A temporal modal defeasible logic for formalizing social commitments in dialogue and argumentation models

作者:Asma Moubaiddin, Imad Salah, Nadim Obeid


In this paper, we extend a temporal defeasible logic with a modal operator Committed to formalize commitments that agents undertake as a consequence of communicative actions (speech acts) during dialogues. We represent commitments as modal sentences. The defeasible dual of the modal operator Committed is a modal operator called Exempted. The logical setting makes the social-commitment based semantics of speech acts verifiable and practical; it is possible to detect if, and when, a commitment is violated and/or complied with. One of the main advantages of the proposed system is that it allows for capturing the nonmonotonic behavior of the commitments induced by the relevant speech acts.

论文关键词:Agent communication languages, Defeasible logic, Modal Logic, Commitments, Time

