A method for discovering clusters of e-commerce interest patterns using click-stream data



• User’s browsing behavior is a comprehensive reflection of their interests.

• A novel method is proposed for discovering clusters of interest patterns.

• A novel rough leader clustering algorithm is developed for large dataset clustering.

• A case study is conducted based on near 3,000,000 clickstream data.


•User’s browsing behavior is a comprehensive reflection of their interests.•A novel method is proposed for discovering clusters of interest patterns.•A novel rough leader clustering algorithm is developed for large dataset clustering.•A case study is conducted based on near 3,000,000 clickstream data.

论文关键词:Click-stream data,User interest,Behavior analysis,Leader clustering algorithm,Rough set theory

论文评审过程:Received 3 January 2014, Revised 7 October 2014, Accepted 14 October 2014, Available online 22 October 2014.
