SIGGRAPH 1976 论文列表

Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1976, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July 14-16, 1976.

Computer-aided coarse grid layout technique for photomasks.
PRIMS: an interactive system for the design of hybrid circuit layout.
The line drawing editor, an experiment in computer vision.
Three-dimensional man-machine interaction.
Making graphics work.
Computer aided integrated circuit design: a distributed integrated approach.
ARTES: an interactive highway design program.
Hierarchical geometric models for visible-surface algorithms.
Texture and reflection in computer generated images.
A method for plotting curves defined by implicit equations.
A parametric algorithm for drawing pictures of solid objects bounded by quadric surfaces.
Characteristics of neuroscience computer graphics displays and a proposed system to generate those displays.
Quantitative imaging of dynamic structure and function of the heart, lungs and circulation by computerized reconstruction and subtraction techniques.
Computer rendering of lobster neurons.
The design of a low cost video graphics terminal.
"SGP": a simple graphics package.
Automated contouring of vertical oceanographic sections using an objective analysis.
Affordability of computer graphics for planning networks in DOD program management.
Remote programmability of graphic interactions in a host/satellite configuration.
Configurable applications for satellite graphics.
Experience with distributed processing on a host/satellite graphics system.
Graphic and relational data base support for problem solving.
Enhanced graphics performance with user controlled segment files.
On the semantics of the assignment statement of high-level graphical languages.
Cartographic data structures: alternatives for geographic information systems.
The application of the intercolor 8000 terminal to thematic cartography.
A system for interactive acquisition and administration of geometric data for thematic map production.
Animation on a satellite graphics system.
A mobile remote data collection and graphics display station.
A developmental system for microcomputer based intelligent graphics terminals.
BGRAF2: a real-time graphics language with modular objects and implicit dynamics.
Specifying symbol instances.
Graphics for social scientists.
A computer-terminal, hardware/software system with enhanced user input capabilities: the enhanced-input terminal system (EITS).
Controlling user interaction.
Recognition of three-dimensional objects from orthographic views.
Graphical input through machine recognition of sketches.
Interactive computer graphics for computer aided design in civil engineering.
Interactive simulation of network pumping policies on a computer-based graphics system.
Automatic drafting systems: an effective person-machine interface.
Architecture-by-yourself: an experiment with computer graphics for house design.
The HRD-1 laser display system.
A summary of graphics terminal requirements based on application studies.
A film on schemes for interactive curve design.
A graphics editor for labanotation.
Interacting with the GALATEA film analysis system.
Interactive skeleton techniques for enhancing motion dynamics in key frame animation.
A digital video information storage and retrieval system.
Experiments with computer animation.
A conversational extensible system for the animation of shaded images.
A user-oriented computer graphics system.
Computer-generated stereograms: a new dimension for the graphic arts.
Intermixing refresh and direct view storage graphics.
An interactive computer graphics approach for dissecting a mixture of normal (or lognormal) distributions.
Sequential/parallel matrix picture languages.
Typer: an editor for the online composition of text.