A scalable parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient method for bundle adjustment

作者:Jiaxin Peng, Jie Liu, Hua Wei


Bundle adjustment is a fundamental problem in computer vision, with important applications such as 3D structure reconstruction from 2D images. This paper focuses on large-scale bundle adjustment tasks, e.g., city-wide 3D reconstruction, which require highly efficient solutions. For this purpose, it is common to apply the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, whose bottleneck lies in solving normal equations. The majority of recent methods focus on achieving scalability through modern hardware such as GPUs and distributed systems. On the other hand, the core of the solution, i.e., the math underlying the optimizer for the normal equations, remains largely unimproved since the proposal of the classic parallel bundle adjustment (PBA) algorithm, which increasingly becomes a major limiting factor for the scalability of bundle adjustment.

论文关键词:Structure from motion, Bundle adjustment, Preconditioned conjugate gradient

