affect Project Success of Open Source Software Development.
Gendered Patterns of Politeness in Free/Libre Open Source Software Development.
Applying a Rule-Based Natural Language Classifier to Open Source Requirements: a Demonstration of Theory Exploration.
A Core-Periphery-Legality Architectural Style for Open Source System Development.
Introduction to Open Movements Minitrack.
Stock Market Prediction without Sentiment Analysis: Using a Web-Traffic Based Classifier and User-Level Analysis.
Points-of-Interest Mining from People's Photo-Taking Behavior.
Mining Online User-Generated Content: Using Sentiment Analysis Technique to Study Hotel Service Quality.
A Text Mining Approach to Evaluate Submissions to Crowdsourcing Contests.
Introduction to Mining and Analyzing Social Media Minitrack.
The Dynamics of Open, Peer-to-Peer Learning: What Factors Influence Participation in the P2P University?
Simple and Computational Heuristics for Forum Management in the NSTA Learning Center: A Role for Learning Analytics in Online Communities of Practice Supporting Teacher Learning.
Building Multimedia Artifacts Using a Cyber-Enabled Video Repository: The VMCAnalytic.
Introduction to Learning Analytics and Networked Learning Minitrack.
Towards a Maturity Model for the Adoption of Social Media as a Means of Organizational Innovation.
Co-creating Innovative UGC Services with the Media Industry.
Effect of R&D Tax Credit on the Cost-Metrics of Cloud Computing: A Case Study from France.
Introduction to Innovation and the Digital Economy Minitrack.
Towards the Optimal Security Level: Quantification of Risks in Service-Based Information Systems.
Information System Security Commitment: A Pilot Study of External Influences on Senior Management.
Information Security Policy Compliance: An Empirical Study of Ethical Ideology.
i-HOPE Framework for Predicting Cyber Breaches: A Logit Approach.
Explaining Opposing Compliance Motivations towards Organizational Information Security Policies.
Enhancing Password Security through Interactive Fear Appeals: A Web-Based Field Experiment.
Employees' Information Security Awareness and Behavior: A Literature Review.
An Experimental Study to Explore Attacker Response to Changes in Security and Reward.
A Path Way to Successful Management of Individual Intention to Security Compliance: A Role of Organizational Security Climate.
Introduction to Emerging Risks and Systemic Concerns in Information Security Research and Applications Minitrack.
The Integration of the Expectancy Disconfirmation and Symbolic Consumption Theories: A Case of Virtual Product Consumption.
The Effect of Group-Buy Social Commerce and Coupon on Satisfaction and Continuance Intention - Focusing on the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM).
The Advertising Effect of Free - Do Free Basic Versions Promote Premium Versions within the Freemium Business Model of Music Services?
Online Search and Buying Behaviour in Consumer Markets.
Measuring Effects of Observational Learning and Social-Network Word-of-Mouth (WOM) on the Sales of Daily-Deal Vouchers.
Measuring Customer Retention in the B2C Electronic Business: An Empirical Study.
How Strong Are the Effects of Technological Disruption? Smartphones' Impacts on Internet and Cable TV Services Consumption.
How Interactivity Works for Utilitarian and Hedonic Consumers Online.
How Do Advertisers Compete in Sponsored Search Auctions? Evidence from the Digital Camera Industry.
A Diffusing Path Planning Mechanism for Marketing Information Propagation over Social Media.
Introduction to Electronic Marketing Minitrack.
Understanding the Impact of Policy, Regulation and Governance on Mobile Broadband Diffusion.
Impact of Cultural Influences on Internet Adoption.
Computer Training to Empower Day Laborers: A Heat Map to Address Emotional Barriers and Technical Skills.
Comparing the Adopters and Non-adopters of Online Social Networks: A UK Perspective.
Analyzing Electronic Book Acceptance: A Compatibility Perspective.
A "Cloud Lifestyle": The Diffusion of Cloud Computing Applications and the Effect of Demographic and Lifestyle Clusters.
Acceptance of Professional Web 2.0 Platforms in Regional SME Networks: An Evaluation Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology.
Introduction to Diffusions, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society Minitrack.
The Rise and Fall of Crowdsourcing?
The Power of 'Like' - Interpreting Usage Behaviors in Company-Hosted Facebook Pages.
Theory vs. Data-Driven Learning in Future E-Commerce.
Recommendation Systems and Consumer Satisfaction Online: Moderating Effects of Consumer Product Awareness.
Nice to Know You: Familiarity and Influence in Social Networks.
Exploring Social Influence on Customer Engagement: A Pilot Study on the Effects of Social Learning, Social Comparison, and Normative Influence.
Introduction to Digital Customer Engagement Minitrack.
Introduction to Internet and the Digital Economy Track.
Towards Next Generation Health Data Exploration: A Data Cube-Based Investigation into Population Statistics for Tobacco.
Stage-Based mHealth Communication Interventions for HPV Education.
Lessons from an Online Stop-Smoking Intervention: Adaptations for Mobile Implementation.
An mHealth Recommender for Smoking Cessation Using Case Based Reasoning.
Introduction to IT Innovation for Change in Healthcare Minitrack.
Using Intelligent Data Sources to Monitor Unusual Behaviors in Individual's Health Data.
Use of Text Search to Effectively Identify Lifetime Prevalence of Suicide Attempts among Veterans.
Twitter and Health in the Australian Context: What Types of Information Are Health-Related Organizations Tweeting?
Transition Discovery of Sequential Behaviors in Email Application Usage Using Hidden Markov Models.
Towards a Software Tool for Raising Awareness of Diabetic Foot in Diabetic Patients.
Persuasive and Pervasive Sensing: A New Frontier to Monitor, Track and Assist Older Adults Suffering from Type-2 Diabetes.
ChargeMed: Development of a Mobile Application for Medical Coding and Billing within the Ontario Healthcare Environment.
A Clinical Decision Support System for Adult ADHD Diagnostics Process.
A Balanced Scorecard Approach to Perioperative Process Management: A Case Study Perspective.
Introduction to IT Architectures and Applications in Healthcare Environment Minitrack.
Will "Meaningful Use" Bridge the Adoption Gap for Small Physician Practices? Results of a Survey of Hawaii Physicians.
Towards a New Design Paradigm for Complex Electronic Medical Record Systems: Intuitive User Interfaces.
Toward Order Set Optimization Using Click Cost Criteria in the Pediatric Environment.
The Status of EMR Adoption in University Psychology Clinics.
Secure Electronic Health Record Exchange: Achieving the Meaningful Use Objectives.
Physician Reactions to Healthcare IT: An Activity-Theoretic Analysis.
Patient Web Empowerment Index (PWEI): 2009-2011 Evaluation of Italian NHS Hospitals Web Strategies.
Exploring the Impact of Information System Introduction: The Case of an Australian Hospital Emergency Department.
Culture Matters: Factors Affecting the Adoption of Telemedicine.
Contrasting the Dimensions of Information Quality in Their Effects on Healthcare Quality in Hospitals.
Aligning IT Assets to Maximize Healthcare Organizational Performance.
Introduction to IT Adoption and Evaluation in Healthcare Minitrack.
On the Design of IT-Enabled Self-Care Systems: A Socio-technical Perspective.
mobileWAY - A System to Reduce the Feeling of Temporary Lonesomeness of Persons with Dementia and to Foster Inter-caregiver Collaboration.
Influence of Text and Participant Characteristics on Perceived and Actual Text Difficulty.
Exploring Design Features and Benefits of Online Patient Education (OPE) Sites for Chronic Diseases.
Creating Consumer Friendly Health Content: Implementing and Testing a Readability Diagnosis and Enhancement Tool.
A Web Portal for Bariatric Patients - Effective Relationships Management.
Are Concerns and Needs of Parents Addressed? An Analysis of Cerebral Palsy Agencies Websites in Australia.
Introduction to HCI and Consumer Health Informatics Minitrack.
Visual Analytics for Public Health: Supporting Knowledge Construction and Decision-Making.
Towards Enhanced Accuracy in Medical Diagnostics - A Technique Utilizing Statistical and Clinical Data Analysis in the Context of Ultrasound Images.
Optimize Querying of LOINC® with an Ontology: Give Me the Chlamydia Tests the Epidemiologists Want Me to Use!
Improve Retrieval Performance on Clinical Notes: A Comparison of Four Methods.
A Fuzzy Neural Approach to Classifying Low Back Disorders Risks.
Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization in Biomedical Informatics Minitrack.