
acl 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the 10th Linguistic Annotation Workshop held in conjunction with ACL 2016, LAW@ACL 2016, August 11, 2016, Berlin, Germany.

Creating a Novel Geolocation Corpus from Historical Texts.
Annotating the discourse and dialogue structure of SMS message conversations.
Applying Universal Dependency to the Arapaho Language.
Generating Disambiguating Paraphrases for Structurally Ambiguous Sentences.
Phrase Generalization: a Corpus Study in Multi-Document Abstracts and Original News Alignments.
Conversion from Paninian Karakas to Universal Dependencies for Hindi Dependency Treebank.
Dependency Annotation Choices: Assessing Theoretical and Practical Issues of Universal Dependencies.
Part of Speech Annotation of a Turkish-German Code-Switching Corpus.
Focus Annotation of Task-based Data: Establishing the Quality of Crowd Annotation.
A Corpus of Preposition Supersenses.
Evaluating Inter-Annotator Agreement on Historical Spelling Normalization.
Addressing Annotation Complexity: The Case of Annotating Ideological Perspective in Egyptian Social Media.
Different Flavors of GUM: Evaluating Genre and Sentence Type Effects on Multilayer Corpus Annotation Quality.
Comparison of Annotating Methods for Named Entity Corpora.
Filling in the Blanks in Understanding Discourse Adverbials: Consistency, Conflict, and Context-Dependence in a Crowdsourced Elicitation Task.
Supersense tagging with inter-annotator disagreement.
Annotating Spelling Errors in German Texts Produced by Primary School Children.
A Discourse-Annotated Corpus of Conjoined VPs.
Converting SynTagRus Dependency Treebank into Penn Treebank Style.
Annotating the Little Prince with Chinese AMRs.
Building a Cross-document Event-Event Relation Corpus.