
cikm 2014 论文列表

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval, ESAIR '14, Shanghai, China, November 7, 2014.

Exploiting Inference from Semantic Annotations for Information Retrieval: Reflections From Medical IR.
A Fragment-Based Similarity Measure for Concept Hierarchies and Ontologies.
Bringing Head Closer to the Tail with Entity Linking.
Leverage the Associations between Documents, Subject Headings and Terms to Enhance Retrieval.
Using Semantic Role Labeling to Predict Answer Types.
Semantic Annotation with RescoredESA: Rescoring Concept Features Generated From Explicit Semantic Analysis.
A Probabilistic Concept Annotation for IT Service Desk Tickets.
AIDA-Social: Entity Linking on the Social Stream.
Can Corpus Similarity-Based Self-Annotation Assist Information Retrieval?
Towards Named-Entity-based Similarity Measures: Challenges and Opportunities.
Documents Search Using Semantics Criteria.
Linking to Web Knowledge Bases and Applications to Web Search.
Semantic Search at Yahoo!