Continuous Global Optimization in Multiview 3D Reconstruction

作者:Kalin Kolev, Maria Klodt, Thomas Brox, Daniel Cremers


In this article, we introduce a new global optimization method to the field of multiview 3D reconstruction. While global minimization has been proposed in a discrete formulation in form of the maxflow-mincut framework, we suggest the use of a continuous convex relaxation scheme. Specifically, we propose to cast the problem of 3D shape reconstruction as one of minimizing a spatially continuous convex functional. In qualitative and quantitative evaluation we demonstrate several advantages of the proposed continuous formulation over the discrete graph cut solution. Firstly, geometric properties such as weighted boundary length and surface area are represented in a numerically consistent manner: The continuous convex relaxation assures that the algorithm does not suffer from metrication errors in the sense that the reconstruction converges to the continuous solution as the spatial resolution is increased. Moreover, memory requirements are reduced, allowing for globally optimal reconstructions at higher resolutions.

论文关键词:Continuous global minimization, Convex optimization, Multiview 3D reconstruction

