
cikm 2008 论文列表

10th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2008), Napa Valley, California, USA, October 30, 2008.

Supporting the automatic construction of entity aware search engines.
Online selection of parameters in the rocchio algorithm for identifying interesting news articles.
Personalized ranking for digital libraries based on log analysis.
Boosting the ranking function learning process using clustering.
Quantify music artist similarity based on style and mood.
Granular modeling of web documents: impact on information retrieval systems.
Web content summarization using social bookmarks: a new approach for social summarization.
Nereau: a social approach to query expansion.
Modeling the mashup space.
From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and back -: how did your grandma use to tag?
Approximating query completeness by predicting the number of answers in DHT-based web applications.
HiPPIS: an online P2P system for efficient lookups on d-dimensional hierarchies.
Information retrieval from digital libraries in SQL.
High-performance priority queues for parallel crawlers.
A comparison of techniques for estimating IDF values to generate lexical signatures for the web.
The effect of title term suggestion on e-commerce sites.
A study of the relationship between ad hoc retrieval and expert finding in enterprise environment.
PIXSAR: incremental reclustering of augmented XML trees.
Automatic wrapper induction from hidden-web sources with domain knowledge.
Event detection with common user interests.