A Hybrid Multi-gene Genetic Programming with Capuchin Search Algorithm for Modeling a Nonlinear Challenge Problem: Modeling Industrial Winding Process, Case Study

作者:Malik Braik


Motivated by the increasing complexity and operational productivity of industrial processes, the need for efficient modeling schemes for industrial systems is highly demanded. This study presents a new simulator model for a real winding process based on a combination of Multi-gene Genetic Programming (MGP) and Capuchin Search Algorithm (CapSA), referred to as MGP-CapSA modeling approach. CapSA is a meta-heuristic algorithm used to optimize the coefficients of the regression equations of the MGP technique. The winding process has tensions in the web between reels 1 and 2 and between reels 2 and 3. On this basis, two mathematical models were developed by the MGP-CapSA method to estimate the tensions in the web for this process. The efficacy and superiority of the proposed MGP-CapSA method were verified by extensive experiments and hypothesis testing, and the proposed method was then compared with other well-known intelligent and conventional modeling methods. The proposed MGP-CapSA method can be exploited to enhance control performance and achieve robust fault-tolerant system. A comparison of the MGP-CapSA method with other promising modeling methods corroborates the performance level of MGP-CapSA over those competitors. The results demonstrate that MGP-CapSA is a suitable method for generating robust models for complex nonlinear systems.

论文关键词:Multi-gene genetic programming, Capuchin search algorithm, Genetic programming, Winding problem

