A sampling approach for skyline query cardinality estimation

作者:Cheng Luo, Zhewei Jiang, Wen-Chi Hou, Shan He, Qiang Zhu


A skyline query returns a set of candidate records that satisfy several preferences. It is an operation commonly performed to aid decision making. Since executing a skyline query is expensive and a query plan may combine skyline queries with other data operations such as join, it is important that the query optimizer can quickly yield an accurate cardinality estimate for a skyline query. Log Sampling (LS) and Kernel-Based ( KB) skyline cardinality estimation are the two state-of-the-art skyline cardinality estimation methods. LS is based on a hypothetical model A(log(n))B. Since this model is originally derived under strong assumptions like data independence between dimensions, it does not apply well to an arbitrary data set. Consequently, LS can yield large estimation errors. KB relies on the integration of the estimated probability density function (PDF) to derive the scale factor Ψ ds . As the estimation of PDF and the ensuing integration both involve complex mathematical calculations, KB is time consuming. In view of these problems, we propose an innovative purely sampling-based (PS) method for skyline cardinality estimation. PS is non-parametric. It does not assume any particular data distribution and is, thus, more robust than LS. PS does not require complex mathematical calculations. Therefore, it is much simpler to implement and much faster to yield the estimates than KB. Extensive empirical studies show that for a variety of real and synthetic data sets, PS outperforms LS in terms of estimation speed, estimation accuracy, and estimation variability under the same space budget. PS outperforms KB in terms of estimation speed and estimation variability under the same performance mark.

论文关键词:Skyline query, Cardinality estimation, Sampling

