Feature selection with multi-objective genetic algorithm based on a hybrid filter and the symmetrical complementary coefficient

作者:Rui Zhang, Zuoquan Zhang, Di Wang, Marui Du


With the expansion of data size and data dimension, feature selection attracts more and more attention. In this paper, we propose a novel feature selection algorithm, namely, Hybrid filter and Symmetrical Complementary Coefficient based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm feature selection (HSMOGA). HSMOGA contains a new hybrid filter, Symmetrical Complementary Coefficient which is a well-performed metric of feature interactions proposed recently, and a novel way to limit feature subset’s size. A new Pareto-based ranking function is proposed when solving multi-objective problems. Besides, HSMOGA starts with a novel step called knowledge reserve, which precalculate the knowledge required for fitness function calculation and initial population generation. In this way, HSMOGA is classifier-independent in each generation, and its initial population generation makes full use of the knowledge of data set which makes solutions converge faster. Compared with other GA-based feature selection methods, HSMOGA has a much lower time complexity. According to experimental results, HSMOGA outperforms other nine state-of-art feature selection algorithms including five classic and four more recent algorithms in terms of kappa coefficient, accuracy, and G-mean for the data sets tested.

论文关键词:Feature selection, Feature interaction, Hybrid filter, Symmetrical complementary coefficient, Multi-objective genetic algorithm

