
emnlp 2009 论文列表

Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2009, 6-7 August 2009, Singapore, A meeting of SIGDAT, a Special Interest Group of the ACL.

Latent Document Re-Ranking.
Chinese Novelty Mining.
K-Best Combination of Syntactic Parsers.
Polynomial to Linear: Efficient Classification with Conjunctive Features.
Phrase Dependency Parsing for Opinion Mining.
Domain adaptive bootstrapping for named entity recognition.
Classifying Relations for Biomedical Named Entity Disambiguation.
Character-level Analysis of Semi-Structured Documents for Set Expansion.
Towards Domain-Independent Argumentative Zoning: Evidence from Chemistry and Computational Linguistics.
Discovery of Term Variation in Japanese Web Search Queries.
Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Shallow Parsing.
Quantifier Scope Disambiguation Using Extracted Pragmatic Knowledge: Preliminary Results.
A Probabilistic Model for Associative Anaphora Resolution.
Construction of a Blog Emotion Corpus for Chinese Emotional Expression Analysis.
Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Relation Classification using Stratified Sampling Strategy.
Using Word-Sense Disambiguation Methods to Classify Web Queries by Intent.
Consensus Training for Consensus Decoding in Machine Translation.
Cross-Cultural Analysis of Blogs and Forums with Mixed-Collection Topic Models.
Detecting Speculations and their Scopes in Scientific Text.
Automatic Acquisition of the.
Convolution Kernels on Constituent, Dependency and Sequential Structures for Relation Extraction.
What's in a name? In some languages, grammatical gender.
Improved Statistical Machine Translation for Resource-Poor Languages Using Related Resource-Rich Languages.
Predicting Subjectivity in Multimodal Conversations.
A Study on the Semantic Relatedness of Query and Document Terms in Information Retrieval.
Supervised Learning of a Probabilistic Lexicon of Verb Semantic Classes.
Human-competitive tagging using automatic keyphrase extraction.
Bayesian Learning of Phrasal Tree-to-String Templates.
Refining Grammars for Parsing with Hierarchical Semantic Knowledge.
On the Use of Virtual Evidence in Conditional Random Fields.
Improving Nominal SRL in Chinese Language with Verbal SRL Information and Automatic Predicate Recognition.
Finding Short Definitions of Terms on Web Pages.
Using Morphological and Syntactic Structures for Chinese Opinion Analysis.
Semi-supervised Speech Act Recognition in Emails and Forums.
Real-Word Spelling Correction using Google Web 1T 3-grams.
Accurate Semantic Class Classifier for Coreference Resolution.
Bilingually-Constrained (Monolingual) Shift-Reduce Parsing.
Fully Lexicalising CCGbank with Hat Categories.
Joint Optimization for Machine Translation System Combination.
Cross-lingual Semantic Relatedness Using Encyclopedic Knowledge.
A Syntactified Direct Translation Model with Linear-time Decoding.
Large-Scale Verb Entailment Acquisition from the Web.
Descriptive and Empirical Approaches to Capturing Underlying Dependencies among Parsing Errors.
Simple Coreference Resolution with Rich Syntactic and Semantic Features.
On the Role of Lexical Features in Sequence Labeling.
Real-time decision detection in multi-party dialogue.
Bidirectional Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation.
A Joint Language Model With Fine-grain Syntactic Tags.
Lattice-based System Combination for Statistical Machine Translation.
The Feature Subspace Method for SMT System Combination.
Empirical Exploitation of Click Data for Task Specific Ranking.
Re-Ranking Models Based-on Small Training Data for Spoken Language Understanding.
Discriminative Substring Decoding for Transliteration.
A Compact Forest for Scalable Inference over Entailment and Paraphrase Rules.
Gazpacho and summer rash: lexical relationships from temporal patterns of web search queries.
Fast Translation Rule Matching for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation.
Sinuhe - Statistical Machine Translation using a Globally Trained Conditional Exponential Family Translation Model.
Weighted Alignment Matrices for Statistical Machine Translation.
Learning Linear Ordering Problems for Better Translation.
Person Cross Document Coreference with Name Perplexity Estimates.
Employing the Centering Theory in Pronoun Resolution from the Semantic Perspective.
Global Learning of Noun Phrase Anaphoricity in Coreference Resolution via Label Propagation.
Supervised Models for Coreference Resolution.
Reading to Learn: Constructing Features from Semantic Abstracts.
Toward Completeness in Concept Extraction and Classification.
Web-Scale Distributional Similarity and Entity Set Expansion.
Hypernym Discovery Based on Distributional Similarity and Hierarchical Structures.
Segmenting Email Message Text into Zones.
Combining Collocations, Lexical and Encyclopedic Knowledge for Metonymy Resolution.
Statistical Estimation of Word Acquisition with Application to Readability Prediction.
Using the Web for Language Independent Spellchecking and Autocorrection.
Polylingual Topic Models.
Multilingual Spectral Clustering Using Document Similarity Propagation.
Bilingual dictionary generation for low-resourced language pairs.
Enhancement of Lexical Concepts Using Cross-lingual Web Mining.
An Alternative to Head-Driven Approaches for Parsing a (Relatively) Free Word-Order Language.
Self-Training PCFG Grammars with Latent Annotations Across Languages.
Parser Adaptation and Projection with Quasi-Synchronous Grammar Features.
Unbounded Dependency Recovery for Parser Evaluation.
A Relational Model of Semantic Similarity between Words using Automatically Extracted Lexical Pattern Clusters from the Web.
Learning Term-weighting Functions for Similarity Measures.
Recognizing Textual Relatedness with Predicate-Argument Structures.
Estimating Semantic Distance Using Soft Semantic Constraints in Knowledge-Source - Corpus Hybrid Models.
Integrating sentence- and word-level error identification for disfluency correction.
Stream-based Randomised Language Models for SMT.
Less is More: Significance-Based N-gram Selection for Smaller, Better Language Models.
Word Buffering Models for Improved Speech Repair Parsing.
Synchronous Tree Adjoining Machine Translation.
Unsupervised Tokenization for Machine Translation.
Discriminative Corpus Weight Estimation for Machine Translation.
Tree Kernel-based SVM with Structured Syntactic Knowledge for BTG-based Phrase Reordering.
A Simple Unsupervised Learner for POS Disambiguation Rules Given Only a Minimal Lexicon.
The infinite HMM for unsupervised PoS tagging.
Unsupervised morphological segmentation and clustering with document boundaries.
Can Chinese Phonemes Improve Machine Transliteration?: A Comparative Study of English-to-Chinese Transliteration Models.
Improving Web Search Relevance with Semantic Features.
Improving Verb Clustering with Automatically Acquired Selectional Preferences.
A Comparison of Windowless and Window-Based Computational Association Measures as Predictors of Syntagmatic Human Associations.
EEG responds to conceptual stimuli and corpus semantics.
Matching Reviews to Objects using a Language Model.
Generating High-Coverage Semantic Orientation Lexicons From Overtly Marked Words and a Thesaurus.
Adapting a Polarity Lexicon using Integer Linear Programming for Domain-Specific Sentiment Classification.
Topic-wise, Sentiment-wise, or Otherwise? Identifying the Hidden Dimension for Unsupervised Text Classification.
Improving Dependency Parsing with Subtrees from Auto-Parsed Data.
Statistical Bistratal Dependency Parsing.
An Empirical Study of Semi-supervised Structured Conditional Models for Dependency Parsing.
Investigation of Question Classifier in Question Answering.
The role of named entities in Web People Search.
Mining Search Engine Clickthrough Log for Matching N-gram Features.
A Structural Support Vector Method for Extracting Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums.
Model Adaptation via Model Interpolation and Boosting for Web Search Ranking.
Multi-Class Confidence Weighted Algorithms.
Collocation Extraction Using Monolingual Word Alignment Method.
Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Multiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies.
Multi-Word Expression Identification Using Sentence Surface Features.
Projecting Parameters for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation.
Joint Learning of Preposition Senses and Semantic Roles of Prepositional Phrases.
Graded Word Sense Assignment.
Language Models Based on Semantic Composition.
Multi-Document Summarisation Using Generic Relation Extraction.
Perceptron Reranking for CCG Realization.
Natural Language Generation with Tree Conditional Random Fields.
A Comparison of Model Free versus Model Intensive Approaches to Sentence Compression.
Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Monolingually-Derived Paraphrases.
Accuracy-Based Scoring for DOT: Towards Direct Error Minimization for Data-Oriented Translation.
Better Synchronous Binarization for Machine Translation.
A Bayesian Model of Syntax-Directed Tree to String Grammar Induction.
Recognizing Implicit Discourse Relations in the Penn Discourse Treebank.
It's Not You, it's Me: Detecting Flirting and its Misperception in Speed-Dates.
Deriving lexical and syntactic expectation-based measures for psycholinguistic modeling via incremental top-down parsing.
Classifier Combination for Contextual Idiom Detection Without Labelled Data.
Automatically Evaluating Content Selection in Summarization without Human Models.
How well does active learning.
Fast, Cheap, and Creative: Evaluating Translation Quality Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Wikipedia as Frame Information Repository.
Geo-mining: Discovery of Road and Transport Networks Using Directional Patterns.
Clustering to Find Exemplar Terms for Keyphrase Extraction.
Labeled LDA: A supervised topic model for credit attribution in multi-labeled corpora.
Entity Extraction via Ensemble Semantics.
Improved Word Alignment with Statistics and Linguistic Heuristics.
Feature-Rich Translation by Quasi-Synchronous Lattice Parsing.
Extending Statistical Machine Translation with Discriminative and Trigger-Based Lexicon Models.
Non-Projective Parsing for Statistical Machine Translation.
Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation.
Sentiment Analysis of Conditional Sentences.
Supervised and Unsupervised Methods in Employing Discourse Relations for Improving Opinion Polarity Classification.
Review Sentiment Scoring via a Parse-and-Paraphrase Paradigm.
A Unified Model of Phrasal and Sentential Evidence for Information Extraction.
Nested Named Entity Recognition.
Generalized Expectation Criteria for Bootstrapping Extractors using Record-Text Alignment.
A Rich Feature Vector for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Multiple Corpora.
Reverse Engineering of Tree Kernel Feature Spaces.
Graphical Models over Multiple Strings.
Efficient kernels for sentence pair classification.
Active Learning by Labeling Features.
Effective Use of Linguistic and Contextual Information for Statistical Machine Translation.
Cube Pruning as Heuristic Search.
Feasibility of Human-in-the-loop Minimum Error Rate Training.
First- and Second-Order Expectation Semirings with Applications to Minimum-Risk Training on Translation Forests.
Semantic Dependency Parsing of NomBank and PropBank: An Efficient Integrated Approach via a Large-scale Feature Selection.
Semi-supervised Semantic Role Labeling Using the Latent Words Language Model.
Graph Alignment for Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling.
Unsupervised Semantic Parsing.