
emnlp 2013 论文列表

Proceedings of TextGraphs@EMNLP 2013: the 8th Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, 18 October 2013, Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA.

A Graph-Based Approach to Skill Extraction from Text.
Graph-based Approaches for Organization Entity Resolution in MapReduce.
Automatic Extraction of Reasoning Chains from Textual Reports.
Graph-Structures Matching for Review Relevance Identification.
Understanding seed selection in bootstrapping.
From Global to Local Similarities: A Graph-Based Contextualization Method using Distributional Thesauri.
Graph-Based Unsupervised Learning of Word Similarities Using Heterogeneous Feature Types.
Reconstructing Big Semantic Similarity Networks.
Merging Word Senses.
JoBimText Visualizer: A Graph-based Approach to Contextualizing Distributional Similarity.
Event-Centered Information Retrieval Using Kernels on Event Graphs.