
cikm 2008 论文列表

DOLAP 2008, ACM 11th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, Napa Valley, California, USA, October 30, 2008, Proceedings.

Bridging the semantic gap in OLAP models: platform-independent queries.
Semantic enrichment of strategic datacubes.
A framework for recommending OLAP queries.
Natural language reporting for ETL processes.
Solving summarizability problems in fact-dimension relationships for multidimensional models.
Estimating and bounding aggregations in databases with referential integrity errors.
Efficient OLAP with UDFs.
Improving estimation accuracy of aggregate queries on data cubes.
A set of aggregation functions for spatial measures.
Transaction reordering with application to synchronized scans.
Data mining-based fragmentation of XML data warehouses.
Histogram-aware sorting for enhanced word-aligned compression in bitmap indexes.