On the Repeatability and Quality of Keypoints for Local Feature-based 3D Object Retrieval from Cluttered Scenes

作者:A. Mian, M. Bennamoun, R. Owens


3D object recognition from local features is robust to occlusions and clutter. However, local features must be extracted from a small set of feature rich keypoints to avoid computational complexity and ambiguous features. We present an algorithm for the detection of such keypoints on 3D models and partial views of objects. The keypoints are highly repeatable between partial views of an object and its complete 3D model. We also propose a quality measure to rank the keypoints and select the best ones for extracting local features. Keypoints are identified at locations where a unique local 3D coordinate basis can be derived from the underlying surface in order to extract invariant features. We also propose an automatic scale selection technique for extracting multi-scale and scale invariant features to match objects at different unknown scales. Features are projected to a PCA subspace and matched to find correspondences between a database and query object. Each pair of matching features gives a transformation that aligns the query and database object. These transformations are clustered and the biggest cluster is used to identify the query object. Experiments on a public database revealed that the proposed quality measure relates correctly to the repeatability of keypoints and the multi-scale features have a recognition rate of over 95% for up to 80% occluded objects.

论文关键词:Keypoint detection, Keypoint quality and repeatability, Local features, 3D object retrieval

