Introduction to the special issue on normative multiagent systems

作者:Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre, Harko Verhagen


This special issue contains four selected and revised papers from the second international workshop on normative multiagent systems, for short NorMAS07 (Boella et al. (eds) Normative multiagent systems. Dagstuhl seminar proceedings 07122, 2007), held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, in March 2007. At the workshop a shift was identified in the research community from a legal to an interactionist view on normative multiagent systems. In this editorial we discuss the shift, examples, and 10 new challenges in this more dynamic setting, which we use to introduce the papers of this special issue.

论文关键词:Norms, Multiagent Systems, Normative multiagent systems, Social mechanism design, Artifical social systems

