Detection and Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet based Part Detectors

作者:Bo Wu, Ram Nevatia


Detection and tracking of humans in video streams is important for many applications. We present an approach to automatically detect and track multiple, possibly partially occluded humans in a walking or standing pose from a single camera, which may be stationary or moving. A human body is represented as an assembly of body parts. Part detectors are learned by boosting a number of weak classifiers which are based on edgelet features. Responses of part detectors are combined to form a joint likelihood model that includes an analysis of possible occlusions. The combined detection responses and the part detection responses provide the observations used for tracking. Trajectory initialization and termination are both automatic and rely on the confidences computed from the detection responses. An object is tracked by data association and meanshift methods. Our system can track humans with both inter-object and scene occlusions with static or non-static backgrounds. Evaluation results on a number of images and videos and comparisons with some previous methods are given.

论文关键词:human detection, human tracking, AdaBoost

