Information-theoretic regularization for learning global features by sequential VAE

作者:Kei Akuzawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo


Sequential variational autoencoders (VAEs) with a global latent variable z have been studied for disentangling the global features of data, which is useful for several downstream tasks. To further assist the sequential VAEs in obtaining meaningful z, existing approaches introduce a regularization term that maximizes the mutual information (MI) between the observation and z. However, by analyzing the sequential VAEs from the information-theoretic perspective, we claim that simply maximizing the MI encourages the latent variable to have redundant information, thereby preventing the disentanglement of global features. Based on this analysis, we derive a novel regularization method that makes z informative while encouraging disentanglement. Specifically, the proposed method removes redundant information by minimizing the MI between z and the local features by using adversarial training. In the experiments, we trained two sequential VAEs, state-space and autoregressive model variants, using speech and image datasets. The results indicate that the proposed method improves the performance of downstream classification and data generation tasks, thereby supporting our information-theoretic perspective for the learning of global features.

论文关键词:Variational autoencoders, Disentanglement, Sequential models, Mutual information regularization

