SIGGRAPH 1977 论文列表

Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1977, San Jose, California, USA, July 20-22, 1977.

Automated display techniques for linear graphs.
Computer art for computer people - a syllabus.
Shadow algorithms for computer graphics.
A homogeneous formulation for lines in 3 space.
Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours.
General clipping on an oblique viewing frustrum.
A graph-theoretic real-time visible surface editing technique.
Hidden surface removal using polygon area sorting.
Raster-scan hidden surface algorithm techniques.
Line generation for incremental and raster devices.
Models of light reflection for computer synthesized pictures.
GEO-OUEL: a system for the manipulation and display of geographic data.
A query language for a network data base with graphical entities.
Towards a unified approach to 2-D picture manipulation.
A system for interactive definition and depiction of sculptured surfaces.
Dynamic modeling.
Automated contour mapping using triangular element data structures and an interpolant over each irregular triangular domain.
An extensible approach to imagery of gridded data.
Ways of structuring data within a digital cartographic data base.
A system for sculpting 3-D data.
Visual interaction with overhauser curves and surfaces.
An interactive computer graphics approach to surface representation.
Machine-independent metacode translation.
A Fortran IV program to draw enhanced graphic characters.
Moving, computer-generated images via integral holography.
GPGS: a device-independent general purpose graphic system for stand-alone and satellite graphics.
A simple approach to computer aided milling with interactive graphics.
A practical approach to implementing line printer graphics.
An interdisciplinary laboratory for graphics research and applications.
Trans-use of graphics in the study of transformations.
The buffalo crime mapping system: a design strategy for the display and analysis of spatially referenced crime data.
Real-time playback in animation systems.
A color animation system: based on the multiplane technique.
Anima II: a 3-D color animation system.
Interactive analysis and display of tabular data.
Computer graphics for facilities management.
Interactive graphics an aid to health planning and decision making.
High quality computer animation.
Real time digital image generation.
On the realism of digitally synthesized images.
Glide: a language for design information systems.
Association of graphic images and dynamic attributes.
CASS: computer-assisted stereotaxic surgery.
Graphical pre- and post-processor for 2-dimensional finite element method programs.
ECOSITE: an application of computer-aided design to the composition of landforms for reclamation.