
acl 2011 论文列表

Proceedings of Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, SSST@ACL 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, 23 June, 2011.

A General-Purpose Rule Extractor for SCFG-Based Machine Translation.
A Semantic Feature for Statistical Machine Translation.
Combining statistical and semantic approaches to the translation of ontologies and taxonomies.
Utilizing Target-Side Semantic Role Labels to Assist Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation.
Automatic Category Label Coarsening for Syntax-Based Machine Translation.
Improving MT Word Alignment Using Aligned Multi-Stage Parses.
A Dependency Based Statistical Translation Model.
Reestimation of Reified Rules in Semiring Parsing and Biparsing.
Improving Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation with Smoothed Priors and Syntactic Features.
An Evaluation and Possible Improvement Path for Current SMT Behavior on Ambiguous Nouns.
Multi-Word Unit Dependency Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction.
Incorporating Source-Language Paraphrases into Phrase-Based SMT with Confusion Networks.
Semantic Mapping Using Automatic Word Alignment and Semantic Role Labeling.
Structured vs. Flat Semantic Role Representations for Machine Translation Evaluation.
Automatic Projection of Semantic Structures: an Application to Pairwise Translation Ranking.