cikm 2017 论文列表
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2017, Singapore, November 06 - 10, 2017.
Additional Workshops Co-located with CIKM 2017.
SMASC 2017: First International Workshop on Social Media Analytics for Smart Cities.
IDM 2017: Workshop on Interpretable Data Mining - Bridging the Gap between Shallow and Deep Models.
Overview of the 4th HistoInformatics Workshop.
POOLSIDE: An Online Probabilistic Knowledge Base for Shopping Decision Support.
ClaimVerif: A Real-time Claim Verification System Using the Web and Fact Databases.
Query and Animate Multi-attribute Trajectory Data.
Interactive Analytics System for Exploring Outliers.
CleanCloud: Cleaning Big Data on Cloud.
Blockchain-based Data Management and Analytics for Micro-insurance Applications.
Hierarchical Module Classification in Mixed-initiative Conversational Agent System.
Product Exploration based on Latent Visual Attributes.
StreamingCube: A Unified Framework for Stream Processing and OLAP Analysis.
IMaxer: A Unified System for Evaluating Influence Maximization in Location-based Social Networks.
Storyfinder: Personalized Knowledge Base Construction and Management by Browsing the Web.
An Interactive Framework for Video Surveillance Event Detection and Modeling.
TaCLe: Learning Constraints in Tabular Data.
SemDia: Semantic Rule-Based Equipment Diagnostics Tool.
Urbanity: A System for Interactive Exploration of Urban Dynamics from Streaming Human Sensing Data.
Public Transportation Mode Detection from Cellular Data.
AliMe Assist : An Intelligent Assistant for Creating an Innovative E-commerce Experience.
Exploring the Veracity of Online Claims with BackDrop.
SemVis: Semantic Visualization for Interactive Topical Analysis.
Metacrate: Organize and Analyze Millions of Data Profiles.
SemFacet: Making Hard Faceted Search Easier.
Interactive System for Reasoning about Document Age.
HyPerInsight: Data Exploration Deep Inside HyPer.
Rapid Analysis of Network Connectivity.
SummIt: A Tool for Extractive Summarization, Discovery and Analysis.
SimMeme: Semantic-Based Meme Search.
CoreDB: a Data Lake Service.
VizQ: A System for Scalable Processing of Visibility Queries in 3D Spatial Databases.
PODIUM: Procuring Opinions from Diverse Users in a Multi-Dimensional World.
Knowledge-based Question Answering by Jointly Generating, Copying and Paraphrasing.
Cluster-level Emotion Pattern Matching for Cross-Domain Social Emotion Classification.
Local Ensemble across Multiple Sources for Collaborative Filtering.
Missing Value Learning.
RATE: Overcoming Noise and Sparsity of Textual Features in Real-Time Location Estimation.
Spectrum-based Deep Neural Networks for Fraud Detection.
Low-Rank Matrix Completion over Finite Abelian Group Algebras for Context-Aware Recommendation.
SERM: A Recurrent Model for Next Location Prediction in Semantic Trajectories.
Bayesian Heteroscedastic Matrix Factorization for Conversion Rate Prediction.
Attentive Graph-based Recursive Neural Network for Collective Vertex Classification.
MultiSentiNet: A Deep Semantic Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis.
Learning to Rank with Query-level Semi-supervised Autoencoders.
JointSem: Combining Query Entity Linking and Entity based Document Ranking.
Common-Specific Multimodal Learning for Deep Belief Network.
Conflict of Interest Declaration and Detection System in Heterogeneous Networks.
Session-aware Information Embedding for E-commerce Product Recommendation.
Algorithmic Bias: Do Good Systems Make Relevant Documents More Retrievable?
Simulating Zero-Resource Spoken Term Discovery.
Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping Co-Clustering.
An Empirical Study of Community Overlap: Ground-truth, Algorithmic Solutions, and Implications.
Unsupervised Feature Selection with Heterogeneous Side Information.
Integrating Side Information for Boosting Machine Comprehension.
Using Knowledge Graphs to Explain Entity Co-occurrence in Twitter.
A Study of Feature Construction for Text-based Forecasting of Time Series Variables.
Semantic Annotation for Places in LBSN through Graph Embedding.
Improving the Gain of Visual Perceptual Behaviour on Topic Modeling for Text Recommendation.
A Temporal Attentional Model for Rumor Stance Classification.
Collecting Non-Geotagged Local Tweets via Bandit Algorithms.
Visualizing Deep Neural Networks with Interaction of Super-pixels.
Sentence Retrieval with Sentiment-specific Topical Anchoring for Review Summarization.
How Safe is Your (Taxi) Driver?
Soft Seeded SSL Graphs for Unsupervised Semantic Similarity-based Retrieval.
SIMD-Based Multiple Sets Intersection with Dual-Scale Search Algorithm.
Denoising Clinical Notes for Medical Literature Retrieval with Convolutional Neural Model.
Hybrid MemNet for Extractive Summarization.
Knowledge Graph Embedding with Triple Context.
pm-SCAN: an I/O Efficient Structural Clustering Algorithm for Large-scale Graphs.
Integrating the Framing of Clinical Questions via PICO into the Retrieval of Medical Literature for Systematic Reviews.
When Labels Fall Short: Property Graph Simulation via Blending of Network Structure and Vertex Attributes.
Revealing the Hidden Links in Content Networks: An Application to Event Discovery.
Recipe Popularity Prediction with Deep Visual-Semantic Fusion.
A Way to Boost Semi-NMF for Document Clustering.
An Improved Test Collection and Baselines for Bibliographic Citation Recommendation.
Combining Local and Global Word Embeddings for Microblog Stemming.
A Collaborative Ranking Model for Cross-Domain Recommendations.
TATHYA: A Multi-Classifier System for Detecting Check-Worthy Statements in Political Debates.
Deep Neural Networks for News Recommendations.
Robust Heterogeneous Discriminative Analysis for Single Sample Per Person Face Recognition.
Enhancing Knowledge Graph Completion By Embedding Correlations.
Boolean Matrix Decomposition by Formal Concept Sampling.
Collaborative Sequence Prediction for Sequential Recommender.
Accurate Sentence Matching with Hybrid Siamese Networks.
Collaborative Topic Regression with Denoising AutoEncoder for Content and Community Co-Representation.
J-REED: Joint Relation Extraction and Entity Disambiguation.
Paraphrastic Fusion for Abstractive Multi-Sentence Compression Generation.
Identifying Top-K Influential Nodes in Networks.
Learning Entity Type Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion.
Analyzing Mathematical Content to Detect Academic Plagiarism.
Predicting Short-Term Public Transport Demand via Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes.
Hierarchical RNN with Static Sentence-Level Attention for Text-Based Speaker Change Detection.
Task Embeddings: Learning Query Embeddings using Task Context.
Online Expectation-Maximization for Click Models.
Learning Temporal Ambiguity in Web Search Queries.
Automatic Catchphrase Identification from Legal Court Case Documents.
Truth Discovery by Claim and Source Embedding.
SEQ: Example-based Query for Spatial Objects.
Exploiting User Consuming Behavior for Effective Item Tagging.
TICC: Transparent Inter-Column Compression for Column-Oriented Database Systems.
An Enhanced Topic Modeling Approach to Multiple Stance Identification.
Learning Graph-based Embedding For Time-Aware Product Recommendation.
Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing for Multi-label Image Retrieval.
Alternating Pointwise-Pairwise Learning for Personalized Item Ranking.
Structural-fitting Word Vectors to Linguistic Ontology for Semantic Relatedness Measurement.
Computing Betweenness Centrality in B-hypergraphs.
IDAE: Imputation-boosted Denoising Autoencoder for Collaborative Filtering.
A Robust Named-Entity Recognition System Using Syllable Bigram Embedding with Eojeol Prefix Information.
Machine Learning based Performance Modeling of Flash SSDs.
Semantic Rules for Machine Diagnostics: Execution and Management.
Ranking Rich Mobile Verticals based on Clicks and Abandonment.
A Framework for Estimating Execution Times of IO Traces on SSDs.
An Ad CTR Prediction Method Based on Feature Learning of Deep and Shallow Layers.
Ontology-based Graph Visualization for Summarized View.
KIEM: A Knowledge Graph based Method to Identify Entity Morphs.
A Communication Efficient Parallel DBSCAN Algorithm based on Parameter Server.
Graph Ladder Networks for Network Classification.
Fast K-means for Large Scale Clustering.
Smart City Analytics: Ensemble-Learned Prediction of Citizen Home Care.
Source Retrieval for Web-Scale Text Reuse Detection.
Interest Diffusion in Heterogeneous Information Network for Personalized Item Ranking.
An Euclidean Distance based on the Weighted Self-information Related Data Transformation for Nominal Data Clustering.
Tracking the Impact of Fact Deletions on Knowledge Graph Queries using Provenance Polynomials.
Inferring Appliance Energy Usage from Smart Meters using Fully Convolutional Encoder Decoder Networks.
Geographic and Temporal Trends in Fake News Consumption During the 2016 US Presidential Election.
QoS-Aware Scheduling of Heterogeneous Servers for Inference in Deep Neural Networks.
Privacy of Hidden Profiles: Utility-Preserving Profile Removal in Online Forums.
An Empirical Study of Embedding Features in Learning to Rank.
Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Character-Word Mixed Embedding.
On Discovering the Number of Document Topics via Conceptual Latent Space.
Efficient Fault-Tolerant Group Recommendation Using alpha-beta-core.
Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment.
Estimating Event Focus Time Using Neural Word Embeddings.
Analysis of Telegram, An Instant Messaging Service.
Unsupervised Matrix-valued Kernel Learning For One Class Classification.
Text Coherence Analysis Based on Deep Neural Network.
An Empirical Analysis of Pruning Techniques: Performance, Retrievability and Bias.
Modeling Opinion Influence with User Dual Identity.
Summarizing Significant Changes in Network Traffic Using Contrast Pattern Mining.
Text Embedding for Sub-Entity Ranking from User Reviews.
Compact Multiple-Instance Learning.
Language Modeling by Clustering with Word Embeddings for Text Readability Assessment.
PMS: an Effective Approximation Approach for Distributed Large-scale Graph Data Processing and Mining.
Detecting Social Bots by Jointly Modeling Deep Behavior and Content Information.
Learning Biological Sequence Types Using the Literature.
A Compare-Aggregate Model with Dynamic-Clip Attention for Answer Selection.
Profiling DRDoS Attacks with Data Analytics Pipeline.
A Neural Collaborative Filtering Model with Interaction-based Neighborhood.
Extracting Entities of Interest from Comparative Product Reviews.
A Novel Approach for Efficient Computation of Community Aware Ridesharing Groups.
Citation Metadata Extraction via Deep Neural Network-based Segment Sequence Labeling.
Understanding Engagement through Search Behaviour.
Optimizing Email Volume For Sitewide Engagement.
Predicting Startup Crowdfunding Success through Longitudinal Social Engagement Analysis.
Returning is Believing: Optimizing Long-term User Engagement in Recommender Systems.
Hike: A Hybrid Human-Machine Method for Entity Alignment in Large-Scale Knowledge Bases.
Emotions in Social Networks: Distributions, Patterns, and Models.
Nationality Classification Using Name Embeddings.
Tone Analyzer for Online Customer Service: An Unsupervised Model with Interfered Training.
Incorporating the Latent Link Categories in Relational Topic Modeling.
A Two-Stage Framework for Computing Entity Relatedness in Wikipedia.
Automatic Navbox Generation by Interpretable Clustering over Linked Entities.
Efficient Discovery of Ontology Functional Dependencies.
Exploiting Electronic Health Records to Mine Drug Effects on Laboratory Test Results.
Minimizing Dependence between Graphs.
Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Top-k Densest Subgraphs.
Core Decomposition and Densest Subgraph in Multilayer Networks.
HIN2Vec: Explore Meta-paths in Heterogeneous Information Networks for Representation Learning.
Learning Edge Representations via Low-Rank Asymmetric Projections.
Representation Learning of Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs via Entity Feature Combinations.
An Attention-based Collaboration Framework for Multi-View Network Representation Learning.
Deep Context Modeling for Web Query Entity Disambiguation.
Learning to Attend, Copy, and Generate for Session-Based Query Suggestion.
From Query-By-Keyword to Query-By-Example: LinkedIn Talent Search Approach.
Interactive Spatial Keyword Querying with Semantics.
Minimizing Tension in Teams.
Discovering Graph Temporal Association Rules.
Active Network Alignment: A Matching-Based Approach.
Relaxing Graph Pattern Matching With Explanations.
NeuPL: Attention-based Semantic Matching and Pair-Linking for Entity Disambiguation.
Content Recommendation by Noise Contrastive Transfer Learning of Feature Representation.
Multi-Label Feature Selection using Correlation Information.
Unsupervised Feature Selection with Joint Clustering Analysis.
Distant Meta-Path Similarities for Text-Based Heterogeneous Information Networks.
Semi-Supervised Event-related Tweet Identification with Dynamic Keyword Generation.
SOPER: Discovering the Influence of Fashion and the Many Faces of User from Session Logs using Stick Breaking Process.
HotSpots: Failure Cascades on Heterogeneous Critical Infrastructure Networks.
Health Forum Thread Recommendation Using an Interest Aware Topic Model.
Capturing Feature-Level Irregularity in Disease Progression Modeling.
FA*IR: A Fair Top-k Ranking Algorithm.
DeMalC: A Feature-rich Machine Learning Framework for Malicious Call Detection.
Building a Dossier on the Cheap: Integrating Distributed Personal Data Resources Under Cost Constraints.
HoloScope: Topology-and-Spike Aware Fraud Detection.
Sybil Defense in Crowdsourcing Platforms.
A Neural Candidate-Selector Architecture for Automatic Structured Clinical Text Annotation.
Words are Malleable: Computing Semantic Shifts in Political and Media Discourse.
A Matrix-Vector Recurrent Unit Model for Capturing Compositional Semantics in Phrase Embeddings.
A Topic Model Based on Poisson Decomposition.
BayDNN: Friend Recommendation with Bayesian Personalized Ranking Deep Neural Network.
A Personalised Ranking Framework with Multiple Sampling Criteria for Venue Recommendation.
Interacting Attention-gated Recurrent Networks for Recommendation.
Joint Representation Learning for Top-N Recommendation with Heterogeneous Information Sources.
Recommendation with Capacity Constraints.
A Deep Recurrent Collaborative Filtering Framework for Venue Recommendation.
Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation.
Broad Learning based Multi-Source Collaborative Recommendation.
Latency Reduction via Decision Tree Based Query Construction.
Indexable Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Efficient Top-k Recommendation.
Active Learning for Large-Scale Entity Resolution.
Sequence Modeling with Hierarchical Deep Generative Models with Dual Memory.
QALink: Enriching Text Documents with Relevant Q&A Site Contents.
MIKE: Keyphrase Extraction by Integrating Multidimensional Information.
Unsupervised Concept Categorization and Extraction from Scientific Document Titles.
Taxonomy Induction Using Hypernym Subsequences.
Partitioning Orders in Online Shopping Services.
Data Driven Chiller Plant Energy Optimization with Domain Knowledge.
Understanding Database Performance Inefficiencies in Real-world Web Applications.
A Two-step Information Accumulation Strategy for Learning from Highly Imbalanced Data.
Tweet Geolocation: Leveraging Location, User and Peer Signals.
Understanding and Predicting Weight Loss with Mobile Social Networking Data.
Social Media for Opioid Addiction Epidemiology: Automatic Detection of Opioid Addicts from Twitter and Case Studies.
Weakly-Guided User Stance Prediction via Joint Modeling of Content and Social Interaction.
Name Disambiguation in Anonymized Graphs using Network Embedding.
Privacy Aware Temporal Profiling of Emails in Distributed Setup.
Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Deep Learning with Application to Human Activity Recognition.
From Fingerprint to Footprint: Revealing Physical World Privacy Leakage by Cyberspace Cookie Logs.
Differentially Private Regression for Discrete-Time Survival Analysis.
Fine-grained Patient Similarity Measuring using Deep Metric Learning.
DiagTree: Diagnostic Tree for Differential Diagnosis.
A Personalized Predictive Framework for Multivariate Clinical Time Series via Adaptive Model Selection.
CNN-IETS: A CNN-based Probabilistic Approach for Information Extraction by Text Segmentation.
DeepHawkes: Bridging the Gap between Prediction and Understanding of Information Cascades.
Augmented Variational Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering with Auxiliary Information.
Deep Learning Based Forecasting of Critical Infrastructure Data.
FM-Hawkes: A Hawkes Process Based Approach for Modeling Online Activity Correlations.
On Migratory Behavior in Video Consumption.
Volume Ranking and Sequential Selection in Programmatic Display Advertising.
Forecasting Ad-Impressions on Online Retail Websites using Non-homogeneous Hawkes Processes.
Modeling Menu Bundle Designs of Crowdfunding Projects.
Hyper Questions: Unsupervised Targeting of a Few Experts in Crowdsourcing.
Budgeted Task Scheduling for Crowdsourced Knowledge Acquisition.
Crowdsourcing Cybersecurity: Cyber Attack Detection using Social Media.
Movie Fill in the Blank with Adaptive Temporal Attention and Description Update.
Multi-Task Neural Network for Non-discrete Attribute Prediction in Knowledge Graphs.
Length Adaptive Recurrent Model for Text Classification.
Learning Knowledge Embeddings by Combining Limit-based Scoring Loss.
Spreadsheet Property Detection With Rule-assisted Active Learning.
Tracking Knowledge Proficiency of Students with Educational Priors.
Modeling Student Learning Styles in MOOCs.
Collaborative Filtering as a Case-Study for Model Parallelism on Bulk Synchronous Systems.
Smart Infrastructure Maintenance Using Incremental Tensor Analysis: Extended Abstract.
Tensor Rank Estimation and Completion via CP-based Nuclear Norm.
Coupled Sparse Matrix Factorization for Response Time Prediction in Logistics Services.
Maintaining Densest Subsets Efficiently in Evolving Hypergraphs.
FUSION: An Online Method for Multistream Classification.
Stream Aggregation Through Order Sampling.
BoostVHT: Boosting Distributed Streaming Decision Trees.
MGAE: Marginalized Graph Autoencoder for Graph Clustering.
To Be Connected, or Not to Be Connected: That is the Minimum Inefficiency Subgraph Problem.
Highly Efficient Mining of Overlapping Clusters in Signed Weighted Networks.
BL-ECD: Broad Learning based Enterprise Community Detection via Hierarchical Structure Fusion.
A Fast Trajectory Outlier Detection Approach via Driving Behavior Modeling.
Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks using Multi-view Time-Series Hypersphere Learning.
Outlier Detection in Sparse Data with Factorization Machines.
Selective Value Coupling Learning for Detecting Outliers in High-Dimensional Categorical Data.
CSI: A Hybrid Deep Model for Fake News Detection.
iFACT: An Interactive Framework to Assess Claims from Tweets.
Growing Story Forest Online from Massive Breaking News.
Linking News across Multiple Streams for Timeliness Analysis.
Beyond Success Rate: Utility as a Search Quality Metric for Online Experiments.
Adaptive Persistence for Search Effectiveness Measures.
Deep Sequential Models for Task Satisfaction Prediction.
Does That Mean You're Happy?: RNN-based Modeling of User Interaction Sequences to Detect Good Abandonment.
Temporal Analog Retrieval using Transformation over Dual Hierarchical Structures.
Efficient Discovery of Abnormal Event Sequences in Enterprise Security Systems.
Scaling Probabilistic Temporal Query Evaluation.
Covering the Optimal Time Window Over Temporal Data.
ANS-Based Index Compression.
PQBF: I/O-Efficient Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search by Product Quantization.
A Study of Main-Memory Hash Joins on Many-core Processor: A Case with Intel Knights Landing Architecture.
QLever: A Query Engine for Efficient SPARQL+Text Search.
Fast and Accurate Time Series Classification with WEASEL.
Finding Periodic Discrete Events in Noisy Streams.
Detecting Multiple Periods and Periodic Patterns in Event Time Sequences.
Fast Word Recognition for Noise channel-based Models in Scenarios with Noise Specific Domain Knowledge.
A Non-negative Symmetric Encoder-Decoder Approach for Community Detection.
Community-Based Network Alignment for Large Attributed Network.
Temporally Like-minded User Community Identification through Neural Embeddings.
GPU-Accelerated Graph Clustering via Parallel Label Propagation.
Talking to Your TV: Context-Aware Voice Search with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks.
Regularized and Retrofitted models for Learning Sentence Representation with Context.
Hybrid BiLSTM-Siamese network for FAQ Assistance.
Similarity-based Distant Supervision for Definition Retrieval.
Exploiting Spatio-Temporal User Behaviors for User Linkage.
Spatiotemporal Event Forecasting from Incomplete Hyper-local Price Data.
Modeling Temporal-Spatial Correlations for Crime Prediction.
Scenic Routes Now: Efficiently Solving the Time-Dependent Arc Orienteering Problem.
Modeling Affinity based Popularity Dynamics.
LARM: A Lifetime Aware Regression Model for Predicting YouTube Video Popularity.
Efficient Document Filtering Using Vector Space Topic Expansion and Pattern-Mining: The Case of Event Detection in Microposts.
Bringing Salary Transparency to the World: Computing Robust Compensation Insights via LinkedIn Salary.
Communication-Efficient Distributed Skyline Computation.
Probabilistic Skyline on Incomplete Data.
Fast Algorithms for Pareto Optimal Group-based Skyline.
Efficient Computation of Subspace Skyline over Categorical Domains.
Learning Node Embeddings in Interaction Graphs.
Attributed Network Embedding for Learning in a Dynamic Environment.
Learning Community Embedding with Community Detection and Node Embedding on Graphs.