Describing Visual Scenes Using Transformed Objects and Parts

作者:Erik B. Sudderth, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, Alan S. Willsky


We develop hierarchical, probabilistic models for objects, the parts composing them, and the visual scenes surrounding them. Our approach couples topic models originally developed for text analysis with spatial transformations, and thus consistently accounts for geometric constraints. By building integrated scene models, we may discover contextual relationships, and better exploit partially labeled training images. We first consider images of isolated objects, and show that sharing parts among object categories improves detection accuracy when learning from few examples. Turning to multiple object scenes, we propose nonparametric models which use Dirichlet processes to automatically learn the number of parts underlying each object category, and objects composing each scene. The resulting transformed Dirichlet process (TDP) leads to Monte Carlo algorithms which simultaneously segment and recognize objects in street and office scenes.

论文关键词:Object recognition, Dirichlet process, Hierarchical Dirichlet process, Transformation, Context, Graphical models, Scene analysis

