
recsys 2012 论文列表

Sixth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys '12, Dublin, Ireland, September 9-13, 2012.

Personalizing the local mobile experience: workshop at RecSys 2012.
1st workshop on recommendation technologies for lifestyle change 2012.
RecSys'12 workshop on interfaces for recommender systems (InterfaceRS'12).
Recommender systems challenge 2012.
Workshop on recommendation utility evaluation: beyond RMSE - RUE 2012.
4th workshop on context-aware recommender systems (CARS 2012).
RecSys'12 workshop on human decision making in recommender systems.
4th ACM RecSys workshop on recommender systems and the social web.
Reducing the sparsity of contextual information for recommender systems.
The user-centered design of a recommender system for a universal library catalogue.
Beyond lists: studying the effect of different recommendation visualizations.
Using group recommendation heuristics for the prioritization of requirements.
Utilising document content for tag recommendation in folksonomies.
Dynamically selecting an appropriate context type for personalisation.
Exploiting the characteristics of matrix factorization for active learning in recommender systems.
An open framework for multi-source, cross-domain personalisation with semantic interest graphs.
Recommending interesting events in real-time with foursquare check-ins.
pGPA: a personalized grade prediction tool to aid student success.
Yokie: explorations in curated real-time search & discovery using twitter.
Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system demo.
Using ratings to profile your health.
Integrated content marketing.
Recommenders for the enterprise: event, contact, and group.
The demonstration of the reviewer's assistant.
CubeThat: news article recommender.
A system for twitter user list curation.
HeyStaks: a real-world deployment of social search.
Enlister: baidu's recommender system for the biggest chinese Q&A website.
The Xbox recommender system.
Case study on the business value impact of personalized recommendations on a large online retailer.
Social referral: leveraging network connections to deliver recommendations.
The influence of knowledgeable explanations on users' perception of a recommender system.
Making recommendations in a microblog to improve the impact of a focal user.
Collaborative learning of preference rankings.
Probabilistic news recommender systems with feedback.
Exploiting the web of data in model-based recommender systems.
Discovering latent factors from movies genres for enhanced recommendation.
Influential seed items recommendation.
Recommending academic papers via users' reading purposes.
Constrained collective matrix factorization.
When recommenders fail: predicting recommender failure for algorithm selection and combination.
Swarming to rank for recommender systems.
Design and evaluation of a group recommender system.
Local learning of item dissimilarity using content and link structure.
Remembering the stars?: effect of time on preference retrieval from memory.
Using graph partitioning techniques for neighbour selection in user-based collaborative filtering.
Dynamic personalized recommendation of comment-eliciting stories.
I've got 10 million songs in my pocket: now what?
Recommendation challenges in web media settings.
Distributed, real-time bayesian learning in online services.
BlurMe: inferring and obfuscating user gender based on ratings.
Ads and the city: considering geographic distance goes a long way.
A semantic approach to recommending text advertisements for images.
An approach to context-based recommendation in software development.
Scalable similarity-based neighborhood methods with MapReduce.
Sparse linear methods with side information for top-n recommendations.
Ranking with non-random missing ratings: influence of popularity and positivity on evaluation metrics.
CLiMF: learning to maximize reciprocal rank with collaborative less-is-more filtering.
Context-aware music recommendation based on latenttopic sequential patterns.
Review quality aware collaborative filtering.
Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system.
High quality recommendations for small communities: the case of a regional parent network.
How many bits per rating?
Local implicit feedback mining for music recommendation.
Alternating least squares for personalized ranking.
Optimal radio channel recommendations with explicit and implicit feedback.
On top-k recommendation using social networks.
Real-time top-n recommendation in social streams.
Spotting trends: the wisdom of the few.
Inspectability and control in social recommenders.
TasteWeights: a visual interactive hybrid recommender system.
User effort vs. accuracy in rating-based elicitation.
Pareto-efficient hybridization for multi-objective recommender systems.
Multiple objective optimization in recommender systems.
The challenge of recommender systems challenges.
Building industrial-scale real-world recommender systems.
Personality-based recommender systems: an overview.
Conducting user experiments in recommender systems.
Online controlled experiments: introduction, learnings, and humbling statistics.