Impact of Internet gambling on problem gambling among adolescents in Italy: Findings from a large-scale nationally representative survey



• Most studies into online gambling (OG) have used non-representative samples.

• This study examines OG in a large-scale nationally representative youth sample.

• Rates of problem gambling in youth are five times higher among online gamblers.

• Remote mediums increase the risk of youth becoming a problem online gambler.

• Family characteristics play a key role in explaining youth problem online gambling.


•Most studies into online gambling (OG) have used non-representative samples.•This study examines OG in a large-scale nationally representative youth sample.•Rates of problem gambling in youth are five times higher among online gamblers.•Remote mediums increase the risk of youth becoming a problem online gambler.•Family characteristics play a key role in explaining youth problem online gambling.

论文关键词:Online gambling,Internet gambling,Problem gambling,Adolescent gambling,ESPAD data

论文评审过程:Received 13 October 2015, Revised 2 December 2015, Accepted 9 December 2015, Available online 21 December 2015, Version of Record 21 December 2015.
