SIGGRAPH 1989 论文列表

Computer Art in Context: Art Show Catalog of the 16th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1989, Boston, MA, USA, July 31 - August 4, 1989.

Computer art in the contex of the journal Leonardo.
Art and the information revolution.
The proceduralist manifesto.
The image in art and 'computer art'.
Emergent aesthetic - aesthetic issues in computer arts.
Beyond computer art.
Computer imagery: imitation and representation of realities.
Cinema and the code.
Mathematics as an artistic-generative principle.
Fractals and an art for the sake of science.
The wizard of ethereal pictures and virtual places.
The tao of postmodernism: computer art, scientific visualization and other paradoxes.
A brief history of SIGGRAPH art exhibitions.