
naacl 1993 论文列表

Human Language Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA, March 21-24, 1993.

The PENMAN Project on Knowledge-Based Machine Translation.
Natural Language Planning Dialogue for Intelligent Applications.
Natural Language Research.
Text Retrieval and Routing Techniques Based on an Inference Net.
UMass/Hughes TIPSTER Project on Extraction from Text.
DR-LINK: Document Retrieval Using Linguistic Knowledge.
High Performance Speech Recognition Using Consistency Modeling.
A Real-Time Spoken-Language System for Interactive Problem Solving.
CSR Corpus Collection.
Annotation of Atis Data.
Exploiting Concept Spaces for Text Retrieval.
Information Retrieval from Large Textbases.
WORDNET: a Lexical Database for English.
Robust Text Processing and Information Retrieval.
Research in Natural Language Processing.
Pangloss: A Knowledge-based Machine Assisted Translation Research Project - Site.
Diderot: TIPSTER Program, Automatic Data Extraction from Text Utilizing Semantic Analysis.
The Consortium for Lexical Research.
Information Extraction System Evaluation.
NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: Spoken Language Program.
Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding.
Robust Continuous Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary.
Evaluation and Analysis of Auditory Model Front Ends for Robust Speech Recognition Program Summary.
Automatic Extraction of Grammars From Annotated Text.
Applying Statistical Methods to Machine Translation.
MatchPlus: a Context Vector System for Document Retrieval.
SHOGUN- Multilingual Data Extraction for TIPSTER.
Research in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition.
LINGSTAT: an Interactive, Machine-Aided Translation System.
The SMART Information Retrieval Project.
Extracting Constraints on Word Usage from Large Text Corpora.
Spoken-Language Research At Carnegie Mellon.
Segment-Based Acoustic Models for Continuous Speech Recognition.
Evaluating the Use of Prosodic Information in Speech Recognition and Understanding.
Usable, Real-Time, Interactive Spoken Language Systems.
Robustness, Portability, and Scalability of Natural Language Systems.
Robust Continuous Speech Recognition.
Gisting Continuous Speech.
Machine Learning Techniques for Document Filtering.
Speech and Text-Image Processing in Documents.
A Simulation-Based Research Strategy for Designing Complex NL Systems.
Mode preference in a simple data-retrieval task.
An Overview of Dr-Link and its Approach to Document Filtering.
Query Processing for Retrieval from Large Text Bases.
The Importance of Proper Weighting Methods.
Document retrieval and text retrieval.
Perceived Prosodic Boundaries and their Phonetic Correlates.
rosody/Parse Scoring and its Application in ATIS.
A Speech-First Model for Repair Detection and Correction.
Quantitative Modeling of Segmental Duration.
On Customizing Prosody in Speech Synthesis: Names and Addresses as a Case in Point.
Interpretation of Proper Nouns for Information Retrieval.
A Semantic Concordance.
The COMLEX Syntax Project.
Technology Transfer: Problems and Prospects.
Language Research Sponsored by ONR.
Projected Government Needs in Human Language Technology and the RoleoOf Researchers in Meeting them.
Semantic Classes and Syntactic Ambiguity.
Augmenting Lexicons Automatically: Clustering Semantically Related Adjectives.
One Sense per Collocation.
Corpus-Based Statistical Sense Resolution.
Smoothing of Automatically Generated Selectional Constraints.
Hypothesizing Word Association From Untagged Text.
Prediction of Lexicalized Tree Fragments in Text.
Automatic Grammar Induction and Parsing Free Text: A Transformation-Based Approach.
Measures And Models For Phrase Recognition.
Example-Based Correction of Word Segmentation and Part of Speech Labelling.
A Speech To Speech Translation System Built From Standard Components.
Recent advances in JANUS: a speech translation system.
Evaluation of Machine Translation.
But Dictionaries Are Data Too.
An MAT Tool and Its Effectiveness.
LINGSTAT: An Interactive, Machine-Aided Translation System.
Building A Large Ontology For Machine Translation.
Machine Translation.
Efficient Collaborative Discourse: A Theory and Its Implementation.
Generic Plan Recognition for Dialogue Systems.
Indexing And Exploiting A Discourse History To Generate Context-Sensitive Explanations.
Development, Implementation And Testing Of A Discourse Model For Newspaper Texts.
Validation Of Terminological Inference In An Information Extraction Task.
The MURASAKI Project: Multilingual Natural Language Understanding.
Interpreting Temporal Adverbials.
FASTUS: A System for Extracting Information from Text.
Heuristics for Broad-Coverage Natural Language Parsing.
Topic and Speaker Identification via Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition.
Improved Keyword-Spotting Using Sri's Decipher(Tm) Large-Vocabuarly Speech-Recognition System.
Adaptive Language Modeling Using The Maximum Entropy Principle.
On The Use Of Tied-Mixture Distributions.
Identification of Non-Linguistic Speech Features.
Search Algorithms for Software-Only Real-Time Recognition with Very Large Vocabularies.
Progressive-Search Algorithms For Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition.
An Overview of the SPHINX-II Speech Recognition System.
Efficient Cepstral Normalization For Robust Speech Recognition.
Ooverview of TREC-1.
Survey Of The Message Understanding Conferences.
A Bilingual VOYAGER System.
Gemini: A Natural Language System for Spoken-Language Understanding.
The Semantic Linker- A New Fragment Combining Method.
A Portable Approach To Last Resort Parsing And Interpretation.
THE HCRC MAP TASK CORPUS: Natural Dialogue For Speech Recognition.
Multi-Site Data Collection and Evaluation in Spoken Language Understanding.
Benchmark Tests For The Darpa Spoken Language Program.
Overview of the ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop.