
iccv 1995 论文列表

Procedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 95), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, June 20-23, 1995.

Task-Oriented Generation of Visual Sensing Strategies.
Transfer of Fixation for an Active Stereo Platform via Affine Structure Recovery.
A Robot System that Observes and Replicates Grasping Tasks.
Stereo in the Presence of Specular Reflection.
Reconstructing Complex Surfaces from Multiple Stereo Views.
A Multi-Body Factorization Method for Motion Analysis.
In Defence of the 8-Point Algorithm.
Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths.
A Model of Figure-Ground Segregation from Kinetic Occlusion.
Detecting Kinetic Occlusion.
Robust Detection of Degenerate Configurations for the Fundamental Matrix.
Epipole and Fundamental Matrix Estimation Using Virtual Parallax.
COSMOS-A Representation Scheme for Free-Form Surfaces.
Annular Symmetry Operators: A Method for Locating and Describing Objects.
Calibration-Free Visual Control Using Projective Invariance.
Active Fixation Using Attentional Shifts, Affine Resampling, and Multiresolution Search.
Real-Time Focus Range Sensor.
Better Optical Triangulation Through Spacetime Analysis.
Improving Laser Triangulation Sensors Using Polarization.
Auxiliary Variables for Deformable Models.
Expected Performance of Robust Estimators Near Discontinuities.
Determining Wet Surfaces from Dry.
Rendering Real-World Objects Using View Interpolation.
On the Geometry and Algebra of the Point and Line Correspondences Between N Images.
Rigidity Checking of 3D Point Correspondences under Perspective Projection.
A Quantitative Analysis of View Degeneracy and its use for Active Focal Length control.
A Comparison of Projective Reconstruction Methods for Pairs of Views.
Invariant of a Pair of Non-Coplanar Conies in Space: Definition, Geometric Interpretation and Computation.
Trilinearity of Three Perspective Views and its Associated Tensor.
Statistical Learning, Localization, and Identification of Objects.
Hierarchical Statistical Models for the Fusion of Multiresolution Image Data.
Estimating the Tensor of Curvature of a Surface from a Polyhedral Approximation.
Affine Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Viewpoint Control.
Site Model Acquisition and Extension from Aerial Images.
A Linear Method for Reconstruction from Lines and Points.
Recovering Object Surfaces from Viewed Changes in Surface Texture Patterns.
An Integral Approach to Free-Formed Object Modeling.
Multiscale Detection of Curvilinear Structures in 2D and 3D Image Data.
Surface Geometry from Cusps of Apparent Contours.
Curve and Surface Smoothing without Shrinkage.
On Multi-Feature Integration for Deformable Boundary Finding.
Topologically Adaptable Snakes.
Adaptive Shape Evolution Using Blending.
Deformable Velcro(tm) Surfaces.
Algorithms for Implicit Deformable Models.
A Snake for Model-Based Segmentation.
Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models.
Animat Vision: Active Vision in Artificial Animals.
Automatic Generation of GRBF Networks for Visual Learning.
Probabilistic Visual Learning for Object Detection.
Layered Representation of Motion Video Using Robust Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Models and MDL Encoding.
Hypergeometric Filters for Optical Flow and Affine Matching.
Monocular Tracking of the Human Arm in 3D.
Motion Estimation with Quadtree Splines.
Motion Analysis with a Camera with Unknown, and Possibly Varying Intrinsic Parameters.
A Theory of Specular Surface Geometry.
Surface Orientation and Curvature from Differential Texture Distortion.
On Representation and Matching of Multi-Coloured Objects.
Color Constancy under Varying Illumination.
Results Using Random Field Models for the Segmentation of Color Images of Natural Scenes.
Optical Flow and Deformable Objects.
Volumetric Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: A New Approach to the 3D Motion Analysis of the LV from MRI-SPAMM.
Geodesic Active Contours.
A Model-Based Integrated Approach to Track Myocardial Deformation Using Displacement and Velocity Constraints.
Towards an Active Visual Observer.
Closed-World Tracking.
Vision Based Hand Modeling and Tracking for Virtual Teleconferencing and Telecollaboration.
Structure and Semi-Fluid Motion Analysis of Stereoscopic Satellite Images for Cloud Tracking.
A Recursive Filter for Phase Velocity Assisted Shape-Based Tracking of Cardiac Non-Rigid Motion.
Visual Navigation Using a Single Camera.
Finding Faces in Cluttered Scenes Using Labeled Random Graph Matching.
Learning-Based Hand Sign Recognition Using SHOSLIF-M.
Recognition of Human Body Motion Using Phase Space Constraints.
3D Human Body Model Acquisition from Multiple Views.
Model-Based Tracking of Self-Occluding Articulated Objects.
Mosaic Based Representations of Video Sequences and Their Applications.
Perceptual Organization in an Interactive Sketch Editing Application.
Face Detection by Fuzzy Pattern Matching.
Model-Based 2D&3D Dominant Motion Estimation for Mosaicing and Video Representation.
Real-Time X-Ray Inspection of 3D Defects in Circuit Board Patterns.
3D Pose Estimation by Fitting Image Gradients Directly to Polyhedral Models.
Combining Color and Geometric Information for the Illumination Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects.
Validation of 3D Registration Methods Based on Points and Frames.
3D-2D Projective Registration of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces.
Learning Geometric Hashing Functions for Model-Based Object Recognition.
Gabor Wavelets for 3-D Object Recognition.
Model-Based Matching of Line Drawings by Linear Combinations of Prototypes.
Fast Object Recognition in Noisy Images Using Simulated Annealing.
Computing Visual Correspondence: Incorporating the Probability of a False Match.
Invariant-Based Recognition of Complex Curved 3D Objects from Image Contours.
Face Recognition from One Example View.
Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Visual Speech Recognition.
Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition.
Recognizing 3D Objects Using Photometric Invariant.
The Study of 3D-from-2D Using Elimination.
FORMS: A Flexible Object Recognition and Modelling System.
Locating Objects Using the Hausdorff Distance.
Relational Matching with Dynamic Graph Structures.
Region Correspondence by Inexact Attributed Planar Graph Matching.
A Geometric Criterion for Shape-Based Non-Rigid Correspondence.
Object Pose: Links Between Paraperspective and Perspective.
Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, Energy/Bayes/MDL for Multi-band Image Segmentation.
Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience.
Optimal Subpixel Matching of Contour Chains and Segments.
Shape Extraction for Curves Using Geometry-Driven Diffusion and Functional Optimization.
Matching of 3D Curves Using Semi-Differential Invariants.
A State-Based Technique for the Summarization and Recognition of Gesture.
Tracking and Recognizing Rigid and Non-Rigid Facial Motions Using Local Parametric Models of Image Motion.
A Unified Approach to Coding and Interpreting Face Images.
Facial Expression Recognition Using a Dynamic Model and Motion Energy.
Automatic Recognition of Human Facial Expressions.
Surface Reconstruction: GNCs and MFA.
Matching Constraints and the Joint Image.
Complete Scene Structure from Four Point Correspondences.
Dynamic Rigid Motion Estimation from Weak Perspective.
A Unifying Framework for Structure and Motion Recovery from Image Sequences.
Closing the Loop on Multiple Motions.
Region Tracking through Image Sequences.
Determining Facial Expressions in Real-Time.
Structure and Motion Estimation from Dynamic Silhouettes under Perspective Projection.
Recovering 3D Motion of Multiple Objects Using Adaptive Hough Transform.
Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Central Flow Divergence and Peripheral Flow.
Motion from the Frontier of Curved Surfaces.
Computation of Coherent Optical Flow by Using Multiple Constraints.
Estimating Motion and Structure from Correspondences of Line Segments between Two Perspective Images.
Rigid Body Segmentation and Shape Description from Dense Optical Flow under Weak Perspective.
Global Rigidity Constraints in Image Displacement Fields.
ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Shape Tracking.
Accurate Internal Camera Calibration Using Rotation, with Analysis of Sources of Error.
The Nonparametric Approach for Camera Calibration.
Color Constancy in Diagonal Chromaticity Space.
Bayesian Decision Theory, the Maximum Local Mass Estimate, and Color Constancy.
Combining Color and Geometry for the Active, Visual Recognition of Shadows.
Saliency Maps and Attention Selection in Scale and Spatial Coordinates: An Information Theoretic Approach.
Steerable Wedge Filters.
Class-Based Grouping in Perspective Images.
Polymorphic Grouping for Image Segmentation.
Unsupervised Parallel Image Classificiation Using a Hierarchical Markovian Model.
Scale-Space from Nonlinear Filters.
Image Segmentation by Reaction-Diffusion Bubbles.
Seeing Behind the Scene: Analysis of Photometric Properties of Occluding Edges by the Reversed Projection Blurring Model.
Indexing Visual Representations through the Complexity Map.
Direct Estimation of Affine Image Deformations Using Visual Front-End Operations with Automatic Scale Selection.
The Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Texture.
Texture Segmentation and Shape in the Same Image.
Limitations of Markov Random Fields as Models of Textured Images of Real Surfaces.
3D Surface Reconstruction from Stereoscopic Image Sequences.
Segmented Shape Descriptions from 3-View Stereo.
Electronically Directed "Focal" Stereo.
A Multibaseline Stereo System with Active Illumination and Real-Time Image Acquisition.
Reflectance Function Estimation and Shape Recovery from Image Sequence of a Rotating Object.
Shape and Model from Specular Motion.
Shape from Shading with Interreflections under Proximal Light Source: 3D Shape Reconstruction of Unfolded Book Surface from a Scanner Image.
Active Visual Navigation Using Non-Metric Structure.
An Integrated Stereo-Based Approach to Automatic Vehicle Guidance.
Weakly-Calibrated Stereo Perception for Rover Navigation.
Head-Eye Calibration.
Robot Aerobics: Four Easy Steps to a More Flexible Calibration.
Object Indexing Using an Iconic Sparse Distributed Memory.
Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information .
Recognition Using Region Correspondences.
Towards a Unified IU Environment: Coordination of Existing IU Tools with the IUE.