Combining quantitative and qualitative reasoning in concurrent multi-player games

作者:Nils Bulling, Valentin Goranko


We propose a general framework for modelling and formal reasoning about multi-agent systems and, in particular, multi-stage games where both quantitative and qualitative objectives and constraints are involved. Our models enrich concurrent game models with payoffs and guards on actions associated with each state of the model and propose a quantitative extension of the logic \({\textsf {ATL}}^{*}\) that enables the combination of quantitative and qualitative reasoning. We illustrate the framework with some detailed examples. Finally, we consider the model-checking problems arising in our framework and establish some general undecidability and decidability results for them.

论文关键词:Multi-stage games, Quantitative reasoning, Qualitative reasoning, Alternating-time temporal logic ATL, Quantitative extension of ATL, Model checking, Decidability and undecidability

