
ijcai 1981 论文列表

Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI '81, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 24-28, 1981.

Computer Vision and Human Perception: An Essay on the Discovery of Constraints.
A Psychologist Views Human Processing: Human Errors and Other Phenomena Suggest Processing Mechanisms.
Shape Representation in Parallel Systems.
Six Topics in Search of a Parser: An Overview of AI Language Research.
Parameter Networks: Towards a Theory of Low-Level Vision.
Knowledge Sources In Vision.
KEYSIGHT: Computer Vision Inspection of Valve Spring Assemblies on Engine Heads.
MARK I Robot.
The Model Inference System.
Physics Problem Solving: ISAAC-II.
MUMBLE: A Flexible System for Language Production.
Compound: A Program that Understands Noun Compounds.
Tinker: Example-Based Programming for Artificial Intelligence.
IPP Program Description.
Factory Modelling, Simulation, and Scheduling in the Intelligent Management System.
BORIS - An In-Dept Understander of Narratives.
Demonstrating PROLOG on APPLE II.
MDX and Related Medical Decision-Making Systems.
A Set of APL Functions to Play New Eleusis.
STAMMER2: A Rule-Based Application.
A Formal Representation for Plans in the Programmers Apprentice.
APE: An Expert System for Automatic Programming from Abstract Specifications of Data Types and Algorithms.
An Advisory System for Developing Data Representations.
A Design for an Automatic Programming System.
Algebraic Approximations.
Algebraic Manipulations as a Unification and Matching Strategy for Linear Equations in Signed Binary Trees.
Use of Data Representation Mapping in Automatic Generation of Data Base Access Procedures.
Inversion of Applicative Programs.
PAPE: An On-Line System for Inferring Procedures from Sets of Their Traces.
Automatic Synthesis of Numerical Computer Programs.
The Conceptual Calculus For Automatic Program Understanding.
Large Human-Machine Information Spaces.
An Information Presentation System.
Beverly Park Woolf, Eric Rubin, Paul Barth: Meno-II: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Novice Programmers.
LOGO as an Information Prosthetic for Communication and Control.
Domain Specific Debugging Aids for Novice Programmers.
NON-VON: A Parallel Machine Architecture for Knowledge-Based Information Processing.
ZMOB: A New Conputing Engine for AI.
Concurrent LISP on a Multi-Micro-Processor System.
Last Steps Towards an Ultimate PROLOG.
Brand X: LISP Suport for Semantic Networks.
UNIFORM: A Language Based upon Unification which Unifies (Much of) LISP, PROLOG, and ACT I.
PEARL - A Package for Efficient Access to Representations in LISP.
Overview of a Display-Oriented Editor for INTERLISP.
A Knowledge-Based Program Editor.
Layered Networks as a Tool for Software Development.
Time-Oriented Features for Medical Consultation Systems.
A Precedence Scheme for Selection and Explanation of Therapies.
Temporal Event Recognition: An Application to Left Ventricular Performance.
Causal Understanding of Patient Illness in Medical Diagnosis.
Application Design: Issues in Expert System Architecture.
A Rule-Based Task Generation System.
ONCOCIN: An Expert System for Oncology Protocol Management.
Computational Methods for a Mathematical Theory of Evidence.
How Expert Should an Expert System Be?
Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge from Domain Experts.
Developing Microprocessor Based Expert Models for Instrument Interpretation.
Knowledge Structure Definition for an Expert System in Primary Medical Care.
The DIPMETER ADVISOR: Interpretation of Geologic Signals.
DART: An Expert System for Computer Fault Diagnosis.
Inexact Inference for Rule-Based Damage Assessment of Existing Structures.
NEOMYCIN: Reconfiguring a Rule-Based Expert System for Application to Teaching.
Extending a Knowledge-Based System to Deal with Ad Hoc Constraints.
Explaining and Justifying Expert Consulting Programs.
An Object-Oriented Language for Constructing Simulations.
Advanced Automaton For Space Missions.
A New Approach to the Problem of Acquiring Randomly Oriented Workpieces Out of a Bin.
Tactile Sensation for Robots.
Rover Visual Obstacle Avoidance.
A Locomotion Control System for Mobile Robots.
Design Concept of Direct-Drive Manipulators Using Rare-Earth DC Torque Motors.
Algorithms of the Complex Tactile Information Processing.
GARI: A Problem Solver That Plans How to Machine Mechanical Parts.
Spatial Problems for a Simulated Robot.
Reasoning About Images: Application to Aerial Image Understanding.
Intensity Discontinuity Location to SubPixel Precision.
Obtaining Surface Orientation from Texels under Perspective Projection.
Perceptual Problems in Analyzing Industrial Radiographs.
Dynamically Quantized Spaces for Focusing the Hough Transform.
Dynamically Quantized Pyramids.
Hierarchical Description of Textures.
Design Of A Highly Parallel Visual Recognition System.
Inferential Region Extraction in TV-Sequences.
Determining Velocity Map By 3-D Iterative Estimation.
Knowledge-Based Identification of Artery Branches in Cine-Angiograms.
Real-Time Natural Scene Analysis for a Blind Prosthesis.
Optic Flow Field Structure And Processing Image Motion.
A Simple Method for Recovering a Relative Depth Map in the Case of a Translating Sensor.
Volumetric Model and 3D-Trajectory of a Moving Car Derived from Monocular TV-Frame Sequence of a Street Scene.
Structure from Motion of Rigid and Jointed Objects.
A Parallel Computation that Assigns Canonical Object-Based Frames of Reference.
A Structural Method of Scene Analysis.
An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision.
A Feature-Based Scene Matcher.
Polyhedra of Minimal Area as 3D Object Models.
On 3D Reconstruction from Two Perspective Views.
Triangulation of 3-D Objects.
Shape from Shading for Surfaces with Texture and Specularity.
3D Object Representation and Matching with B-Splines and Surface Patches.
Computing Optic Flow.
A RANSAC-Based Approach to Model Fitting and Its Application to Finding Cylinders in Range Data.
Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo.
Experiments In Knowledge-Driven Interpretation of Natural Scenes.
Structuring Domain Knowledge For Visual Perception.
Model-Based Three Dimensional Interpretations of Two Dimensional Images.
The Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Structure from Image Curves.
On Shapes.
Object Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Information.
Recognition of 3-D Objects Using the Extended Gaussian Image.
How to Search Efficiently.
An Examination of Brute Force Intelligence.
The Use of Parallelism to Implement a Heuristic Search.
Some Remarks on Heuristic Search Algorithms.
Branch & Bound Formulation for Sequential and Parallel Game Tree Searching: Preliminary Results.
Search Methods Using Heuristic Strategies.
Heuristic Search Theory: Survey of Recent Results.
Homogenization: Preparing Equations for Change of Unknown.
Decomposition Ordering as a Tool to Prove the Termination of Rewriting Systems.
The Efficacy of RUE Resolution Experimental Results and Heuristic Theory.
Universal Unification and Regular Equational ACFM Theories.
Obvious Logical Inferences.
An Improved Filter for Literal Indexing in Resolution Systems.
Symbolic Evaluation of LISP Functions with Side Effects for Verification.
The Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure.
Consistency and Completeness of OMEGA, a Logic for Knowledge Representation.
A Metalanguage Representation of Relational Databases for Deductive Question-Answering Systems.
Extended Plausible Inference.
Subsumption And Connection Graphs.
Application of Automatic Transformations to Program Verification.
Using Matching in Algebraic Equation Solving.
An Application of AI Techniques to Structuring Objects into an Optimal Conceptual Hierarchy.
Distinctions and Confusions: A Catalogue Raisonne.
An Algorithm that Infers Theories from Facts.
A General Semantic Analyser for Data Base Access.
A Deterministic Analyzer for the Interpretation of Natural Language Commands.
Multi-Strategy Construction-Specific Parsing for Flexible Data Base Query and Update.
GLP: A General Linguistic Processor.
Computing a Map from Michi-Annai-Bun or Written Descriptions.
Figuring Out What the User Wants: Steps Toward an Automatic Yellow Pages Assistant.
Anaphora for Limited Domain Systems.
The Design and an Example Use of Hearsay-III.
Building the Inference Component of an Historical Information Retrieval System.
The Framework for a Model of Psychoanalytic Inference.
A Belief Representation for Understanding Deception.
Control of Inference: Role of Some Aspects of Discourse Structure-Centering.
Reasoning about Deduction with Unknown Constants.
Representation and Inference in the Consul System.
Using Active Connection Graphs for Reasoning with Recursive Rules.
Towards Automating Explanations.
Directing And Re-Directing Inference Pursuit: Extra-Textual Influences on Text Interpretation.
The Nature of Generalization in Understanding.
Don't Be Stupid.
Representations for Reasoning about Digital Circuits.
A New Method for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Plan Synthesis: A Logical Perspective.
Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Processes.
An Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge from Disparate Sources.
Reasoning With Incomplete Knowledge in a Resource-Limited Environment: Integrating Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition.
Decision Trees For Optimizing Pattern - Matching Algorithms in Production Systems.
PARTS INFERENCE: Closed and Semi-Closed Partitioning Graphs.
The Superiority of Relative Criteria in Partial Matching and Generalization.
Representing Implicit And Explicit Time Relations In Narrative.
HPM: A Computational Formalism for Heuristic Procedure Modification.
The Design Of A System For Designing Knowledge Representation Systems.
On Interacting Defaults.
Knowledge Representation of Design in Many-Sorted Logic.
Cancellation in a Parallel Semantic Network.
On the Definition of Specialization Hierarchies for Procedures.
The Representation of an Evolving System of Legal Concepts: II. Prototypes and Deformations.
The Interaction with Incomplete Knowledge Bases: A Formal Treatment.
The Role of Roles: Some Aspects of Real World Knowledge Representation.
\RESTAURANT Revisited or "Lunch with BORIS".
Organization and Retrieval in a Conceptual Memory for Events or CON 54, Where Are You?
An Interval-Based Representation of Temporal Knowledge.
Multi-Processor Rotation and Comparison of Objects.
Strolling Down The Garden Path: Error Prone Tasks in Expert Problem Solving.
Learning And Abstraction In Simulation.
Character Tracking and the Understanding of Narratives.
Recognizing Intended Meaning and Speakers' Plans.
Why Robots Will Have Emotions.
Text Plans and World Plans in Natural Discourse.
Summarizing Narratives.
Deductive Modeling of Human Cognition.
AUTOPILOT: A Distributed Planner for Air Fleet Control.
Tuning of Search of the Problem Space for Geometry Proofs.
Constrained Example Generation: A Testbed for Studying Issues in Learning.
Learning of Sensory-Motor Schemas in a Mobile Robot.
Concept Learning by Structured Examples - An Algebraic Approach.
A Computational Model of Analogical Problem Solving.
Learning Racquetball by Constrained Example Generation.
Learning (Complex) Structural Descriptions from Examples.
Knowledge Acquisition in the Consul System.
Learning Problem-Solving Heuristics Through Practice.
BACON.5: The Discovery of Conservation Laws.
Failure-Driven Reminding for Incremental Learning.
Inductive Learning of Pronunciation Rules by hypothesis Testing and Correction.
Analogy-Based Acquisition of Utterances Relating to Temporal Aspects.
Concept Learning by Experiment.
A Theory of Language Acquisition Based on General Learning Principles.
A Computer Model of Child Language Acquisition.
Metaphor Interpretation as Selective Inferencing.
A Plot Understanding System on Reference to Both Image and Language.
Viewing Word Expert Parsing as Linguistic Theory.
Generalizations Based on Explanations.
Variable-Depth Natural Language Understanding.
Natural Language Interaction With Dynamic Knowledge Bases: Monitoring as Response.
Opportunistic Processing in Arguments.
Using Language and Context in the Analysis of Text.
Natural Language Dialogue about Moving Objects in an Automatically Analyzed Traffic Scene.
High Level Memory Structures and Text Coherence in Translation.
Design Characteristics of a Machine Translation System.
Integration, Unification, Reconstruction, Modification: An Eternal Parsing Braid.
The Need for Referent Identification as a Planned Action.
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Language Processing: A Progress Report.
Modeling Informal Debates.
Story Generation After TALE-SPIN.
Cancelled Due To Lack Of Interest.
Language Comprehension in a Problem Solver.
Toward a Detailed Model of Processing for Language Describing the Physical World.