
acl 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Vision and Language, hosted by the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, VL@ACL 2016, August 12, Berlin, Germany.

Detecting Visually Relevant Sentences for Fine-Grained Classification.
Text2voronoi: An Image-driven Approach to Differential Diagnosis.
"Look, some Green Circles!": Learning to Quantify from Images.
Multi30K: Multilingual English-German Image Descriptions.
Exploring Different Preposition Sets, Models and Feature Sets in Automatic Generation of Spatial Image Descriptions.
Building a Bagpipe with a Bag and a Pipe: Exploring Conceptual Combination in Vision.
Pragmatic Factors in Image Description: The Case of Negations.
Interactively Learning Visually Grounded Word Meanings from a Human Tutor.
Natural Language Descriptions of Human Activities Scenes: Corpus Generation and Analysis.
Leveraging Captions in the Wild to Improve Object Detection.
Focused Evaluation for Image Description with Binary Forced-Choice Tasks.
Combining Lexical and Spatial Knowledge to Predict Spatial Relations between Objects in Images.
Automatic Annotation of Structured Facts in Images.