Multi-view Superpixel Stereo in Urban Environments

作者:Branislav Mičušík, Jana Košecká


Urban environments possess many regularities which can be efficiently exploited for 3D dense reconstruction from multiple widely separated views. We present an approach utilizing properties of piecewise planarity and restricted number of plane orientations to suppress reconstruction and matching ambiguities causing failures of standard dense stereo methods. We formulate the problem of the 3D reconstruction in MRF framework built on an image pre-segmented into superpixels. Using this representation, we propose novel photometric and superpixel boundary consistency terms explicitly derived from superpixels and show that they overcome many difficulties of standard pixel-based formulations and handle favorably problematic scenarios containing many repetitive structures and no or low textured regions. We demonstrate our approach on several wide-baseline scenes demonstrating superior performance compared to previously proposed methods.

论文关键词:3D reconstruction, Multi-view stereo, Urban environment, Segmentation

