
acl 2016 论文列表

Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop, Berlin, Germany, August 7-12, 2016.

A Personalized Markov Clustering and Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Text Categorization.
Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes.
QA-It: Classifying Non-Referential It for Question Answer Pairs.
An Efficient Cross-lingual Model for Sentence Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network.
Suggestion Mining from Opinionated Text.
Unsupervised Authorial Clustering Based on Syntactic Structure.
Putting Sarcasm Detection into Context: The Effects of Class Imbalance and Manual Labelling on Supervised Machine Classification of Twitter Conversations.
From Extractive to Abstractive Summarization: A Journey.
Graph- and surface-level sentence chunking.
Improving Dependency Parsing Using Sentence Clause Charts.
An Investigation on The Effectiveness of Employing Topic Modeling Techniques to Provide Topic Awareness For Conversational Agents.
A Dataset for Joint Noun-Noun Compound Bracketing and Interpretation.
Singleton Detection using Word Embeddings and Neural Networks.
Robust Co-occurrence Quantification for Lexical Distributional Semantics.
Arabizi Identification in Twitter Data.
Improving Topic Model Clustering of Newspaper Comments for Summarisation.
Significance of an Accurate Sandhi-Splitter in Shallow Parsing of Dravidian Languages.
Improving Twitter Community Detection through Contextual Sentiment Analysis.
Generating Natural Language Descriptions for Semantic Representations of Human Brain Activity.
Identifying Potential Adverse Drug Events in Tweets Using Bootstrapped Lexicons.
Dependency Forest based Word Alignment.
Controlled and Balanced Dataset for Japanese Lexical Simplification.