An inexact derivative-free Levenberg–Marquardt method for linear inequality constrained nonlinear systems under local error bound conditions




In this paper, a derivative-free affine scaling inexact Levenberg–Marquardt method with interior backtracking line search technique is considered for solving linear inequality constrained nonlinear systems. The proposed algorithm is designed to take advantage of the problem structure by building polynomial interpolation models for each function of nonlinear systems subject to the linear inequality constraints on variables. Each iterate switches to backtracking step generated by affine scaling inexact Levenberg–Marquardt method and satisfies strict interior point feasibility by line search backtracking technique. Under local error bounded assumption, the method is superlinear and quadratic convergent on F(x). The results of numerical experiments are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

论文关键词:Derivative-free optimization,Levenberg–Marquardt method,Inexact,System of nonlinear equations,Interior point,Affine scaling

论文评审过程:Received 5 December 2014, Revised 18 January 2016, Accepted 27 January 2016, Available online 23 February 2016, Version of Record 23 February 2016.
