
aaai 2000 论文列表

Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Twelfth Conference on on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 30 - August 3, 2000, Austin, Texas, USA.

Conceptual Indexing: Practical Large-Scale AI for Efficient Information Access.
The Games Computers (and People) Play.
Human-Level AI's Killer Application: Interactive Computer Games.
Recent Progress in the Design and Analysis of Admissible Heuristic Functions.
Modeling High-Dimensional Data by Combining Simple Experts.
Structure, Duality, and Randomization: Common Themes in AI and OR.
Why Do We Need a Body Anyway?
Decision Making under Uncertainty: Operations Research Meets AI (Again).
The Blue Swarm.
Symbol Recognition and Artificial Emotion for Making an Autonomoius Robot Attend the AAAI Conference.
Untangle: A New Ontology for Card Catalog Systems.
Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (Version 4.1).
Customer Coalitions in the Electronic Marketplace.
O-Plan: A Web-Based AI Planning Agent.
User Interface Softbots.
Adaptive User Interfaces through Dynamic Design Automation.
Matchmaking to Support Intelligent Agents for Portfolio Management.
The Chimaera Ontology Environment.
TV Content Recommender System.
Qualitative Spatial Interpretation of Course-of-Action Diagrams.
The Systems Engineering Process Activities (SEPA) Methodology and Tool Suite.
Sensible Agents: Demonstration of Dynamic Adaptive Autonomy.
Artificial Intelligence-Based Computer Modeling Tools for Controlling Slag Foaming in Electric Furnaces.
Refining Inductive Bias in Unsupervised Learning via Constraints.
Learning Landmarks for Robot Localization.
Online Ensemble Learning.
Grounding State Representations in Sensory Experience for Reasoning and Planning by Mobile Robots.
Selective Sampling with Co-Testing: Preliminary Results.
Belief Revision in a Deductively Open Belief Space.
Ontology Integration in XML.
Reasoning and Acting in Time.
Automatic Generation of Memory Based Search Heuristics.
Adaptive Learning Systems: A Model for Business Entrepreneurs to Implement IT.
Helping Children Learn Vocabulary during Computer Assisted Oral Reading.
An ILP Method Based on Instance Graph.
Clustering with Instance-Level Constraints.
Interfacing Issues for Information Extraction.
Team-Aware Multirobot Strategy for Cooperative Path Clearing.
Towards Approximately Optimal Poker.
"Small-World" Networks of Mobile Robots.
Behavior Acquisition and Classification: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer.
Towards Efficient Negotiation Mechanisms for Collaboration.
Intelligent Monitoring in a Robotic Assistant for the Elderly.
Representation and Evolution of Lego-Based Assemblies.
Model-Based-Diagnosis for Fault Management in Telecommunications Networks.
Deriving and Using Abstract Representation in Behavior-Based Systems.
Combining Classification and Temporal Learning.
A Semi-Complete Disambiguation Algorithm for Open Text.
An Implementation of the Combinatorial Auction Problem in ECLiPSe.
Programming Robot Behavior Primitives through Human Demonstration.
Tracing Dependencies of Strategy Selections in Agent Design.
Reinforcement Learning for Algorithm Selection.
Language Learning in Large Parameter Spaces.
Situation Awareness with the Limited Visual Attention.
Graph-Based Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering in Structural Databases.
Ontology Integration in XML.
Autonomous Multi-Agent Docking Using Color Segmentation.
Using Pattern Databases to Find Macro Operators.
Knowledge Representation on the Internet: Achieving Interoperability in a Dynamic, Distributed Environment.
An Adaptive Planner Based on Learning of Planning Performance.
Graph Based Concept Learning.
Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition Using WordNet.
MURDOCH: Publish/Subscribe Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Agents.
Using Anytime Planning for Centralized Coordination of Multiple Robots in Real-Time Dynamic Environments.
System that Identifies Writers.
Incremental and Distributed Learning with Support Vector Machines.
Automated Learning of Pricing and Bundling Strategies in Information Economies.
A Methodology for Modeling and Representing Expert Knowledge that Supports Teaching-Based Intelligent Agent Development.
Mixed-Initiative Reasoning for Integrated Domain Modeling, Learning and Problem Solving.
Heterogeneous Neuron Models Based on Similarity.
Speculative Execution for Information Agents.
Identifying Words to Explain to a Reader: A Preliminary Study.
A Case-Based Reasoning Application for Engineering Sales Support Using Introspective Reasoning.
Rapid Development of a High Performance Knowledge Base for Course of Action Critiquing.
Defining and Using Ideal Teammate and Opponent Agent Models.
AI for the Web - Ontology-Based Community Web Portals.
An Expert System for Recognition of Facial Actions and their Intensity.
A Campus-Wide University Examination Timetabling Application.
Applying Learnable Evolution Model to Heat Exchanger Design.
DMML: An XML Language for Interacting with Multi-Modal Dialog Systems.
Integrating a Spoken Language System with Agents for Operational Information Access.
ICARUS: Intelligent Content-Based Retrieval of 3D Scene.
Exploiting a Thesaurus-Based Semantic Net for Knowledge-Based Search.
The TheaterLoc Virtual Application.
The Emergence Engine: A Behavior Based Agent Development Environment for Artists.
LifeCode™ - A Natural Language Processing System for Medical Coding and Data Mining.
PTV: Intelligent Personalised TV Guides.
Nurse Rostering at the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong.
Assentor®: An NLP-Based Solution to E-mail Monitoring.
SciFinance: A Program Synthesis Tool for Financial Modeling.
Depth-First Branch-and-Bound versus Local Search: A Case Study.
A* with Partial Expansion for Large Branching Factor Problems.
Asynchronous Search with Aggregations.
Divide-and-Conquer Frontier Search Applied to Optimal Sequence Alignment.
Preference-Based Search for Scheduling.
Change Detection in Heuristic Search.
Speeding up the Convergence of Real-Time Search.
Localizing A*.
Dynamic Representations and Escaping Local Optima: Improving Genetic Algorithms and Local Search.
Multi-Fidelity Robotic Behaviors: Acting with Variable State Information.
Appearance-Based Obstacle Detection with Monocular Color Vision.
Monte Carlo Localization with Mixture Proposal Distribution.
Coordination for Multi-Robot Exploration and Mapping.
A Method for Clustering the Experiences of a Mobile Robot that Accords with Human Judgments.
Property Mapping: A Simple Technique for Mobile Robot Programming.
Active Audition for Humanoid.
Performance Comparison of Landmark Recognition Systems for Navigating Mobile Robots.
Gridworlds as Testbeds for Planning with Incomplete Information.
RealPlan: Decoupling Causal and Resource Reasoning in Planning.
An Iterative Algorithm for Synthesizing Invariants.
Extracting Effective and Admissible State Space Heuristics from the Planning Graph.
TCBB Scheme: Applications to Single Machine Job Sequencing Problems.
From Causal Theories to Successor State Axioms and STRIPS-Like Systems.
Solving a Supply Chain Optimization Problem Collaboratively.
Graph Construction and Analysis as a Paradigm for Plan Recognition.
A Logic for Planning under Partial Observability.
Discovering State Constraints in DISCOPLAN: Some New Results.
Open World Planning in the Situation Calculus.
Planning as Satisfiability in Nondeterministic Domains.
Iterative Flattening: A Scalable Method for Solving Multi-Capacity Scheduling Problems.
Learning Subjective Adjectives from Corpora.
Social Choice Theory and Recommender Systems: Analysis of the Axiomatic Foundations of Collaborative Filtering.
Predicting and Adapting to Poor Speech Recognition in a Spoken Dialogue System.
The Automatic Interpretation of Nominalizations.
Estimating Word Translation Probabilities from Unrelated Monolingual Corpora Using the EM Algorithm.
Statistics-Based Summarization - Step One: Sentence Compression.
Preserving Ambiguities in Generation via Automata Intersection.
Class-Based Construction of a Verb Lexicon.
Cognitive Status and Form of Reference in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction.
The Rules Behind Roles: Identifying Speaker Role in Radio Broadcasts.
Translating with Scarce Resources.
A Quantitative Study of Small Disjuncts.
Restricted Bayes Optimal Classifiers.
Unsupervised Learning and Interactive Jazz/Blues Improvisation.
Empirical Evaluation of a Reinforcement Learning Spoken Dialogue System.
Toward a Theory of Learning Coherent Concepts.
Multivariate Clustering by Dynamics.
A Mutually Beneficial Integration of Data Mining and Information Extraction.
Selective Sampling with Redundant Views.
Intuitive Representation of Decision Trees Using General Rules and Exceptions.
Learning the Common Structure of Data.
ATMOSPHERE - Automatic Track Mining and Objective Satellite Pattern Hunting System Using Enhanced RBF and EGDLM.
Recognizing End-User Transactions in Performance Management.
Localizing Search in Reinforcement Learning.
Information Extraction with HMM Structures Learned by Stochastic Optimization.
Boosted Wrapper Induction.
Generalizing Boundary Points.
A Unified Bias-Variance Decomposition for Zero-One and Squared Loss.
Automatic Invention of Integer Sequences.
ADVISOR: A Machine Learning Architecture for Intelligent Tutor Construction.
Towards Feasible Approach to Plan Checking under Probabilistic Uncertainty: Interval Methods.
Semantics and Inference for Recursive Probability Models.
Bayesian Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems.
On the Recognition of Abstract Markov Policies.
STA: Spatio-Temporal Aggregation with Applications to Analysis of Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena.
GeoRep: A Flexible Tool for Spatial Representation of Line Drawings.
Describing Rigid Body Motions in a Qualitative Theory of Spatial Regions.
Modeling Actions with Ramifications in Nondeterministic, Concurrent, and Continuous Domains - and a Case Study.
Execution of Temporal Plans with Uncertainty.
What Sensing Tells Us: Towards a Formal Theory of Testing for Dynamical Systems.
cc-Golog: Towards More Realistic Logic-Based Robot Controllers.
An Interval Algebra for Indeterminate Time.
Disjunctive Temporal Reasoning in Partially Ordered Models of Time.
(De)Composition of Situation Calculus Theories.
PROMPT: Algorithm and Tool for Automated Ontology Merging and Alignment.
Dynamic Ontologies on the Web.
Using Prior Knowledge: Problems and Solutions.
Computing Circumscriptive Databases by Integer Programming: Revisited.
Total Knowledge.
Solving Advanced Reasoning Tasks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas.
Towards a Logic-Based Theory of Argumentation.
A Flexible Framework for Defeasible Logics.
A Conjunctive Query Language for Description Logic Aboxes.
A Consistency-Based Model for Belief Change: Preliminary Report.
Answering Queries Using Views over Description Logics Knowledge Bases.
Sampling Methods for Action Selection in Influence Diagrams.
Back to the Future for Consistency-Based Trajectory Tracking.
Making Rational Decisions Using Adaptive Utility Elicitation.
Decision-Theoretic, High-Level Agent Programming in the Situation Calculus.
Compilability of Abduction.
Tractable Classes for Directional Resolution.
The Complexity of Restricted Consequence Finding and Abduction.
Memory-Based Forecasting for Weather Image Patterns.
Dynamic Case Creation and Expansion for Analogical Reasoning.
Assessing Relevance with Extensionally Defined Principles and Cases.
An Efficient Global-Search Strategy in Discrete Lagrangian Methods for Solving Hard Satisfiability Problems.
MarketSAT: An Extremely Decentralized (but Really Slow) Algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability.
Local Search Characteristics of Incomplete SAT Procedures.
Integrating Equivalency Reasoning into Davis-Putnam Procedure.
A Distributed Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae.
On 2-SAT and Renamable Horn.
Redundancy in Random SAT Formulas.
A Demand-Driven Algorithm for Generating Minimal Models.
Solving the Round Robin Problem Using Propositional Logic.
Generating Satisfiable Problem Instances.
Interactive Training for Synthetic Characters.
Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Tracking and Recognition of Human Hand.
Generation of Ideologically-Biased Historical Documentaries.
Predicting UNIX Command Lines: Adjusting to User Patterns.
Acquiring Problem-Solving Knowledge from End Users: Putting Interdependency Models to the Test.
Predicting Future User Actions by Observing Unmodified Applications.
Human-Guided Simple Search.
On Pruning Techniques for Multi-Player Games.
Combining Knowledge and Search to Solve Single-Suit Bridge.
The Game of Hex: An Automatic Theorem Proving Approach to Game Programming.
Using Auxiliary Variables and Implied Constraints to Model Non-Binary Problems.
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction.
Local Search with Constraint Propagation and Conflict-Based Heuristics.
DATALOG with Constraints - An Answer-Set Programming System.
Counting Models Using Connected Components.
Visual Event Classification via Force Dynamics.
Reading a Robot's Mind: A Model of Utterance Understanding Based on the Theory of Mind Mechanism.
Modeling Classification and Inference Learning.
Anchoring Symbols to Sensor Data: Preliminary Report.
A Self-Organizing Neural Network for Contour Integration through Synchronized Firing.
Self-Organization of Innate Face Preferences: Could Genetics Be Expressed through Learning?
Robust Combinatorial Auction Protocol against False-Name Bids.
Collective Intelligence and Braess' Paradox.
Some Tractable Combinatorial Auctions.
Improved Algorithms for Optimal Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions and Generalizations.
Preventing Strategic Manipulation in Iterative Auctions: Proxy Agents and Price-Adjustment.
Iterative Combinatorial Auctions: Theory and Practice.
Agent Capabilities: Extending BDI Theory.
Maintainability: A Weaker Stabilizability Like Notion for High Level Control.
An Algorithm for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions.
Deliberation in Equilibrium: Bargaining in Computationally Complex Problems.
Semantics of Agent Communication Languages for Group Interaction.
Cobot in LambdaMOO: A Social Statistics Agent.
A Mechanism for Group Decision Making in Collaborative Activity.
Solving Combinatorial Auctions Using Stochastic Local Search.
Non-Deterministic Social Laws.
Coordination Failure and Congestion in Information Networks.
Inter-Layer Learning Towards Emergent Cooperative Behavior.