
acl 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, Berlin, Germany, August 11, 2016.

Inferring Morphotactics from Interlinear Glossed Text: Combining Clustering and Precision Grammars.
A Multilinear Approach to the Unsupervised Learning of Morphology.
Morphotactics as Tier-Based Strictly Local Dependencies.
Towards robust cross-linguistic comparisons of phonological networks.
Towards a Formal Representation of Components of German Compounds.
Morphological Segmentation Can Improve Syllabification.
Predicting the Direction of Derivation in English Conversion.
Read my points: Effect of animation type when speech-reading from EMA data.
Automatic Detection of Intra-Word Code-Switching.
Letter Sequence Labeling for Compound Splitting.
The Columbia University - New York University Abu Dhabi SIGMORPHON 2016 Morphological Reinflection Shared Task Submission.
MED: The LMU System for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task on Morphological Reinflection.
Using longest common subsequence and character models to predict word forms.
Evaluating Sequence Alignment for Learning Inflectional Morphology.
Improving Sequence to Sequence Learning for Morphological Inflection Generation: The BIU-MIT Systems for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection.
Morphological reinflection with conditional random fields and unsupervised features.
Morphological Reinflection via Discriminative String Transduction.
EHU at the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task. A Simple Proposal: Grapheme-to-Phoneme for Inflection.
Morphological reinflection with convolutional neural networks.
The SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task - Morphological Reinflection.
Mining linguistic tone patterns with symbolic representation.