
ijcai 2013 论文列表

Joint Proceedings of the Workshop on AI Problems and Approaches for Intelligent Environments and Workshop on Semantic Cities, AIIP/Semantic Cities@IJCAI 2013, Beijing, China, August 4-5, 2013.

Intention-aware routing to minimise delays at electric vehicle charging stations: the research related to this demonstration has been published at IJCAI 2013 [1].
A computational model for corruption assessment.
On the challenges of balancing privacy and utility of open health data.
Democratizing mobile app development for disaster management.
A semantic approach to retrieving, linking, and integrating heterogeneous geospatial data.
A framework for short-term activity-aware load forecasting.
A motion detection system for video surveillance.
Interdependent multi-issue negotiation for energy exchange in remote communities.
Demand-driven power saving by multiagent negotiation for HVAC control.
Open data for inclusive governance.
Real-life activity recognition: recognizing reading activities.