A formal model of emotions for an empathic rational dialog agent

作者:Magalie Ochs, David Sadek, Catherine Pelachaud


Recent research has shown that virtual agents expressing empathic emotions toward users have the potential to enhance human–machine interaction. To provide empathic capabilities to a rational dialog agent, we propose a formal model of emotions based on an empirical and theoretical analysis of the users’ conditions of emotion elicitation. The emotions are represented by particular mental states of the agent, composed of beliefs, uncertainties and intentions. This semantically grounded formal representation enables a rational dialog agent to identify from a dialogical situation the empathic emotion that it should express. An implementation and an evaluation of an empathic rational dialog agent have enabled us to validate the proposed model of empathy.

论文关键词:Affective computing, Emotions, Empathy, Dialog, Rational dialog agent, Formal model

