Learning Invariant Features Using Subspace Restricted Boltzmann Machine

作者:Jakub M. Tomczak, Adam Gonczarek


The subspace restricted Boltzmann machine (subspaceRBM) is a third-order Boltzmann machine where multiplicative interactions are between one visible and two hidden units. There are two kinds of hidden units, namely, gate units and subspace units. The subspace units reflect variations of a pattern in data and the gate unit is responsible for activating the subspace units. Additionally, the gate unit can be seen as a pooling feature. We evaluate the behavior of subspaceRBM through experiments with MNIST digit recognition task and Caltech 101 Silhouettes image corpora, measuring cross-entropy reconstruction error and classification error.

论文关键词:Feature learning, Unsupervised learning, Invariant features, Subspace features, Deep model

